CLASH Continued from Page 9 students into custody Idevetl others were injured I rnni the outset '’ admitted Temple spokeswoman k.itln (insliner, "it had rai over tones Temple President I’eter liacouras ordered disciplinary proceedings against five polit e officers and 111 students in volved and better training tor the set uritv force l.iaenuras met Mnv J with the newly formed Concerned Hlai k Students to discuss its tie mauds. He agreed to give the group a say in the hiring of a new security director He re fused, however, to fire anv offi cers or set up an of fit e to han die African Amflit an affairs, as the group demanded Students were not satisfied "We re not going to stop un til we get what we want.” tie t hired Temple grad student Kd Claude, leader of CBS. which coordinated a May 4 rall\ in front ot the student < enter to press l.iaenuras to meet the rest of their demands. " Temple is not interested in resolving ihr issue hut in pro tci ting Temple " Claude said Champaign police officers attempt to break up a large par t\ April ) and a mostly black i rowd outside ,i i ampus bar April At also prompted i harges ot racism against the' officers and a c .ill for an outside lines ligation ol the Ion e I lie (lliampaign I’olic e I )e partment violated their authori Is h\ detaining and arresting African Americ an students stated a \ta\ ? student govern merit resolution "There is no show ol force at predominantly white events ol a like nature Champaign Deputy Police Chief Don Carter issued an apology \pril It? saving the i itv and the department regret the ol i urrence ol two mi idents resulting in ini reasetl ten sum between minority students on i ampus and the ( ihatupaign l’olii e Ifepartment At Wisi onsiii, student pro testers crowded the office of ( diam el lor ( difford Smith the next (lav to protest alleged po lii e brutality. i laiming one ot the arresting officers used his night stii k to heat the legs and back ot at least one ot tin' men arrested V Jewish Students observing Rush Hashanah may register tor tall term at an alternative time. Please stop b\ the Office of the Registrar tor details. The l nn ei 'il) <»/ (heyon .m equ.ii ■ in^niunon eommiticd t>> euhutji di\coit\ 9 5 FOOTBALL TELEMARKETING The U of 0 athletic depart ment is interested in a select number of qualified individuals for a football season ticket tele marketing campaign. Calls will be made during weekday even ing hours in late June/early July for approximately two to three weeks. Participants will receive $4/hr. salary. Interested candi dates are asked to fill out and return an information form available at the McArthur Court reception area by June 14. For further information, please call 346-4485. OLUM (Continued from Page 1 Hit' tVVO pf.lll' ,11 tl\ |sts return ed thi'ii a< ijuain (.mi e in I ebriiari I ‘»H‘». when i 11, i iu i n ■( hi re turned tor .in internalmu ,il eonfnreni <■ on nui lear 11IV /Dili's ( Hum u,1s Ion ini In if lin- in llii' fall ol 1(188 hi llir ( )ii->4<>n Stall' Hoard ot Higher Kducution (Hum had a reputation of not working within tin* sis ti'in and alu ai s speaking lus mind vvhii li upset many of fit nils (Hum also upset (lot Neil (iolilsi hmidt In sup portion the (fregon Hublu limployees I nn in in then strike during I all t'IH/ Mill's Ifrnud. from (thin State I 'diversity re plat ed (Hum last June bet inning the 1 niversi 11 ’s Util president Kuntors aliout ()lum and I’apandreou height titled again in |niuiar\ when (Hum spent seieial weeks vat ationing in ( .reel e Good tor 2 locations 11>""> 1 ranklm Hlvd. I uuen.■ 4H4 '10‘t‘l and 42nd \ Main SI. Springfield 72h-b'2~ 1 CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL STUDENTS BEFORE YOU LEAVE COME IN FOR A FREE Deb's Famous Hamburger, with curly fries. Buy the above special at menu price and get the second same special FREE. I his (oupon valid lor 2 visits and up to 4 people per < oupon and on In no orders. ( .< x ><| ,in\!urn- Mi uu lav Sunt!a\ • I \pin*\ (> 10 ‘M> I his t • uijm »n Hi i! \ i'.J tin am • »thrr .pot tal utter O IS) j cn 5 ui O © CO ln m