CAREER INSIGHT Iistemne to .ul\ ia' Jill! .k Ini/ i'll III A Ilk .1 # 2. Develop a presentation that demonstrates your personal pride. Walk sii.m'ht. keep si'lli lu\ul up shake hands lirinK ami establish esc contas i sshenever you are in a ions creation Speak quiells set ss nil cons letion and ilon t be aliaul In sas ss hat s mi belies e Meiilmslik to eimneet ssitli Inline leaileis Slims tliat sou i ssoiths ol eonsiileialion # 3. Be willing to accept failure os easily os you accept success. I earn trout you! mistakes Build the stieiiL'tli needed to Its ae.un bs .ai. lulls es.iinininu sslial ssent ssione and ss licit sou could have done dittercntls to base guaranteed a more sin i esslul outcome It possible, seek help bom som mentors Iheii pel spies use s an help sou klenlils emu - caused In sour mexpeiienee. aimelv or naisete # 4. If someone says the race is five miles, be ready to run 10. In most instances. yon sail ncvci tv loo pieparcsl Recoem/c that pc< .pU‘ who ha. control over the preparation pro., ess has e significant mtlueiise over the lesnlts ot then etlorls lake tune to understand as mans alternatives to a problem or assignment a. possible Prepare toi whalevei question- .on miehl receive troin yom mentoi yout I'o-- an audience 01 your peels # 5. Recognize thot many of your friends and relatives, as well as your mentor, may not understand your need to excel. I ook to -i.ihlish lelalionslnps with people who undeistand yout drive and determination file piocess ot huildine new relationships works hand m hand w ith identity me new mentors While some ot the 11lends you make w ill he colleagues i likely yom same aye. manv will he older mote evperieiked aiul in a position to take sou undei then win.- Void potential mentors who patroili/e you and youi career plans # 6. Travel as much as possible. You lli.n have already idenlitied tiavel as to your development In ultendmc a college away troin home I vpericncme otliei htestvles and cultures broadens your perspective and evposes you to evcitme new possibilities, both m vour caieei and in your pci si m a I life It also can attract the attention ot fellow travelers w ilhin the company Many mentoi relationships bcean when |umoi CIliploM'CN sealed IlCVl * ‘ * 111C11 mole senior collcauuc-s on lone iliuhis (In a piadieu I Hole muiiueme lhe schedulin'.1 ami loeisiics ol Havel will mljuove com business sax \ x and help xml earn malimlx laslei than othei leicnl eiailuales # 7. Be persistent and flenible. I Vi iplc u ho pel si ,| ,|e\ elop ■ i lain ill their lielils lastei Ilian those xxlio settle loi secoikl best I line i' on vom sule. so use it to keep plueeme uxx u\ at sow eoals \lso ilemoiistiale \oui llevihdilv xx hen appropnate It a potential menioi simplx is too luisv to help ilon l else up I ovale auotliei. pethaps more suitable menioi ami stall aeain Shi'xx me 11vxibi111s. also o important xxhen ret eix me a men!, n advice a . It-a• Iliujimbothum a human it .otirt at Vitional Senm . 'iiilm loi ( orp ill Santa i iii’ Nexx bu ot be llevible. inakme them muv li easier to Haul and i ullix ate lie sax -. Don 1 tv die haul headed etception * 8. Work to develop a sincere, honest and trustworthy reputation. Vs liclhct .1 memhci nl -i 111 ! nl oriMiu/alinii hi .1 new employee st unit In \lllll SS Ill'll .Hill USHIll plaSIIIC C,IIIICs in.hi.' mentor for e> llidi tiiMii.idu imp il to .motliei uii bruit: disaster .mil the loss ol two t!listed friends I earn to personds sincerity .md honesty m sour tel.ilioii'lnps w ith otheis ( oncenu.ile on dome sour |oh ellicienlls .md thoiouetils. .md I. e.e p !l. L # 9. Monitor your health carefully. I lie qu.ilits ol som health open dictates som ahilits to mtplemeitt tile olliei mi i, t tin ,i I kills I'.ts all. 'll ion !, ‘ ill diet andeveisise regularly tat least tssice a sseeki It w ill unpiose the quality ol soul personal present.ilii >n in terms ol hoth phy appeal.nice and menial sharpness * 10. Set realistic career goals. I tils is a tun i.d skill to des lop \\ 11 lion! a career map. ness ei.iduat. a.m dull aimlessly lioin one fob to anolhei otten pulled I's little more than all impie as e nil ol a la • • a pass ties k M.'iitoi sai. ol 111 help ' hen flies don’t knoss lioss sou them to help Sour Inst goal inieht he to entnpleh a hnel It assessment ol the pres unis nine skills to see lioss sou measure up I Ilk - SOU III t Hfl ilk' III skill .HIM Stull Ik'lssm k "I III, lilt ’I sllll ill's flop llUtUlalls k , pm .' llu- t milk's lion .ilis lIn. nit'll ilk' seals ilk ii becomes as impoii.iiil as labi I'.liin m i tit H i 'i.ilimoliip it- M Hill.i I f.l|V. illlfs lOI Ol Ills' s .11 s't'I SS'I S It s'' I lilies' ,it 11.ii s .ml I ms t'i sils Sllisl.'iil ■ .11 f ss s'11 .Itls iss'sl lo ks's'p ill lolls 11 a nil llui a liti lus s' i.iks'ti ilk' inn ■ m as s* ilk iii -ooil oils is s- she sas s I hose iiienlors .ns- mis'!esls'sl in soul progress ansi ssill likely Ik' sstlhiu' lo hel|’ .team anil ae.tin ihroneh Ssun s.iift i K.'.ofiii/s she a.ltls mils a brief meeliiu: m eonscisalion A lit' I iik-nis u ,, 'III.I S lull ' ' ills' s oil! . ' ol St HU pel son,11 ol ties lopineiil I )i-s elopii!.' , i ills al pel -i skills ss til help sou carnet the tespesl anil atlniiialiou ol people holli in .iiitl mil ol Ihe blisiiies sstnIt 1 ( ippmliiiHlies Im pei oiial and 11nails ml fiossth besmitl ss soil belies ed possible alt' ss ill erne i e I s ei s on ss ants lo he a . .. ialt-tI ss uli a ss iniii'i 1 li.H s hois you ss ill be ps'iieisi'll sslien sou master these 1(1 nnjy»>itant kill Mi Biewsiei is president ol Boston based l S Biewstci & Co a management consulting him specializing in marketing and sales