CAREER INSIGHT nI.ii |K'il»Miners opeiatc 11 meh athletes. eoupu from team in i» lIn Ih‘n( ImaiK ul ileal II \oiu spoils sueh as lonlhall, wheie .it a pailieiil.u position ami eh like Inv a n nt . am m seaieh ot ‘njo\ team \ iHi spec i.ili/e h v in a well C\v\ UU'll pus \ i HI mi'jlit Iv best stiiiol to ilk1 >|X\ l.lllAll UK ) itOl t .u y <'I .in .u .nlcmy In school. um u' piobabk \ CIA v • Mis*. H'lh «>t \ t >111 t >u it .’! aJcs hui enjoy j'.lllk IJ'.lt 111.' Ill task forces ami croup assignments. I In>sc in c luhs sti i v e !<> hi in ami Jo thiiii s loi ilk* eooJ of the 11>up In sports, you nueht piclci mk c ci ot !.K I" » team sports w Ik* Iv.* \ I Hi IkVi 1 l<' kiww how lO plav .1 lUlllltv! *>1 positions nil ilk I Iv-111 allti wlleiC ulolN IS less pmh.thk In .in .u .uienik settme sou le pinhahls moie coikeiikul with yom eiotip s overall ei.ule than with soui own Nmi have a Mtvd !o tv Ion i; Si>niK,nk,kl licsi. ntvs tlm-.. u11 .1 !«»i th. *i non I Ik .voinell \ simpK f»»i ilk* inherent ill 11 k tills I here s no loom loi .1 ilie.unef m .1 toilless, he •a\ • I hose unleil toi llie lorlie .' like 11k* leiiee ol 1 e.m.iiieme ihe s\siem I he ae.idems .mu v In h |\ jH-s w 01 k a 11 Inn (r i« s\ stem I Ik Ki\c*hj|| team plavvis like* to ^ ir.iU‘ (hen n s\ stem ufu'it* (here is no s\ siem .it .ill Sjvucei ( leilieiils. .m \l K \ student .il Kue I niveiMU in Houston ’ol .1 . ood look .11 hmisc li vim in.* internships .it h.unmell ( it "A ( ' ,nnl \i itiui I > I mi In. Ivl* • i I !■ Ili.llil 11 I ' II i I o >. i \ A M I in . ! K \ \Hoi th 11 AOlkino I .1 i t i'tr., i .il M.ii.illit mi I )i| ( o . ho -I, . nlo.l .i 1' ! lull ic.un is vs Ik*ic ho Ivl*Mips I know I u «mi ! In ml* • i i\ pi .ii , . >! p* m t tu'ii whoioiltov mo • mi I ho h.k k allot siv moiilhs oi ,» vo.ii .mN.s l otm.' '(.i*ill.lit' 11«>iii I hum v h.t f. n In I ,i nun h ihlloiont ooik hision about hoisoll Sin ilili no, I in pilhh, i l.ih* Mi ,i! \1 : i v hi ( * ‘iilimu