Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 19, Image 39

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Vincent Wo. .1 I O' Xnceli's based i.iieei
counselor I Iteie seems to he .in absolute
eompulsion that one must have success noss
instead ol establishing a solid leionl ss itli one
lint) oi a segment ol an imlnslt\ osei a spend
k ant pet ioil ol nine
\ solid eroundiipc in soul liehl oi disi i
pline is paiantounl It s retaineK eas\ to
iook up a "papei tieci" lesiiine and stall chas
me a heltiei pa\ihei k. loltiei title and eiealei
sisibilils Hut such |oh hopping open esacts
a hea\ \ loll
Mam iikIii idliuls end up in then e.uls tlK
at a dead etui m at loose ends in |ohs loi
vcInch tlici haieii t dei eloped the munaee
mem skills iet|uued to peiloim successfully
s.ii' V'o lie links ill !-■ tailing to os e icon 11
denee loo often people is ho are educated
bright and articulate think that dies need no
additional skills to end up in the eieuilise
suite I lies less lone
In othei ssords. basu ti'i huii a I cot I ipe I e i k e
is a uecessars but msullicii'iil lOinlition loi
adsanceiuenl l omentiale on building a
credible. well-rouiulcil pintesMon.il
loundalion. iIk-m Mvk oppurnmUies to
k-.ulcrship skills Diuvi a luml i.iimm
lui I"i v N.impii'. hi vulunuvi
in In-.i.l
cess in ihc courtroom, lhc> mas become pail
ik'in. prim.nils a marketiiu' arul aiisicors role
Ise t a I k v*»! to lass ser s '.s ho los e the court
room ami don't like the cocktail. rainmaker.
up a iompanv fa-d l"K e
I lus u ill help polish youi
people skills
I he name of the eame
in an\ oi :■ am/at ion is
work me with other peo
pie. sa\ s 1*10 1 IIumes
N . «u k nou w hat \ on v an
<lo \ on i s' 11 hut you need
to km nv it you l an eel oth
eis t(t perlotm and tuncin>n
Know thysell
( .11CCI aspirations l'n n
blind us Iii mu insm ,ipli
liules. likes aiul dislikes
I lone i m'II i'\ ulti.Huni is
llie Ik'sI iciiiciK
I took ,i mil sei% ke |uh
.1' .i 111i.iik i.il anah si u uli
The very
success people
achieve all too
often gets
them into
semoi paiinei i• mi
(iik* sa\ • W il mi
V - mallei flow
llaiiermj: or presti
l'ious. not all oppor
(unities au* toi the
best Itsalvsass
at.Iv jsablc to step
hack and lake a
lot»k sa\ s I)iane
Nuiuiln. iluev. lor ol
( areei ( oimselme
aiul \ssessments
\sstu nates in 1 o•
\neeles I \ aluate
\otu stieneths.
vveaknesses aiul
.•oals llou tlo soui
eoals aiul skills
m.itt h proposed
duties and responsi
hi I il ics
I IK' u'Uu vl I g o \ vl llllltlll
al most right "ill >'l college. .1 Penn Si.He
'i.uluaU- Ah<» nuw Iiwn hi Washington. I)(
It just happened to lv .h the Department of
Delense In .ill honest v. most o| the time I sc
hated w li.U I w as dome
11> keep Ihn career 1110s me. however. this
soung civil servant took whatever promolion
was otteied vv ithoul intieh thought to ss hat the
actual |oh involved I leaeheil a |>omi where I
hateil to >ji» to ssoik because I knew I wasii t
dome a .’ooil joh hes.tss (Juite trunk I v I
was so tar m osei ms head that il it hadn l
been the eoseminent. I prohahlv would base
been tired toi ms I on 1 ups
Such e\|k*rienees show the pit tail's ol the
path ol lea * t lesistaike Serious mlinspechon
requires significant tune and elloit hut it s a
must hetoie acceptin'.’ a promotion ( »et to
know thecaieer path is pic al ot sour proles
sion and ns to project sour own progress and
ties elopment
I sample Most lavs s ers pass through loin
basic caieei -1a.■ e- acconline to K(«hert
W ils.>n dies Ini ot s ih ational OHiiisehne at
( ieoiee Washington l mversitv l ust tiles re
rese.iK her s. then tin s mas he asked t«> oiga
ni/e a else \evt omie' actual woik m the
courtroom I malls, attei evpenencc and sm
Musi i OllipulIX
ess aid systems .lie based mi the lluce t* s
i.t\, presitee .nut peiks None ol these ami
tcnsalc lot problems that deselop it sou pel
ii os cr sour lu'.lit. In HUM-1 Nm . .in mimes
ms job s.ilat.u linn
It mhi arcii"t hupps in soul |ob .uni man
ecinenl il.uiuli’s a promotion m trout ot sour
si's sou mas be li'inplal In sue U as a ss as
ml s.is-. laras J ('eikesich a WushiniMon.
) ( basal pss i boh >eisl and cured i on use lot
before sou commit, bossesei. ask sourselt
Is it svDrill more pas to be miserable I lie
ms »nn I mallei it sou pl.u e souisell m an
mpossible position In lacl. il mas result in
ess mones oserall Ixvausc it som peilor
nance is lackine. sou mas lose som |ob
I ike pas. posver is anolliei enticement dial
an line soune prolessionals into positions lor
cInch thes re ill Milled "li's a qiic'siion ol
slietliei sum priorities aie external ot inter
i.il. sas s Panick I ani!lais. direcloi ol the
)ensei Center loi Careei and I lie
ilaiiaeement " I hose echo are preoccupied
i iih die external place loo much emphasis on
. Ullltllli il ‘ "I /’il c’l