Sports Berry, Brandon get top honors Terrell Brandon and Paula Bnrrv worn named Sunday as the Oregon IKnh linrr.ihl men's and women's athletes of the year. Brandon, who was a mi,mi Minus sides tion l>\ the hmrniht spiirls staff. averaged 17.‘I points and had a si hnnl rei nrd for a sophomore s\ ith 1 7-1 as sists on the season to lead the Dlli ks to a 1 i 11 overall rei.ord and an appearatli e in the \a tional Invitational Tournainent Brandon Became Oregon's third sophomore m modern times to lie named to the l’a< it ii to all i onfereni e sipiad joiniiiK Bon l ee and Blair Has mussen m ilistiiu liun The f> font 11 Brandon led tlir team 111 si oring 1 1 times svhile ranking sei ond on nine mansions Hi- linishfd among tin* i onierein r leaders in lour i alegories Herrs a junior on the t Iregon women’s I rat k learn, had a per sunal rei old ol 17H 1 in the laselin al the I’ai 1(1 meet Mas 1'i in Seattle to ipialifs for last week's \( AA meet in Durham \ ( s\ here she plai ed se< ond with a thross of 1 74 'l Herrs , ss ho attended lias s ide High Si hool i|ualified tor the N't AA meet in her freshman s ear hut had an ott s ear in her sophomore season and tailed to tfiiH I if v lor the \( A A meet Other men receiving recogni turn 11\ the ! inrr,ihl stall were football quarterbai k Hill Mus grave golfei Tint Hval. wres tier D.m Vidlak basketball plaver Keith Kevnolds and tra< ksters Ifannv l.o|)ez and Scott Mi (tee Bern's teammate Stephanie Wessell finished second in women athlete of the year vot mg followed hv softball player Julie ( tivanaugh. basketball pbiver Stef.mie K.isperski. vol levhall plaver Michele Krebsbtii h .mil tennis player Kumi \againoto Cavanaugh makes team (Iregon's junior first base mini 111111■ ( avanaugh was named to the second team all-America squad bv the National Softball Coaches Association (iavanaugh. a Salem na live led the Ducks in six halting t ategories. inr hiding average with .1 to 1 trunk An all conferenr e selei tion the last two seasons Cavanaugh led the team and was among the conferenr e leaders in flits (56). runs ( 52) and triples ( i) while main taming the team lead in sto len bases (15). (Cayanaugh helped the I )ii( ks advance to the \( CA A Tournament the past two ve.irs. moving to first hast* from c ate her midway through this season due to a hand injury The first team was domi nated by l’a( 10 teams with five sidei (ions I’iti hers lasa l.ongaher of I'CI.A and Mi ( belle (hanger of (California were pit ked along with out fielders 'i vonne Gutierrez. of GGI.A and Vivian Holm of Arizona lasa lernandez. of l '(CI.A was the first-team se le( lion as a utility player. CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 100 CONNECTIONS KITTY ESCORT Taka my cat by air Wash . D C 6Bf 0156 REWARD 105 PERSONALS r CHRISTY GRANT You am th«* greatest btg vsfm tf ftr :.1 .. DARYN P. Hi! Though! I should pul m on* last free person*! lo YOU' Well I II see you « lot this summer* We h*d a lot ot good times this year probably even more soon to come' Take good care ol yourself love JOANBONF* YO! BARTON ! Htipp, B'M'Mlay fid.'twcuo iji But ' '•*! lucK on ft”.«l ,ou thought VI w ‘will Wander Roo PLANNING ?< j Ht iilSTI R T OR SnMME R M SSlON Don't forgat to tila your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Stop t>> tJ3 Oregon Han . • the O'* •• •' Admiss..’■'% 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HU P F ROM FRIENDS Free Pregnane y Tenting BIRTHRIGHT SS7 8651 To those who will he re turning in the Kail: I lave it tin e summer See vouthen To those who will he lea\ ing lor .1 sui t esslol Itillire: (I001I I lit h and best w islies Jean *’ :■ *'■'■11 m ..I. SELL YOUR: ST* REOS DIRTY SOCKS YOUR WORKING CAR AN OLO DESK DOUBLE BI D LIFE SIZED ELVIS NON WORKING CARS BICYCLES SKATEBOARDS MILK CRATES BRICKS SHELVING UNOPENED PRESENTS Pi.* *} yOlif ad lot lout days If it isn I •iiiiit , .ill us aruj «e ii run it ’or loot NO REFUNDS NO REDOS IT WILL SELL! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 346 4343 VISA MC Off®' E ipi't’S June 4 TC Al L i »UR t AN: He; a .1' a r thank Q. .! •i'i tht- , At- have the presence id UckJ In’i.dusF of you ’ f Th3 9 Have a Summe’ from CARi MARTI & JUDY (Ihe i 'o%swofd champions Milkman Lube n Beef 4 Shara' Hi use Apt males . • I have I ved A " ' . *.* f •- .* 105 PERSONALS ♦NINTENDO* 100’S OF HINTS SECRET PASSWORDS SCORE BUSTING TIPS Select Your Favorite Point* 1-900-HOTHINTS i 'JOO 4( H 4468) $1 6*- pm rrvnute DECEMBER SING FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM'5 Slop t>> 333 Oregon Man HEY WINNER Bum tmige Egypt Sure1 And *»• It {ip singing Mee Hae Mae1 IT’S READY THE SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE OF CLASSES S‘> PH> on* up today Slop by 333 Oregon Han or JENNI C. Have a great year in France! We Mill miss you tons! love you. Mo. Waldy & Rosa KA Thanhs to» Iasi Friday s TOGA party' tat s do it again* vni KRMA STAF phone in summer * don i tYr* latt* 683 3690' 105 PERSONALS KUBIE Only S more days & oops1 I hop* you hice a Qr*al birthday lova Staphame no LOST & FOUND ATM CARD FOUND! A! » sht - -*\ ATM f* (n hi .• ,|U _V4f> 434 ' to , 'aim LOST - GLASSES A> .jnd University ’ 1 F MU 142 «>40 ns TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SERVICES yptng and Editing F AS t? Call Ann 345 9947 . IN TV PlN(, M Rv H.f ns Resumes Palters JO THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 IBM WORD PR< H.{ SSINGT DOING F'APER;, THESIS DISSERTATIONS LASE R WORD PROCESSING ’ * yl'tirs . I (St ; IBM • fv.M.i n ;•«. *«•<} Nt'.l’ -in-'H;-. Robin 344 0759 i (ifaduatc Si hool \pprovcd DivsciUHonvThrvc* }’i|>cD IHM < ompatiblc/l >i'k < om ri sum' I a>ct l‘nntin£. 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ST{ ALTh mode Loathe' jKt Helmet Cus saddlebag $2‘"'< Pete 344 84/2 me*. ' 67 VW FASTBACIC Body” excel cond Axle needs work (It jumps out of 4th year) $660 JoAnne 48S 6241 •" VW VAN 1 -wne' 79 20L <• : yme all receipts Runs, looks great : $2 200 485 3246 Randy t9‘>4 MG TD Repi..-:a lev* mileage "eed-. - "-e work $ <>" “ 344 0504 1966 VW BUS speed high mile*, runs great $i100/obo Jeff 346 8133 1980 RAT BRAVA 6 speed a.' stereo Mcheim tires e*iei cond $2200 I 1981 FORD ESCORT Gt runs e«u el lent good condition good tires good eage 1 H - - - . 1981 MAZDA 626 AUTOMATIC heab • . • 1749 ( 2193 1983 RENAULT ALLIANCE 4 cyl Ai automatic. 72000 miles economy AM y M rad.u < assette $iSOO OBO 484 6351 evenings Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 1 r UJHAT •t C4\ you TAKE 70 EOQOl *iOMM'r ■ f BOUGHT YOUR VHE-R WAS TAX >NG YOU 10QAY. • £5 TOO BUSY TBAOUHG ML HOW 7CPLAY SUP&LMAO03 7 :>i no i ocm l/JANA 70 BS-LAW AGAIN \ EXCELLENT! SEE ME. STOMP THE OOOMSUJ, SON z SON* ifi ■ *1** wf*5 bing Cherry Palace Fashion Nairn* Brands at a fraction of the price 50°o off many items Bl \ • SI I I. • (ONSK.N West 13th Ave. < Between Willamette tV Olivo 344-4X91 1 lani-5pi» Mon-Sal