CAREER INSIGHT The New Job Market By Vasil J. Pappas pus pilsttiiii.ii.vs u> .tsk tlu' s.mtL' limi'k'ss ill I c i \ ii'ss i|ik'slii'iis I hin.imt Ini tu-ss u i .ills lum.iius hiph lm tlu- ciit'litli sIi.iil'Iu umi .uni si.utiinj stil.iin-s .Hu up .iL’.un Hut tv loti'ss .irivil. tin' l.iitilsi.ipu on is hu h S. >11 II pint S I '111 i.lll'l'l p.ltll i ItUIIL’l'll l.llll I.llh I III- .IsMimplH'lls sun's .' Ill,nil- tlhollt sum idii'i'i him sihi piitiur sum lullin' Sl'll I Ul'lkpl.ll U. i l> \M l|kl'l s I'llipli lU'IS, i i >111 |VtiliUs .un! pi' hk- in,is .th rails Iv UUltl.Ik'il 4 ( on.idei lot evample. I Jebotah (i.icUi a veai old niaihetinc .oordmutoi .ii I’.nitu I luiaev-m Sunnvvale. ( alit li ii wars aco. neither her companv nni her v. 'filed I aenlv umi- .ten Suilliv\.lie "as a pau hvvoik hu hard- ami Utah tarm tvlu.cii r.iki Min ami S.m Jn-e mil the heart .it Silicon \allcv I.ula\ her toinpanv pioduces computer am m.itn>ir and ctapha-. iialudmc the -pimniie 'k I a t>rk li'e.t hi. \H( and NH( In the la-1 : an veai- I'l >1 ha- doubled it- work lone in -a and has created animation lot commeuial m Japan Koiea. \u-tiaha Bia/rl and thi'Miahout I nrope I neineer- and illn-lialoi tend !-■ arrive late in the mnminc and leave late at nielli I' this another ( aliloima. neu ssase trend ' 1I anils I Vborah (iaeta s u orkplace e spot i erne embodies mam ol the ma|ot traitslomia tioits that has e occulted in \ met k art Ini si ness o'er the past ’() seats \11>I like millions ol other \omit: |oh hohlers. she sees a ssoikmc’ world markedls ihlleient trom the one her patents taeeil when lhe\ starleil then careers We le come throne'll a lesollttlon as pio louiul as the itnlustrial resolution, sas s Ian Mniotl. prolessoi ol husniess polu s at the l nisersits ol Southern ( ulitomia (liaituaie Sehool ol Business 'ion base all these i Iran lies takmp place at oik e ( ouipaiues base restructured, not alssass lor the hettei I here ate more caieei chances ami createi uncertainis about esersllune