Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 17, Image 17

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Continued from Page 12
"It bought Si hool U (Hllll III’
in .il 500 mt'liTS (to go) u hen
hr said lii'it go out .mil I
looked ot him .0 >00 and thou
at .100 and hr went so 1 said I
guess this means we re go
ing,"' he said I just lieu at
the end
While Blam liette was doing
it on the trai k. Karin Smith
and Lain e Deal I,mm hed
their best throws of the year
Irom the javelin runway and
hammer ring, rrspri liveh
Smith, try ing to battle bai k
from knee injuries had the
two furthest throws b\ an
American this year when she
uncorked a 8(19 1 on her
fourth throw and then a 1 1 t>
on her sixth and final throw
Both m,irks bettered her old
meet record of Ilia I and
topped her season's best of
10.5-7 thrown at the Oregon
Twilight on May 18
It was Smith's best throw
since 198-4 when the knee in
juries soon followed She
blew out her right knee in
1985 and her left one in 1988
The 84 year-old Smith, who
had been one of the nation's
best before the injuries, was
competing without braces on
either knee, something she
didn't think was possible a
tow years ago.
"No more Robot lop." she
said "1 can't tell you how
happy I am It's very reward
mg after stii king with it and
hanging in there so long
Smith has a lot of local ties
In VI., r|in I h if I
( r,iit; Hl.int heltr hraki' his own world muni in thr whrrlt h.iir mill• with .1 timr id
diiW.DII ul I ridnt s I’lidont.n nr ( l.issn . hrttrnni; his old rn ord In i'\.n tlx onr sn 1 mil
to I'.ugene. having coat bed .it
South Kilgene lligh School
and said she hud to perform
well litter giving out so mam
tii bets to Iriends
I Jodi, who trains with Stew
art Toglier in Kugene. threw a
season's best J IM u in a series
that went 24K (i, 24H r> foul
248 (I and 24M 'I hetore lotd
mg on Ins last attempt
A S i.0(H) bonus was also up
for grabs in the women's
2.0(H) d am of the runners
i mild break ,V1.ir\ Shines s
time (if I ■ till' fastest
2.000 ever Oil A mem .in soil
ilt*i atise ill u ind r.mi iind .1
slow [i.iii', iitiliuilv liroki- the
mark although the Sos id
I hiiuns Svetlana kilov.i
looked vers strung in holding
oil (kin.id.i s Debbie Huuket
down tin- hiimi'strdi li to win
in 5:4 I ! 1
l idler marks of interest in
1 tuded
• I'ligenes
Kory lar[ien
ning winning tin* pule v.iult
■ig.iin ilii'- linn- w ilh i i .mil
nt ltt 10’..
• A.iron K,nmif.• milk n kmg
I ).tn \i-ison in I he 1.1)0(1 tin
tt-r stct-pUn li.isc tn win with
.in H iti l)H i Iim king
• ()n-gihi high pimpi-i I .m
ml Robt-rts litnillv i Iriiitul tin
six tout l),lt i it11 w itll ,1 l If,II
,iih r nt t> l)1 during thn iii
vi-liipini-nt.il iiii-ft in tin- tifti-r
in inn
Continued from Page 14
ll vmi lul rill they re ready In
Nili'lm.m Nil id that i! the Pin
tmiN Kiive .m edge m the series,
it n on then hem li
I think iintli teams are tnirly
even, he said 1 tie milv d11
fereni e is their hem It prnhahly
has mure exponent e than
\flei play lily; II play otl
Karnes in .’ii days, the Hla/ers
have been idle sim.e i Inn limy;
the \\ eslei n ( ainfereili e title at
Phoenix I hnrsday night That
u ill make them the better rest
ed ill the tun teams Tuesday
( )ur guy s needed the rest.
\delman said It's going to
make us a better team. I hope
The Portland i nai h doesti t
like the si liedtlle in the finals
yvith Detroit playing the first
(yyu at home then the next
three being played in Portland
I he linal tyyo it net essary . yy ill
he ill I let11nt
"I don't think any ol the
teams yylm have been m it like
it he said It's always hard
to heal a team three times in a
rnrv on the same i ourt It yy e
open up on the road and lose
the first tyyo we've (list about
got to yy ill the next three at
home It really does put vou at
a tough disadvantage I don't
kuoyy yyfiy they do it that
It's Portland’s lirst N'HA final
sun e 1U7 7 yy Ill'll they yy on the
title yyith Hill Walton leading
the y\ay
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