Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 22, Image 41

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By Jatquelyn Wonder & Prisdlla Donovan
Pop quiz time: Which of the following industries
will provide the greatest number of career
opportunities for new college graduates in the
1990s? a. Fast foods, b. Health care services.
c. Telecommunications, d. Convention planning.
II sou ehose leleeoinniiinn ations.
uni J he suone alom: «sith Mi1. ot
more than >5(icolleee‘ stude'iils who
ueic reef nils asked this question in a
sun es I lie health set \ is es lie hi offers
the largest mimlvi ol eaieei options Ini new
eiailv aeeoidine In the t s Itiueaii •>! I alxn
Slatislies. tnllnssed hi s oils eiltlon plannim:
u nil tolevonlinuiiieations aiul Iasi loods tied
liii tlmd
Mod nl 11 - till..lilt alls la- let! 'll lei . nm
itiuilieahons Iveause ue se lead ahnul salel
lite Itumniissioii and tHhei eseilme develop
11K ilts m that held Vel uidilslnal economists
enilsiilei the eateet possibilities in hospital
seii iees es en moie disetse and ehalleneini:
desiemne disease pi nice tine tinilomis lor
hospital petsonnel: selhne luphls llaimnahle.
hin-Uvh malenaU developing uiaikelmp eon
eepts dial lout ness hospital sersiees creatine
desien stialeeies lot saneei treatment centers.
t'i pioiltk me mile released inedis me do
|vnsets set in atHat In e lesseh s
In the eom enlion plaiimiip lield. ness eiad
nates mil lainlscape liaiiinie centeis and eon
\ enlion halls. de'ien and ptndiu e haiinei
inalenals and t teale |oint mai ketine plain
lv I ween airlines. ht»ieis aiul liatle asstxia
hon hi ihi- Iasi foods .ih'ii.t. tllei I! vIt"\ ise
I ll.tl kd in 'll ".Mils 111 li'li : - ■ 11 lal!eUU;'C' .Hill
lll.lki' Mil' II I. 1 U>11 - III I .I'! UlOl II.nil'll'
I lie messaee lu'ii' I' linn In iinulinp soui
i.iii'Cr i'ptii'll' l" onh ihose held' )ou abe.idi
kium abonl ihtouel) l.miili. Iiiend'. I\ oi
ii'lliiu students son'll do \mu i.iicci .i real
it'lSSi'I V ill', Ill'll'.Ill, VI HI I i'i'.ll should be III
ti’lli.iiii tIt' vibis* cmui$:h jo idi'iiti!\ new i .ui'i'i
upi'odunjlls's .1' dies I'HK'IL'I,'
< oinp.mi i i'i iiiiU'i' leeoein/e I he impoi
i.iiii.- "I Hi'sibilits \ sursis "I 'ilium |vi
'uiini-l m.tn.i'ji'i' i.i'i seal iili'iililieii Ilnee
k'.iiliiie "imi'l li.isi's Im ness etaiiuales enlei
in.' die .' I si ivntuis computet 'kills, oral
i onmuinii ,il ions skills .nut lie sibil in
lo bro.iileii nun llimkme aboul poienli.il
^.iieei opiums, dunk about soul siitialion a' a
lien ei.nl as il lelak's to die l.ueet situation
ill. |ob niarkei Mlei esploime esen appliea
ble held Ii v nil- si hii h one' Iv'l inaieh soui
skill' and inteiesls
Ion I home lonsuleied Ins situation i .netu!
l\ ailei eiadualine liom die I msei'ili ol
\\ sunline While sen me lime on die isaitiue
,'l'ol seiei.il itiediial schools, lie mseslip.il
ed i.neeis lelaled lo niednine Ilia! don't
.m Ml) I i, ii ihoiieli he loneed lo be
.1 smecon. Ik' .k copied .1 job with • (link'll, i
I .ibs m I nelcssood. Coin piodiket s ol iik'ili
sal equipment I hornc now installs medical
instruments .il hospitals momtorme e.u li
one. eeltine ideas loi impioscmcnl and
I'm i calls on I he culline c'dt’e ol sureci s
todas Ik- '.i\s with .1 smile I watch the lop
sweeons in ihc counit \ work without mstru
menls I hen I take then eoniinents hac k to out
cm meets loi lelinement It's Imaikiulls and
eiiiotioualK tewardinc. set I don t base the
stress ol aetualls peitormme snipers
I Hillin' this initial stupe ol discovery
esplore all telaicd fields with the notion that
stun skills. b.K kpiuuiul, know leil.ee and inlet
ests will qualils sou lot mans |ohs each
ss itli ereat potential
Research shows that most people assume
one ol loin personalities when piocessmo
chance and ti s me to adapt to it We call them
the loin R s
Krusimrrs aie analstieal people who
appioach ehanpo thouehtlulls Past espettence
and thoioueh icseaich lot in the lu s • ' then
attitudes and (espouses Ihcs ssaiittoundei
stand eseis possible implication ol then deci