MANAGING YOUR CAREER hedic Iui'' the lutut'e h.ts newi been .1 particularlv reliable endeavor I amt cauls and crvstal balls have I he if place. bill thev can't forecast the vast economic chances down the road that will attest the caieeis of the ( lass o! \\ hei In>v ;; • p»' ’ . ei ' *|H'i; •' and research prevail In Ins cover stor\ examination of thechaneme j"bmuiKci \ I Pappas idendhes so. trends that are reshaping career prospects toi new graduates Students who stav abreast of these chances will have a lee up on the vompeiitiv e career ladder, helpmc them to piospei throughout this decade and into the next centurv Iii Iv sure. landing .1 good |oh or internship In ihe ernl ol' the semester is a more pressing concern toi most students In that vein, writers Doue Kk haul son and lett Speek adopt a practical approach to interview success Done disctissess the nuances ot dressing to mipicss, while Jetl explains projvi enqueue loi lace to face encounters with company recruiters I hi issue o! Malta : N t*u» ( aiecr a.' • » contains advice on identifying potential emplovers. matching your fvisonahty ti» a company s culture and the need lor llexibdity when weighing career options Start me salaries and hiring prospects f.»r new graduates also are included as are articles to help you identity the types of jobs that best -a t coin education and experience \tlei \ou tiiui a full ill!;.' and need additional career advice oi want to monitor the national market tor mote advanced johoppnr tunnies h»ok into the regulai edition ot the National Himmon I mploy men! W.ri •. w la.. ‘ p..-he M S ir r . } - CAREER INSIGHT The changing job market Working in a small town Corporate cultures compared u; . ■ ■ . ", In search of a mentor Fast-track flops tilling oil loo mu h Broaden your horizons It In , an a Ihnibihn n . mu al SEARCH TACTICS 4 /is l,,. / r.iffun /; i ■ / , , /is (i'ii //ini/i/u.iii /is / '. V/i. II Kil- . ;o /2 16 18 22 /is /.( t/Mi /vm Himt/t'i A /J;M, 11 III /> HI"', illl Forget the sizzle lh>u \.>n till \S niilkt s /»/:■ Itnp/(W, Wanted: Big fishes h> help hitnl a stthtl! > c>nipun\ / What Miss Manners forgot 1*1 optr etiquette when mtei\ lewiti.: The product is you The library's hidden treasures /. in! "hili.m !\ pit im/ul ami !>. Starting salaries for new graduates 24 />', />: ’//V/*' ' I' Kli llllllh’ "I 28 l<\ Kevin < 30 i; i, ii l; S> . ■ 33 li. . U /, 36 ( iilUu H .//>« J8 National Business Employment Weekly 11 his 1 a I illtor pybli\hrd By l>«.V. I ‘ >! i . \ t . l'uM.-h» t.. - .! I lii \\ ,(ll Slfivt i ic.ulqii.ut> >• I . Mr..:: «. 1 N .•* N >uk \ 't Alien T Simeone I , iji'l ,«■ M ,!, . • StepKen l Gioidono Hu-iii M.ii . • Moil I fretndliih Kurt Sondholtr Vf;,..? 1 Oil ’ fditonol Offuei li .« Mmj. tWrttat. N J Mm I ! HofrmgtoA Tkomp\on Design ln< for qonffa! inloimafton