Daily Emerald Sports Falcon, Blanchette top field at Pre Classic Smith, Deal also thrill By Ashley Conklin tm»»ald Sport ■■ Rei*>rtei )<>(• I'nlcun might not cunsid in himself .1 S.IIIH) meter run ncr but .it I ridav 's Hrefontaine (dassii at I lavward field fa I con looked like he was made lor the rare I al< on was part ol a star st lidded t lidd that ini lulled I) o u g I1 a d i I I a and Steve I’lasenc la 1 lies were all seek ing to go under the top tune in the world this season I t .’ I Hfi In Australia's Andrew I lovil and earn a v. (Kill ho mis loi doing so The held separated eark on a lid t he rill e w a s het w ee n I’laseni i.t and fait on Hut after slicking with 1‘laseni in for the I li st 1 I 1 laps I all on put on the afterburners ovei the last lilt) meters and pulled awu\ from I’laseiu ia I all on was timed in a a II for the last lap and broke the tape m I t ltd 4>l to earn the S'-.IHH) bonus with the fastest time in the w oi Id this season I'hotu In Mm i ( ,jn! \tlrr lour \r.irs nl slrut;^lin^ with kiwr injurin'.. j.nrlin thrtiurr k.irin Smith m.iilr .in imprvs sivv i onwh.ii k at Friday's I’lrhint.iinr (il.issii Smiths throw ntJII-U u .is the host b\ .in 1 nwr ii .in this sr.ison lot Kill on. the former At k.00(1 .1 yuar. for the next tlirrr \ r.irx 'I lionustlv bidiovo I un run t -1H tor tin1 milr.' hr said '1 might illovi■ up to the ri.OOO ,it ter the 1002 ()l\ inpit (lames lull m\ i u.ii h .mil I believe ! should exhaust nn potential at the hover distant es hetore inov mg up " I ah oil said that being pr i inaiih a miler helped him in this rat e "I wank'd to start going tast er and make the cadence more like a mile where I feel more comfortable." he said "I want ed to press it at the last mile he i ause I knew I was the best toil er in the field and I didn't see anyone who could go with me.'1 While the Springfield. Mo., native had the performance of the meet, three local athletes had outstanding marks as well Craig Blanr hette. who set the world record in the wheelchair mile at last year's I’refontaine ( lassie, set another this year with a time of .1 TO on to break last year's mark of :i:5 1 00 Blanchette was hoping for a t.me around t -to but that went out the window because of the slow pace. The record was there however, w hen set ond place finisher Tom \ogueim pai ed Blanchette through the last 100 meters "I was planning on 55-5? second laps, hut the pace was so slow that I'm not even out of broat h .'' Blanchette said loin NIogueiro from Georgia had a ( T7 ill a time trial last week, but he's not experienced in racing Turn to CLASSIC, Page 17 '25% OFF ■ All LEATHER AND VINYL URIEL CASES • 11! k: : v • Kt {i « > • ■ DAY RUNNER ORGANIZERS AND REIII ■ CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS WEAR • tftl 'I« )i: >tKS • RISK BIN! )1 K; • ’i!. LS ■ All QUALITY FOUNTAIN PENS W\;: v. • \.\ 30% ALL ARTIST OFF PORTFOLIOS I l * M I I* ■< •«.■?; AW • < H« '• >. ■ :t h KNAi ,vM ■ ■ < 'i , : - a M ss • • >i ! . >1 i V ' i i\ SAM $r>.bO! ku \C)V\ Wi BOSTITCH UO IMPRINTED STAPLER - li! \i b • !•! > K s.| \, i NOW <)‘r> Oiler Good Through 6/9/90 UO Bookstore ART & SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPT 13lh A Kincaid M-F 7:30-6.00 SAT WDOStiO 3464331 OLREUT ! ENCCZRPRGEB • Located at Orchard Point Park • Double & Single rider models • Frequent rider program • Group discounts & reservations • Call the Best Jet Ski Hotline tor more information JET SKI RENTALS EXPERIENCE THE RUSH!! 998-4477 PAPER DUE NEXT WEEK 1?t PAPER DUE TOMORROW!?! NO TIME TO TYPE IT!?! FOOTNOTES is still having their $1 per page introductory offer for their TYPING SERVICE. Bring your paper by Room 21 in the EMU—we can usually have it out in 24 hours. Put your time into STUDYING for FINALS — let US do the TYPINGli