rtOOCC<>>OOCCOSC • I '.A . .v : V. ■ Stereo Workshop 1621 I 19th 344-32 12 M l ‘> 6. Srti 10 2 __/ HUGE PRICE M icrocom pn te r Su p port Lab 202 Compuling tVntcr Mond.n I rid.)\ '■) ,1 m. to S p.ill I4(> 4402 Macintosh • Plus • SE • SE/30 mod els / The power to l>e your best. ML University Wyckoff leaves with no regrets By Carrie Dennett Scott Wyckofl former \St'() vice president. s.ihI his sear in office brought surprises disap pointments. sm < i'sms and personal growth. The mental transition to .1 life without \Sl'() mvolvenienl lias been mm b more difficult than imagined Wvckoff said lbs involvement ended when the administration of huh Hades and Shei la Stic kel entered otllc e hist month I realls miss it U se koff said "It's hums when I tame onto campus. I always hail a plate to go the \St O ssas ms job it ssas ms home Whenever I wasn't in < hiss. I ssas in the oftii e It's hard to let go I've invested 12 months into that office, and I go in there and I see othei people kirk and Sheila, occ upying the desks, and it's bard to release I'm glad it's kirk and Sheila because I knoss them and respect them, but it's still a vers possessive tiling for me. the idea that that's Ills office Hart of the difTit ults in seeing ness people o< (ups tile A SI f ) office is wondering linss their polic les will diffet U se koll said I would imagine that it wilt be Vers difficult fol me at times not to sec olid guess them," lie said It's one of the reasons I'm really glad I won't be a student here- nest sear, bee ause I think it would be vers hard to just leave the office and still be at this c ampus and not have the Ivpe of in solsement I did before Uyikoff will graduate with .1 degree 111 politi ixl m lente «lt»t eoinpleting one i lass during snninirt session Hr isn 't surr what In* will lx* do ing . 1111 ■ 1 gradiiiition It's sort of .1 douhli* edged sword N ou n* glad to be done w ith 1 ollege. then son look out and re alize that it sins salt* line you had sour i lassos you had a tin 11 s everything was geared toward earning your degree \ow wh.itv VYvi koff s.ud he is thinking about taking the graduate rei ord csum. and is looking .it different graduate si bools He said he might tr\ to work 111 Salem during the nest legislative session, and might run for po 1 it it al offit e someday on the state or lm al level (K1 glit attei ms offit e ended) 1 sseiit out and drank a lot ol bnei U \ 1 kolt said. Its I nuns you h.ilaiu e that feeling of loss that sou have from not having the position anymore ssith the far t that in .1 sense you're yets free I don't have people to 1 all I don't base appointments to keep, 1 don’t base projei ts to be working on in the stu dent gi is eminent oltu e I ni looking forsvard to taking tsso 01 three months to pist find some svork do some reading 1 vs .int to do and |ust eii|ov Illy summer without having to svorrs about health insurant e the high ei eilui ation budget and i omintinily relations U s • kolt said that oserall, he is pleased ssith boss his seat m otfii.e sveut I think of all the positise things th.it 1 .one out of the \Sl O and the positive things that happened to me this seal and I wouldn't 1 hange a damn thing Uyikoff is pleased ssith the response the AM t ) rei eived from the students this seal espe i iulls the negative feedb.n k It's always great to be told you're doing a good |ob blit I think that breeds 1 oinplat ent y It IS easy for students to turn off to what is go ._. - ■ - i b\ Mark Yl**i• Si alt U w Lull, nuti’iiinf’ AS I ’() vice president, s.iid he finds life without the A SI’() a difficult transition. mg mi around campus and llial sometimes it is nei essary to "stir up the pot a little hit." he said "Pissing people oil is better than nothing." he said " I he anger is at least involvement, and that shiiw s com ern tine of the issues that brought criticism trom students was A SI'() President Andy (dark's and Wvi koff’s endorsement ol mandatorv student health insurant e. an issue that W'u koll said was both one ol Ins personal disappointments and sin i esses Till disappointed bv the tai l that it wasn't re solved at all and by the lact that we couldll t convince enough students that this was the right \\ a\ to go.' he said U \ i koll said nothing has been done to help the students who need health insurant e and that in tai l these students may be hurt it next year's in surance polit \ is w orxe than this year's He believes the insurant.!' issue has been a sut cess, as well. "We generated dialogue about something that had been ignored." One disappointment ol Ins term in office was that he and ( lark weren't able to get out ol the ol live and talk with students more, as the\ had promised during then campaign. U \ t koll said "Reality hits in that you can't do your work it you're not by your phone, or In your desk, or in that office . --ssssasssss* safer©6 0(JS"o-"«'"0'0* SISTERS HELPING SISTERS 1989-1990 VO I UNITE ER SAFERI [ )E D RIVERS MONK \ \ K \KI N V < VKt V Ml Ot I B SIMM B kn \ b ( HKIMIM B MIS! B SM\I V ( 11/ ( l > N I HI \ ( B VKH \k' \ l III I l i oi kim> i> SH UN \ I) I > \ K > I Ht m i) M \R( I \ l> IHtKtSi I) HI WHIR I MK Mil 11 I k \R \ I \l I \ \SI)R A I IX )\l)l I ( \ssll (, II SSII l K (. MIIIC,. \SI )KI \ II [\Slltl H t KIN II SIN \ | I U Kll k Ilf \ I HI K k BUM I ( HKIs I ( MRISIINI I ( ^ Mill \ I I IN \ | SU M N \ I Kill )NI) A 1 |l NNIIIK 1 um m IK U > M I IS \ \ IHIKISA \ IK \( \ O |l SMI I K I’ Sl( ()l I I' (,IS \ I’ \S(.II P < ()l KIM 1 K I ISA K (,l\ \ K kill K |l M R < lllsll R Mil A R II RIS A R K AR \ S ( AIIIIS s KMHIIIS s l AKOIAS S 1 lv\ s SHARI s S\S(> I |l III U Kim \\ S-VI l Kit >1 UniKIIMSG SIM I ASM RUT I 1 AM MOOKt WIIRI A HIGGINS IUSSOS SAHKIPl DISPAU UIKS s \K \ MSSISOIK DON MI) \KSn M \K(, \KI I MOOKI SUM PI ASM Mu< ti \|>pri*< iution lor sour I icin' & Work, M.trs \v;cr \ Kim Viting Salt-ritlt' ( o-l)ir<*t tors \ Support Pfrson \iifttf /u-lmvu LSAT GMAT MCAT GRE Test Your Best! Classes Forming Now p S | VNI I > II k\IM \N 485-5699 FREE DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Kecyclc This Paper