Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 18, Image 38

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IlH kill‘d will'll !lu \ .»pph Mv. tkkl Ilk
H] i.tkc over the depaitmenl that I u.in
■ jk-ilnu* m nu'i im head I sen se it
H u .is a tk'.kls tik-lint’ Mia*! p« 'Mlntiled
S™1 mvselt pcfkkth. nevei leallv think
iin.’ ahem how I would perlomi it I aelualk
’I *l till- slot
Ilk- sjvaki’i i-' .1 l ms k i - its «'■ Mu liman
v. heiitislf\ eiad mm weikine lei a lame
IH-Iieil hasikl phaiiiku kiitk al him I kss than
two months altki heme made ikpailnuMil
head. Ik- was demoted lei peel pklleimaikk
and returned to his tonnei wotk , ieup I hat
m ilsell \kiMi t se had. hk s.os li was los
me face at the emipans that hint
Il sou I (link this I'- .in isolated case think
.uMiii t orpoiate \nici k a has alss as s hat
bored its share o| ssihilil tv sswndetkmdei
ssho tut oil niok' than thus could chess
Indeed. I auteikc I IVlei crWalh/ed the phe
noiiH’non m 1W> \s ith Ins uoss famous I’etei
Principle In .i hieiaicIn. individuals teiul to
me to then leseK ot mcomjvteike
Particular l\ susceptible aie haul chaiemc
ness eiaduales ss hose eoal is to distance them
selves from the dreaded "entis lesel label as
ijukkis as possible Net esen loi the less
dt is oi. as online the I’etei l’i iik iple lequiies a
balaik in:’ .kt < >n the ('lie hand is the need toi
piomotions and iik leased responsibilities. on
Not to
Get in Over
By Michael F. Kastre
Among the hazards of the fast track
is the risk of being promoted
beyond your level of competence
thi' olhei, tile danger ol oveisteppine vow
alldllV In lie Ilk' |ob 1‘eillups tin- best kill In
: Ilk' nlll ptOVi'th He l.lll'Ull Vl ll.lt soil VS Isll
Im bi\ .him- mui iniL’ht eet it
ManaeemetU likes tn idenlilv sueeesstul
pt'npli' at .1 lowet level, no mattei vvli.it (tie
lie Kl s.iv s ( hat lev 11 times a pmtessoi ol
11miisi l.a editsalum at \ npuna I’olvteelime
liislitule anil State l niveisitv in Blaekshuip
lliev lee I that bei ause inuve been sik s ess
lul at a lower level, vou should be sueeesslul
at a hieher lev el
lo avoid the penis ol a ptemalure promo
lion . aieei experts recommend thiee courses
ol nelion I stablish a solid track leeonl; be
honest with voursel! about vour slrciljdhs.
weaknesses and developmental needs and
learn to sav no w ithout i Insme the dom on
lutuie oppoilumties
Real ouomplishmenli
’()ne hie pit tall w nil aeeiessive voune pro
lessionals is that lliev tend lo live lot tmluv
and lad to establish a bask Itaek leiotd sav s