Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 10, Image 30

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Dim Lights, Small Town
By Tony Lee
Accepting a job in a
rural community
probably means
lots of responsibility,
low costs...and deadly
dull weekends
ll ' .ini'ilia I inl.n mjlit al Sundae \iim\
piek up window in I aneit. Ala Iwu men ami
.1 \ouni! boy .ill weaiinp leans. I 'lulls ami
worn baseball taps, nail in line toi soli sene
lie i ream tones \ lailio behuul ilie counter
blares eiumln iinisie. mlei spei seil w nh
upilules ol loeal hit'll sellool football seotes.
\i mss ihe to.1,1. a Soulhein I’.n11n lieielu
li.nil haulme lunlvi rumbles slo w I \ lluouuh
town ( an t rinse b\ a lew lurnine ofl al
\ uleo I anil. I lie neon In nueleus of a sn-store
shopping leniei Video u nials have been brisk
ever since iho town v onls mmii' theater
0 h’scd 11' dool S l.l'l \ c.ll l p llie load .11 Bill '
1 moil h service station, thiee old-tuners sit
in folding chairs discussing the da\’s events
\ cluirch hell s hnncs m ihc distance
Such is nighllilc in I alien and its msIci
s 11> West Boult. (la. ("ombtned. llicv ale ' the
Salles." all area straddling ilic Chattahoochee
Kisci about ‘Kl miles west ol \tlanla. I he
I race here is slow, or what some locals
describe as "laid hack I <u Deedee Williams,
the lask ol excitement makes her |oh a little