Sports Blazers exoect defense will decide final series First game against Detroit is Tuesday By Bob Baum Associated Press PORTLAND (AIM I he Portland Trail Mazers left ful Detroit on Sunday insisting the\ won t he intimidated In tin1 Pistons in tin1 \HA 1 nulls \\ i• have to pla\ them at their plane hut we mati h up well with them. ' i o.ii h Kit h Ailelman said "We know that they re good hut we know we < .in pla\ w itli them The Blazers worked out at a suburban high si hool then went home to wall h llic set unit half nf (i.imo 7 of the K.isti'rn Conferenio fm.ils between Do troll anil (dm ago The Pistons won 'I I 74 \delman had expei tod tIn i’ i st i ms to win all along W lion von ii going foi tho i hani|)ionshi|i it s mi o to he playing the defending t hampi ons. ' ho said The finals will foaluro t\vo teams that often struggle with their shooting hut win u ith do tense and rebounding 'We re gist as physli al as tliev .ire forward Bui k Williams said "It .ill de pends on whii h i .111 make tlif adjustments and control the tempo nl the linshctball name Hull) teams are real good defen MVeh It's i;mii(i to he a good defensive series lo have a championship team von have to build on vour defensive abilitv versus the offensive abilitv Ml season long I think Detroit bus Ireen thriving on plaving well defen sivelv It s similar to the situa I ion we've been in IT’S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME ' JUNE 4-9 MON.-FRI. 7:30 A M. TO 6:00 P.M SAT 10:00A.M TO 6:00 P.M. TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORE. SECOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (MON THURS 9-6. FRIDAY 9 3) INSTANT CASH WE PAY 60% OF THE NEW STU DENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED FOR SUMMER & FALL TERMS RECEIVE A COUPON FOR 20% OFF MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE WHEN YOU COME TO SELL BACK BOOKS. FAST SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT WE RE DEDICATED TO GETTING YOU THROUGH THE LINE IN 20 MIN OR LESS' FREE CANDY UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 IX) SAT XWX>6TX) 346-4331 Adelman said the Hla/ers don't mind being considered as the Pistons W est in terms of playing style Until teams defend well and they both rebound well." he said ' Thev have been able to win with their defense That's a proven point And I think in these playoffs we've done that too 1 think we re very similar in the wav is e play The Pistons .md Hla/ers eai h won all regular season games tied tor the second-best record in the league lx*hind the bos Angeles bakers They split then regular season series I he Hla/ers won in Portland 102 H2 on Nov 2(i and the I’istons won in I)t‘lroil 1 1 1 l(Hi on Inn 13. "We had a great game against them hero and we lost there b\ five." Portland center Kevin Duckworth said "We feed we c an plav with them, no matter what Duckworth said he knows what to expec t Irom Pistons' i enter Hill l.aimheer "He doesn't intimidate' am both 1 ie's just dirt\ . I hie k worth said "1 don't think that in a series against us ho c an get awai with anything because our guv s have a quic k temper Turn to BLAZERS, Page 17 ^jzmu_N MAIN DESK STORE CAFFEINE AND “PENNY” CANDY WEEK A ^ (KENER 3 P rAKING FINALS ^ REDUCED PRICES ON POP, COFFEE, TEA, AND “PENNY” CANDY VVHILF SUPPLIL5 I AM WE'LL GIVE YOU FIRMER, LONGER-LASTING CURLS! I Let us design you' veiy own jp.-i ■ oft Matrix perm and experience full-bodied waves fiiied with life’ I. njoy long-lasting curls with