CAREER INSIGHT \ a Miphiimou' iiu|i>imL’ hi I Mai 1 JaiiK - InhiM w.i- lu\ iiu' .c ii.iiil tinu' .!,. ulm.1 “ii .i - .ii- ' i p.illi 11 sva^cipiaih iiHi’i 1'slv‘ii in psvcftt'loiis. p\ychiati\ and neuioMiil'i'iv. hul he duiii I kitins eiiou'.'h ahnul lie a i>i kme In ; “I I'KilesMiinals in Iluisr luiih In |!.K I . Mu h.n'! /. i I’li I > .null'll 'll I In M Ml." t . "iiiiu Inm I »> • )■ "iiu li ii \ -.-'H'd iiK-iih" i'IIcin i'uelk-ill insiphls .mil inn.nlik li.'ii' l" people hieliei up. Ik- s.i\' , i 1: ( Hl.llillll, I -1.111" ' IL-11.111. ."1 I i|' I ) A. ill .1 i . 1.1' . Ill,‘Ill'll III.1 K'l.lllilll'llip. A Ilk Il . lllllllU. ill'll 111*) V ill ' ii-,.iiiiiiiL-mlatioii "i I . imu' l"i viu pu-Mik-nl /// inaie .hi inteHieent , hou, In help him cv .11 Hate •a IlK ll dlM iphiie he-t >niK'il hi' permit,ihl\ aiul i .nee! pulv 11'I’m went in ■ i 111 first ship was lii' vehiti'l s .ilniiiiii relations >*11it e. w lieu- lie i (implied a h't nl iniliiei eiadiiale■■ w"ikiHe m the three ptnle"iotis IP. , iintai tine them. Ik' hoped to pain lii'tlund exposure in eaeh held \ltei ui.ikiue a tew telephone iall'. I "hut idenlilied alumni in all tinee prolc'sions w ho impht help, ilk hiding the i htel residenl ol neuiosui eel v .t majoi Baltnnme hospital ! Ik K'Mik'lII ik'seiltvd .1 line «eek internship in vs Im.Ii students eould spend spi ill:' bleak sludnk III:' linn, k-.iinmp .ill the) eould .ikml the spei mil) \\ illi llle leviilenl ■■ help. !ohm applied Ini and reieived the internship \VI !..bin was mv impressed In his espeiieike that lie v.Ilaneeil 111' iiiaini ei.uluated pie med ami i' iiau enrolled in the nemolnev pioeiam at a I’liil.ulelplna medk al m Ininl I he k me .>n the eake Ini Iul'ill w a'tile peiMinal relationship he had established kith all .k eomplislted ptolessional. someone vs ho would maintain a kaklitul eve inei Ins caieei ti»i veals in some \lti ai tine the nippntl and en. mil aeeinenl n! Attracting a Mentor By Lawrente S. Brewster voipoiaU' Icdi wiin 101 s In icalit>. bosses, i * I ilc* i workers ami Iannis tuciuN all hue .sinpiv- problems ol then own I ew have the liiiu' ■»! nulmalion to solut'Hcei then support luxe 10 iv 1‘iniMai fames robin uiitierslivod tins print, tplf 11* vtulu t it .ill lui Ins parents to suiteesi .1 Incml m neuiosiimcit lie itttin l ieh on the i areei plat eineni oil ice lo male h him up s\ ilh tonnei eiads I le look ilk* ollensis e. searching oui potential meniors K»ni! betoie illtkiu.ilion, and de\ elopun: skill*' on his oss n lhal would help him ini in the respec i * 'I menloi v ihiouehoul his t aieei 1 here’n no iniuiantee lhal \ou II lv able to atlia*. I .1 menloi \h»>.! pe<»ple d<>n I Kul iheie o .1 ss us to set up a sell menlonne pioeiam lhal L’lealU ilk leases sow odds I he idea is lo create a piocess uheie \ou deselop business skills uulepeiulenllv ss hiIt* sou seek lo attiacl one oi nioie senior maiiaeei s ss ho can provide specific caieei ads it e and encouragement Ten critical skills 111 help SOU develop ilk qualities needed to alttacl the aik'iitnm o! mentors, examine the loliowing I u 1.1 meal skills I ,k ll skill "II Its OW II 1 tan repiesent a eouipiehensise area <*1 leal nine In some s ases. > i>u max want to read literature "i take a eouise t" help sou I'tiild knowledge in an aiea where \oiii skills haven't deseloped as mile!) a' \"U would like #1. Learn how to listen. Ne\ei iiilenupt others tvloie tires have eonipleled then eoiiiinenls I hat is a sure span ot iminatunts I ook loi opporluiiilies to demonstrate ipioti*s\uMuK in \♦ >m caicci Ik*Ul i** live Kims o! monliMuii.' l! s a L’icat was l*» k-am .iKuil a vompans - uns|'H»kcH iiik'v ssluk‘ Ik'lpiinj \t>111 caKVl piopicss al a sleuth Kill ll (Illl'sH I IIIIIH' lllslh 11to olii-M. college Mudems naiielv assume p.1 a ei I it I meiiloi like -o mam Ohi Vkan Keuol’is. ,ue ciailme to lurn lliern mlo \ou if listening cai'OiulK h\ summari/m ' whal lho poison has said Ivtoiv adding soui I hou fills \t» one is u 111111!<< iiuiiloi a "know il all i\hodofsn 1 appaai interested in