CAREER INSIGHT II uni skirted inxesligatmg xour careet prospei Is » Ink- -nil in high M hool. mills ate Nun'll' .1 kl'asOlHT I ikl'NNISl' will'll NUU bill something m eiiil .1 relationship. mu prnbahl 11 -1 I he pins .uni 11 mis on a piece ol pa|vi hl'lllll' Mill ill's Ills' Ri'usihiits an- usuallx nm'II pis'p.iii'il lot change ami can haiulli' il with ci|iiainin11> I low i'n ci. nn lii'ii llii'N is lai mt! a i lunge dial has a high I'liiolional impact. ihex II olk'H IIINoIvi' ihl'IIIM'lvi's 111 something we call pseiiilm hange: a penml ol introspection pnoi to actual chance which soinelimes keeps iliei from changing When Reasoneis are uncasx about an impending change. lor example. I lie s 11 ana In/e, i|uanl11\ and Ihcori/e einlles-l\. neiei haung enough iiilormaiion to make a iiionc Kvfocu\t,r\ aie lask ami coal oiienleil I lies lend to Im a- on die pio|eils al hand an on slimi term benefits When mvnlxeil in a chance. Reloctiserx eoneenliale on achieung lancihle lesulls I hex II persexere ituough al kinds ol distractions and aie unshakeahle under pressure llieir downlall is thex usual); tail io see broader implications In tact. lliis i how Relocusers experience pseudochange: the inoie unrelenting a problem is. die mme fixed Relocuseis become hi their approai h in m * I \ mil’ ii Noelan I i‘« i' w .1 .in ei ononiu s iiuiU'i vvtii> pot cauehl up in pseudo chance 11tlI 111;' till opholuole umi at llu1 1 nnersiis i>I l oloiado She panicked ami divided dial hei 'kills were loo pen eial In IiikI a pood |iih a hen plailualion mill'll atound She ilei uleil In spec lali/e in her lie Id. whi//mg tluouph ever) required coutse Im hei economics ileprec lhen usinp all ol hei electnes on economics as well Us the time she ei.klii.ileil Iasi lall. hei knowlcdpe and mleresls were so narrow dial hei |oh prospects weie lernhle She’s I null n o h dttfieult to si heiiule |oh inlervlews and eslahhsh a lappoil w iili mleivleweis She has smee enrolled in a |oh seal. Ii piojiam In learn how lo widen hei approach Rt'ldlcr\ lo\ e I' * take jxilt . I ties .11 s like research and details, so dies seek Ihe opinions ol professionals, friends tannic memhers and the mail on die street I hese personable chanpemakers aie alscass inleresled in die human il lations as|vi Is ol chance, and dies eel condorlahle bs makme as main contacts as [Mssihle Kclalers .mil Keasonets avoid . hanee in the same vv.iv Moth l'.iiIk'i Ini'. i'l ilal.i Bui ilk Ki.-I.ilci - mcl In ‘ill >U >c > consists ol . i s k 111 cmlless questions ol i>thci' without ac line on the opinions thes \t the heeimniie nl the semester last sprimi, I’am Hansen asked everyone in hei |ki|itieal seienee elass at the l mversity nl (lemma il they thouc'lit she il tlo hetlei in anuthei piolessoi s class. 1 ven thotiuh most nl them s.uil ves. she didn't cel around to ilmppme the .lass in time She spent the entire seinestei in a hassle and ended with three hotusol l ft/\ Acre aie decisis e and .a lion onented I lies like to |uinp ill and attack a problem head on. and are therefore impatient with details I lies often take physical ot mental iisks. sometimes Both, and make meal leaps lorssaril ss hen hie i bailees ale needed I hen eneies and intuition ollen help them handle ch.mee easils lull, when they err. it can l>e a sshoppei Riskers pseudoch.inpe appears estieinely liexihle I hes reenlaily charge head lone into one scheme at let another, olten missme the moment when a project mieht come to I run ton \\ hen |oh hunt me. Kt'keis sc heduli so mans ap(H>mtments that I he \ ic late loi (lie apj>oinlment mattered most \\ hile il - imp*>n.itil to under stand the risks nl chance. tocusmt' on the positiscs is mu*, h limn' prodlktise I tic Inllosvme strategies to! haiiee , an me km no sour v fiances »»l Imdim’ opp*'itiimlv as son hill tiom student statu^ (*> the Milks 1. look at your change from school to career as a gradual transition. \s \ou make sour nurse, sou’ll lint! that sou sc chanced a lot since Inch school and so has the careei sou had m mind sslien sou enteied college loui seals aim I urtticimore, sou and sour vareer held vs ill continue to chance at an increasing late RememfkM that v. ha nee is hoih normal and cood k*i sou I he stimulation keeps sour mind flexible. and the sensation is exhilarating 2. Recognise that your resistance to change is normal. I low would \iiu leel il miu walked min \out room and lound dial even piece id Ini inline and all voui helonumps had been moved ' Aneiv shoi ked. worried mil I used. hap|n 1 II i (lx- rare person who would ' happv e\cn il the newi a 11.111eenienl looked Ix'ttei and ii a ■- more t uni ell lent \Ve all if msI change iihfii in- teal Ihf unknown Sometimes iif it* Mil hi11 a u if in1 if aliaid iif 'll tail it iif tn something new Other timei iif if tile tm what umk even it change iiimid make things Ix'llet Vs a new eiail vou'ie alxmt tn e\|X'ilenee a change that sullen wieiu lung. even though giaduation inaiki muii aeliieiftiifnt nt a sic nitleant lile Sometimes students are so disturbed In the prospect ot this change that ttie\ ereet siibconsi nun harriers I ties tail an fan miirie ill the last semestei. I lie s ehanue majois mid seal, tliei muii up lot eiaduale seIni»il. and sometimes thes even develop an illness that prevents >.lass attendance \nalv/e liovv and win vou mi phi lx' lesni mu change. and vou II 11mi the going becomes imii Ii easier 3. Don't minimize your feelings of loss. Non have a riithl to Icel that vmire losme somethine Vout comtoitahle wav nt hie. mh tal milieu, mutinev> ta^hc and slrm. lute mil all dl'-apiH.-ai I \en it Vim can’t wait to eel out ot mJiooI. the Imalilv ol eiadtiation ( iiiilimii tl aii paw ''