Sports MEN Continued from Page 13 points Arkansas was nest with tt> points, followed l > v Bavlor with 14 points and Honda vs 1111 it' i points Leading the wav lot Oregon was \1< (lee. who bei.ame the I )ti( ks 111 st na tional champion sini.e 19B7 In coining from behind to u in the hammei had been the \( AA favorite all season and name into the competi tion with the best collegiate throw at 22r> 1 lie qualified lor Saturday's final with the top throw fhursd.iv but bad some problems Saturday Mi ( lee bad only one fail throw among Ills preliminary tosses and was in sin enth pi in e at 207 1 1 after the prelims He then fouled on his fourth and sisth throws but managed to uncork a loss of 2 1 7 ft on his filth throw to win the < om pel if mu I he \ ii torv In Mi t lee ended a nation al i hampion drought for the Dm ks who last had a national ( Hampton when Dan Nelson won the steeple) base at the 1'IHT N't A A meet II there were anv pleasant surprises for Oregon it was Wright's fourlh-plai o showing in the -11111 meter hurdles W right qualified lot the \( A A meet a year ago hut didn't make it out of the qualifying heats This year it was a dif ferent stor\ On Wednesday. Wright won Ins qua! dying heat in the hurdles and posted the third fastest tone overall During the semifinal lie.its I ridav . Wright again had the third-best mark overall and looked readv for Saturdav s final He didn't disappoint on Saturdav running fill Iht to break his old personal refold of fit) -1-1 set last year W right was onlv pit ked tor eighth at best, on the pre-meet form charts. hut after running three rates a duv during the dualmeet season, he t ertainlv Irene fited bv running only one r.u e a day at N't A As The most points Oregon got from am unt' event i,ime in the steeplechase where 1 -ope/ finished second and Mestlei sixth for 11 points on tire 10 M 11 V-l (21 scoring basis hope/ the pre meet favorite wasn't aide to st.i\ with Ohio State's Mark < rnghan. who ran aw at from the |i.k k with tail) meters to go ( rnghan won with a time of tt .to 10 w hlle I.ope/ clot ked It tti Hti for ser ond Mestlei who eighth a year ago. moved up to sixth Oils time with a time of M tti 10 for tns ser,ond all-Amerii an performance 1 lie lop eight competitors in ear h event earn all Amerii an st.ilus Also earning all American status was long ponper halm Bern, who her ami' an all-American for the fourth time in either the long jump or triple jump Hern wasn't able to improve on his fifth place showing of last year, or his sc hool rcr ord of 2ti-H'<. hut he did fin ish eight w ill) a jump of 2a-it1« I wri events the Dur ks were hoping to si ore in. the triple jump and the 10,000 meters produr ed nothing Spencei Williams < losed nut his < a reer in thi‘ tripl«* jumji Saturday sucking to improve on last year's fourth-plat e finish However. Williams never got in the groove and failed to make the finals fin ishing 10th v\ it h a best of 5 1 - 5 1 a . If was the same story in the 10.000 where Oregon had Peter 1 onseoa. Pat Haller. Hr,id Hudson and Terrance Ma hon i (imputing ()nlv ! onset a was in position to score at tin- end of the rate, hut finished 10th in a time of 20:00 2a. Haller and Mahon finished Pith and lath, respectively, while Hudson'didn't finish Dellinger was named as the men's na tional collegiate coach of the year dur ing the NCAA meet at Durham Next season he should have another strong squad as eight of this year's 14 NCAA qualifiers return Returning are daSilva. Haller. Met lee. Mahon, Mustier. Skipper. I've Van St hoiat k (who competed in the steeple i base) and Wright Oregon Daily Emerald DUCK BUCK COUPONS 1 hi , .'lijHi . ifwkli iu* «4it (• ‘i ;n,! u*i ) $10 OFF Any spot color used in summer edition of Duck Bucks. Place your order today! 346-3712 Hurry! We are closing soon for Summer. 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