Forum Chamorro’s win in Nicaragua came out of hopes for peace By John Thomas ll Inis been more than two months since 1 left \u aragua I spent four months working on a i (instruction project in the ru ral town of Matiguas. situated in the mountainous central re gion of the country Twelve other North Ameri i ails .mil myself lived with families and worked in the small town from mid Novem ber until mid Man h From this perspective, I was aide to oh serve the national elections on Fell lri and the months of < am paigning preceding them Commentary Over the past six veers sini e Nicaragua's last election, where the Samlinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) won ti7 percent of the vote much has changed. After the initial improvements following the 1070 revolution in land reform, edui ation and health i are the situation has deteriorated The 11 S funded ( ontra war reai lied its destructive height between 1‘issii and 1‘IHH In make things worse the Keagan administration began an ei o nomi( embargo in into The International (anirt ol (ustii e (whir h ill its 1UH7 dei i sum found the t inted Slates guilty of aggression against Nicaragua) estimated the dam age done to Nicaraguan econo my at S I 7 billion I mistakes In the Saudi msta government, ini hiding m tinning and ovei investment in large-scale projects added to the I ’ S ei onomii v\ arfare led to inflation Hv tile late 80s the ei onoun was in a state ut i ri Ms In this context ol a uar that has lost many Nicaraguan lives and a destroyed ei minim Vi oletta (diamorro and the Na tional Opposition Onion ■ m m m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r SPRINGFIELD« SCIENTIFIC ! SUPPLY < Hours: j Mon. Sat. j 10am-6pm ; 726-9176 ' 1124 Main St. 1 Springfield Save $$$ Clip and use Emerald coupons' |1 \( )). ,m .illiani e of 1J. tit's, min tin' president \ and .1 majority of scats in the national assemhls with a t peri cut of the vote. President I Janiel t )rtega and the I SI.N rei ei\ed I 1 percent of the vote I or mam of the people 1 wot to know m Mntiguas the war and the ei 01101m were the ma jor issues that influent ed their voting dei isions ()ne would think that t \() s links to the (lontras m addition to their f 1 11,1111 ial support trom the I S government, would make it tin popular However for mans Niiara guans, these svere the sers rea sons tiles voted tor I \( ) Some mothers 1 met voted tor I NI) hei ause tiles liail lost a son in the svnr. 01 had a son in the military. or had a son ss ho would soon he ot draft age "11 l N( ) ss ins, the 1' s svill stop the ssar." one woman told me I also met a soldier in the Sandinista arms ss I10 ssas plan mug on voting tin I \() I le said to me. ''Violetta has prom ised to end the mililars ilralt It she ss ins, I 1 an go home Xdditionalls mans people thought the millions ol dollars given lis the 1 'lilted States to fi nance tin- I \( ) i ampaign ssas a sure sign the economu eintiar go ssoulil end and that the ( lilted Slates ssould send aid it I \() svon the elet tion In much ot I lie 1 S med la ((humorin's s'* tora is pi a 11 as ed in the same light as the 1 hatlgcs in Kustern 1 mope I loss es er it bet oliies s ers 1 tear alter spend * MJNDERIAND * GRE AT FOR PAMTIf S AND BIRTHDAYS 5CVIDE0 GAMES ADMISSION 1 SO STM STREET PUIIIC MARRET EUGENE •U3 I4M inn lime w ith the people ot \k aragua thr situ.ititm hi1.ns almost mi (minn linll In thr hill of tin' Soviet installed governments in Eurupr rlu1 history ol thr I-SI.N as ,i revolutinnarv movement I uvortliri'H .1 dictator. the I’ S tumli'il war anil a hail ft ontini n situation won* (lit- major fat tors that shapi'tl tin- issues ot thf t a in p.i if{ n I’eoplt" wanti'tl pi’.ii f and im prot,arniMit ol thr war torn is minim U ith I \() liav mg thr approval anil finant hai king ol thr l ’niti'd Statfs it is not surprising that it won a m.ijoritv ot thf uilf in this war weary country ()iif might say that many Ni i araguans t ried 'tint If " h\ \ i it mg tor I \<) /o/i/i /Vionias is a lni\fisit\ stmirnt i urrrnlh on e\< /lunge it ith thr l'nnrrsit\ ot Wussu i hustith THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON | .ABU -X HhrNJ vj. 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