CAREER INSIGHT I III.11 i .llt'c'IS | M i >\ nil1 II loll' ei i IIII Ml III III iIoni .11 kl moie lilests le opiums, but I - time et |o\ ihem ays Karen M i n cmoi .1' oi. i.ili’ loi luourains ai ( al.11.-i ,i \ 1mk ( 11\ basal leseaich ami ad\ i-ois oi-m ill/al ion ileal s ss i ! h issues ol women mohilily in llie workforce. "Satinil.iN is no lonytei a vacation Jay bill a vimkilay hicaich up on all the cm.unis you cottlcln'i run dunni: the week -li sin I here aie eonslanl Iradeolts ami il a iisit alls ilia iii.illlai'e lllal i’i'I ihoruliane. il 'll sou lias knbs you think ol the knb he I ok ■ s on lhmk ol i the niairnice I is in to eo oul lii dinner u illi vour spouse has u> be In in I vi \s eei i a oik ami cllllil caie ic-.poiisi hi hi li lt's iihuost to the point where sou -as. I ll be ale - in Ii.i■ e dinner with you on Mai. h I s \s a lesiill, inan.ieement skills .tie nee.led al home is well I onipioiitise I • eulialil couples are lo balance careci and home hie demand- -aVs Smith "( ouples need lo -el prion lies be lie si hie and keep cornu mine al UK. 6. Geographic boundaries \s eiiiplocmenl cenleis elumre i.idically so doe die notion ol where |obs aie \ irtn.ills all |ob low ill is oceani me ne.u but noi sen ii'ied m ilia|iii melropohian aieas a\ - ( hi i - I emlvieei. presidenl ol Robert ( 'liarlc I . sei .V \ssosiale a He', oils Mill, ha eil leal estate i onsullm j I ii m I hese ateas luse been duhhed I'div viiii hs I.I i t.ti i ■ m ,i XX .i’-lihi .'!■ »h h semen ui net .Hi.l .mlliui nl 111, \n Vi! i "ii ill North \11u i k.i I lid ii e the ol,l doss nloss ns. in ii ilulls thonehi ol .is , iin's then edee cities, on llie trs'essas he .ns Xitel XXiiiIsl XX.ii II him in >pmn. up ii masse, i nullin' miIuiibia Horn . >ns p.islute - hni |ohs .iiui shops lemaiiu'il .lossnto'.sn I lien ilk- ileselopei' mine.I the shoppme on! ilk nullitt 'I Xiiien. .i hut mo.! |oh iem.une.1 downloss n ,uul i mi u mil me hes ame a vs as of hie Noss ss. ! e m, n in.' an mbs . mi lo a hei sseltve li.-'.iss I m no! (list lalkim-about pedi.itMs kills and I cal estate aivnls Seal s i s mo vine iludt ot its slat I tiom Us heads) Mattel s loss el I Itoill the I a lop ill I 111 I O lo Sell.iunihyie al.t-l cross tue lihmh sesiot t) I late \ ii poll ( hu ,i‘.'o isn I alolU' lliei. s iloss mole olli, sp.i.e in northern Ne.s I uses ill.ill mnl loss ii X1. i ii I i.i! I at i an.I ii 'll ill in n ills! n X .i -iiii.i than m XX.i I • toi lie a l a Xmel i. an . ns is jjtosvilli! ill this tashloll lie sas s Ml I eiithei ei se all the ness |oh low ill in he calls esport |ohs. sshieh lepre sen! one ol lliiee is pcs ol |obs in ans metro area I he In si kind are lliose sets me Ihe Ins a e.ononis and make up rtntghl) 5(1', ot all I > .imp!* .11 v v li* '-*11/ u I i i< u i V la! ks alld ,|||||> !1k\ haillv. I Ilk v s. * *n»i laaiona! saisina jobs. maka tip about ^ ■ ol .ill jobs, suth .is {host- hi tuwsp.ipcfs. ulihlias ?v .ii astata ami . h maka tip ill. i ast II la a jobs hi ma uaw mums into I ha aiaa and a\poll pnnltK 1 ami -ai \ii as util ol lha aiaa micIi a - lha hip shoppma nuili - laaioiial haadijuaitai •• o| | mHina -■>*H* v tmip.imas ami hiah U\ h si.ul ups (ha a\p«»i! saivina h\Ioi dii\as a\aisthiua m ilia mairopoliian aiaa I ha li k a! ami laaioiial avouomias ha vivs I ha -a v anlai , all toi m an\ w liaia ha aiisa lhav don’t ha\a to ha alosa to cuslomais I’i imaii!y, ti i >se In lha lo| ; i . lii ana M ’ ! >! lha - mhan < " iia -> loaulad naai whita nppai nmldla class (unis ma vv liai a lha vlaaisioii makai li\as. ha sUS s ( onaasiad loads anil «unna laal . !a!a pi k as aia ha i! mn in a to limit such .‘tow th how a ■ ai \\ ith piadu tad lahoi da a la u\ lha *>0s. moia v ompamas will hava lo loi ala pails ol iha hits mass v. losai lo u liaia lha work ai s arc vvlnah maans i ana wad amwih !oi nt ' Mi I v■ 1111 > a a pi • Mr Poppas formerly editor ol Managing Your (area na i/ie president in New York with United Pre International "(.i percentage 'jam basis. SoallIf i the fasiesi growing eit\ right now. pat l\ because ol airerall inakei Boeing, bill also because lhe qualits ol hie is draw me business ow ners wanting lo escape I os Angeles and Sail I lancisco, he savs ( lose behind is Portland. ()re . lor the same reason \ surpiisc is I louston. s\Inch is I rehoundine Iroin ihe oil Inisi In abso lute terms, ii ss.i' lillli Iasi seal in v real me ness jobs It could be second ilus sear, ssiih the norlhsscst and ssestem sections, espcs mils (irccnspoinl. be me the hottest cross tit areas. I >ell nil i' erow mil1 oil It i I hi- Tin i llisu’M .mil west. toward I’miliae I actors automation companies arc spmmiiu: nil from the umk Ivina dune In the hie three automakers. I lies II he the aim panics aulomattnc the lac tones ot the \l i.lss cs| lie sa\ s