Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 6, Image 27

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New Job Market
( ftnm /u/;'f '
ik v v- -s I ll I » lilt ilk- -kills .ili.l llili Mill, lilt ill i!
I V CS S Hll
4. Restructuring of U S. rorporations
Ni it .1 I. >n a i > ilk-lei in dnss nsi/inc ss.i
I In describe I ketrnil •• eftorts in shrink
ill, si/e nl ..tis ill lC'|mnsc In llicllcl iMsnlme
pi u . ' \nu. like.' snme unlinls (mills. .Ink n
si/.nie. mereeis .iiul tesiruclurine dessrihe the
li.iii Iniiii.timn n! \ meric.i - Inicest cnrpot.i
1 inns th.it tins resulted in milliniis nt job
\. cm dim.' in .i \l u In -c.ii. si.iic I nn ci ■■ il \
Huts U-l nt the ll.lt mil s Inp 11 H I . I i| lip, Hill's
undcisscnt tC'lrucUirini: between I‘Ml and
l‘»S(> "Since |nsn In n| ilinse cninpaines
Il.is u' enne b.u. k .nul lesiiiklull'd .leant s.is s
i iic lie lennin - Mu In. .in Slate null.ice
incut professor
Hack in the 60s and ik. I cnuld ads ise
im siuilenls mleresied in ssnrkinc .il I nut in
eel min unit sales nt in.mut.k lunnc because
lllnse pnsilinns lud the laieesl mnnl'ei nt
channels and scerc the innsi stable tie sass
Hnl tndas. inn cmild be nn tiisi base nne
ilas, nn base tile nest das
Jcnmnc' ,li>osu I see a lelum In a mme sta
bieei.i eilllei I m eel abnul tile das s ss hell
\nu eiuiId ssnik bald, cel hmssnie |c.ni|s and
espea upssatd mnhihls in .1 predietable |nh
ens irnnment ll s nnl predielahle and il amid
Iv dial ssas Ini mimic time
I aiee ni eam/aliniis are enllapsine die mini
Ih'I nt rnaiueeiial lasers sa\s Joseph ( nates
a I ill in n! al'd p. 'Ik s a 'I i mi Man I \S lieu- llieie
used l*i Iv 1? limes peril,ips there are nnl\
.•sen ll* as* Mme a'l |Mi| al inn s ale s Millie
ha* k nil sslial base been lladillnnalls siall
tuia I inns, Imm die siesien simp In die eninpa
ns ealetena
(iisen lliese t llanees. espe* Hue In iiinse up
the laddei nn Inneet make sense I *u penple
ss tin Slas ss nil [hell organizations. lie prcslls Is
,i Ini runie teamssnrk and suimeale aelisilies
as suhslilules Ini pinilinlinu
\ddilinuall) die nolinn nl Idelirlle remire
ss i Ih sine * nuipans. a lumierls s ninmori he lie I
ill U'p eorjmialinns, is enne " \ns sense nl
.mine In a colli pans and esp*‘L Hue In he ss nil
il the sshnle eareei is almost peiseise. lie
san Instead, ness eiaduate- , all evpes I null
liple sareers and multiple emplnseis, ssliieh is
a i.ulisal change Irnm then parents'
espei leuee
I he lone lain liend is in pm hiei.dls
eseislhme nil ennliael lease, lie sass ll
slarls-sl ss ith l.nul huililiiies Itirniluie Kells
( hi Is nnss s nu ean es en lease a ( I i > I )ne
resull. lie sass. is dial a soung peisnn. altei a
less seals nl sorpoiale ssnrk mas liiul il
attractin' I" break nut min Ins own consulting
< II si'l % ICC III III
5. Dual careerism
\1..st n| the siuitenls cindu.ituig today pinba
b|y grew up m stereotypical lamilies whete.
c\ cn 11 the innthet worked. chances are the
lathel saicei same first. say- Rosalie Smith
piesident nl Dynamic l onimuiucatioris.
Iiuinmg ,v ( onsultmg. a West ll.uttoid
( min . consulting firm But now. a prepnn
detunee nt tile workforce is nude up nt dual
caieei cnuples
I he i ise i il work me u omen is a mixed
blessing, himcvet On the positise side, tun
income households mean that \oung profes
sionals i. an expect to exercise all uuprccedenl
ed degiee ol flexibility 'So mallei how
benign the company in old days, it you yveic
the sole hieadwirinci yvith a lainily and a
mortgage, you yceie undet the thumb ol the
employei says t nates Soyy. yy ith t ys o
incomes, you aie more independent
t )u the negative side, hoyvcrei. the bound
anes between career and personal life aie
bluiring Moie than halt ol all motheis have
fobs. and i hild care tes|mnsihilities tend to
tall disproportionately on them, numerous
studies have found It's what Berkeley sou
ologist \i lie I lochschild i alls "the second
Based on current trends,
real estate consultant Chris
Leinberger sees five cities
offering the best employment
opportunities for the next
decade. They are:
Los Angeles, Seattle,
Houston, Detroit and
Washington, D.C.
1 or iIk- best opportunities in the conn
11>. llie al and (vrenmal champ is Los
\neclcs and. a itlnn its metropolitan
area. (bailee Count) and the western
San I ernmulo Salles In the 'd()s.
Kiseisule and San Bernardino eounties
vs ill also show dramatic erowtli. " I his
is the tastest prow me metro area in
terms ol eencratine total jobs b\ a lac
tor ol three, add mi: 1 50.000 to 2(X).000
a seat durme the 'Mis." sass
I embereei
Second place, generating between
oil.nod and -(UKMl a year, depending on
the time trame during the 'SIis. has been
Washington. I) ( Aside from housing
the nucleus ot the federal government,
I) ( is home to thousands ol small hut
grow mg ser\ ice companies.