CAREER INSIGHT haiilei \s .i tuiin.m resources man.iMci lui j WesiPt mil Pcpp Ilk . .1 I oilune UK.) appaiel in.mul.k turoi Ik-.u k jll.ll l ft I mi ilk' \ulk'\ Ik'l i esp. mimI' IiIims iik In I u '! . Ik 111:' I > 'lie ee Ml Ik1' h 1 k "i -ll.‘ !“ lliis ijuk-i 11>iiimim11\ ll i .in be a h uimIi sell I he biMc’esI pii'hk'in in k\ uni him students here is i>\ ei i online then k'.n ol boredom. i>l has ine ahst>ltik'l\ nothin:' In it.' .iltei sunk .mil on weekends sass Will ah ,i \k I I’"ml name Social animals who need lots ol ,ii 11\ 111cs lo he happs even it ihe> re good poleniial employees, aien ! eandidales H to vvoik here lor us I I lies |iisl uuuliln I Loi I I. >IIM Ik HIM III (Ills ■ environmeni I r<'in mial (ic*>i .11 1" lira Iowa comliclds 1.1 ilia ( aliliirma desalt companies located 111 small towns lai I rum iha hi min Irnhts ot ihc hie ails shale a recruitini! problem I low lo idculds n w eraduates who aia both c|iialdied 101 iha |oh and sinlad lo live in a communit) mine akin l< i Mas ban s Ilian Ma11l1all.111 Sludenls 11s mt lo decide w hale lo lamu h then careers lace an ei|ualls inmhlesome chore Dozens ol I nmne ''i H1 comi'.inies tetiuil collcee students to w 01 k in out ot the was locations \nd thousands ol jobs are tilled hs new er.uluales each \e.n at medium and small companies based in isolated communities I lie dilemma foi students pattictilarls those used to big citv lite. i' wliethei dies sail be happv living in a small town \ rural |oh opportumtv mas otlei challenge, icspotisibililv a competitive salats and a low .‘>st of liv mg but little else Weekends otteu .ik* spent i'll the 11 Mil. ilm me U> visit It lends .11 ui rel.itiscs I)ei iilim; as heie to cat out is ease, since the choices I> pieallv taupe I foil) List too.l n>in!s to small .Inters In olhei wolds accepting .1 job in .1 small tosni isn t ,t deeisioti to he made hehtls I 01.1l people ms aee heir ate eithei m.lined 01 m .1 ddleient soei.d elique sime inos! ssoih in blue .oil.11 |ohs lusl the fast that 1 we.ti .1 tie esets means I'm an outsidei to them, and tiles don't like outsideis uni. h -as s \1 k (»inet an a. > omiiine inaiol at \11hu111 I mseisils sslio .s a leeiilited bs U -stl'oint I’. ppeiee last seal I born m V a l.ises ami eiess up in U111111I1 haul Mab.ima laieest .H\ ... I talk las! and don’t has e a this k as. ent I hat means most people are suspicious o! me trom the start. I’l riel 'I '■ n ! Ill Or t.U Iris prompted him In aivepl his S Ufl 0 III |llh Ills' SI/S' Hi t lu' , ompaiis, llu- area's loss s t>st ol lu i n r .1 n si a gif 111 ic- nil Its iiir |iiM 4(J link's assas Ml eoinhined. tin's vs s'i s’ enough ol a reason lo Ins in llns area- hr saw Mtei almost a seal however Piuel is leads lo move on Right now I in lookin'.’ lo ntos e ss ilhin the s oinpans to \ll.inla or I i i r n i in s' hair i His dailv lunch routine is one ot hums reasons I \ I \ Mon, lav a. _• Mot upturn I > ■ lor fish Vi dne-de . ■ Men, an das ' a I ill' lieu ■ hme Me\u an iestanrant1 Ihursdavs ae eat hai Ivs in aiM I liesilas s ami I I idav s ss c choose between MeDonahl'. Huryei Kine and \\ aids ■ Its tlu- end ol the week, we've hit eveiv lesianianl m town, he |! I don t spend another das workiiic m a small town. I d he happv Ho I’oweis has a diHerein jsei spective \ native ol ( tpehka \ I a . (list 'll miles west ot West I’omt. I’osvers sass small town hie suits him itist line I mills ties have a lot to do with me not wanting to move awav. and (lie ouldoot activities here are eteat. sas s I’oweis a lios State I mveiMtv etaduateand shill supetsisoi in Wc'tl’omt I’eppetell s ( olunihtis, (la . mill. \n av id hunter, vvaterskiet and Inker. Howers ..iss theie s no place he'd rathei live He even shuns trecfiient tups to \tlanta loi shopping a staple amone mans WeslHoml emplosees \tlanta i nothine hut conciele and Hattie, and I Imd enough shopping places around heic Hi iv at' lakes a beating Hetllaps the biec'est misconception anion, students alvout small-town lesidenls is that “You're not going to Ethiopia, but life definitely will be different” thes he some ho sc thii of folk It sviih the lest ill thessorld ( able IV makes mik ih.i! doesn't happen People Hu.ili'il hundieds of miles liom the next l.ueest lossn ssaleh ihe same |Mi ,u l Imse li \ in/ m C hu .1 .■<- ■ 0 I 1" V vlc> in. hull 1 k' MIS aiul \i .'iik ■ I hill \n,l hip maita/incs ilon 1 tcsirict thou miI'xi. 1 iplioiix lo In:' 1 Hies although mans give that appearance I li.- real dilleieiu 0 hetsscen small aiul laicc town then, un i sophistication but the nature ol peisonal lelationsllips In an urban settine relationships aie mostls seeoiulais lo ,u Its ill 's In a uiral ens iioimient, r I at ion ships are pi limit s I s ersone hnoss s everytme .a .c sas s 11. me1 las lias htol a rural sociologist n! the l mseisitv ol (ieoieia ll s more laid hack m a small lossn. bill that iliamatu.ills atk\ is |>l IS .u'A I "I .1 Ih'SS .'! Htill.lle tints ini' i»• .1 small loss n. iho v hallciiL’c is IviIV;1 .u v epieil hs V Ufl-v’lll lOMilcnis ss llhtUll v e. atise thes leel (lies sail make an impact, as Sams Noth, pla.ement directoi at the I nisetsits ol Iowa Slis or otherss ise mtroseiteii eia.luates, on the other hatui. leml to hase a much lonelier time eclltnc settle.I m a small town It you ilon'i make Inemls quic kls ami aten t adaptable ot open to new ideas, smu espetiemi oilkl b. a sc till, case Haehlel. 'i.ui could he met ss ith hostility unless sou slims openness. tnemllmess ami a sell r a.limn ; “ u./jt /