REPORT Continued from Page 1 report re( omtnended the ext avalion ot .111 are.) where a partially buried but empty V> gallon drum was discovered to determine whether more drums or hazardous materials .ire pres out The third report whit h will cover areas where possible ( hemical disposal ot t erred in the late lunos and early 70s, will he < ompicled later this month, Wiley said I 'niversitv \ it e President Dan Williams announced last tall that Stpiier had been hired to investigate the dumping, whit.It was done before state and tederal law prohibited sin h disposal. Williams, who had known about the dumping lor four years, has been highly criti i i/.etl for not (list losing the possible present e of hazardous w astes w hen it was first d isi oy erod Sipuer in its initial invest) Ration of the petroleum storage tanks, i mild not disi over \\ hethei the tanks were above ground or buried, and it they were buried whether the\ were removed The report suggested the Ihuversitv lesolve the uni er taints surrounding the tanks In i ondui ting a further studs In addition Squier consul tants rec oinmended the 1 nisei sits m rutinize soil insestiga lions ol tsvo adjacent properties one ms ned bs IAVKB and the other bs the i its of Isugene A petroleum odor ssas detec t ed svhile taking boring samples at ‘I I t franklin Hlvd during a soil assessment for the < its On the lAYflt properl s creosote ssas found four feet beneath the surful e (Squier) rec oinmended s\e s\ ati h and look at ss hat type of tests ,ire being done Wiles said I he I 'niversits should he oil the alert for ans disi olored soil or petroleum odors as fur diet results form the areas are I eleased , she said EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT 1430 Orchard St. 345-6133 ATTENDED 10-5:30 MWF COIN OP DROP OFF DRY CLEANING Riverside reader lor Cassui\ a rt'HisU'Wii nurse at Sac ml Heart rends near the Aut/.en I'ont hriili’e In the Willamette Rivet Cassith said he likes to read here before going into work Photo hv Mark Ylen « File Edit Uieui Special Hf* d(11 INC f-4*n*•- :ize i md Li f Modified Superior Products, Excellent Service! Wea>ml w lie largest selection ot Macintt xsll d related prcxliiets witli a w illingness tosLitisfy e\ ei\x me we serve! Uniuei sitg Spec iulv N an if Show Student II) & Save! • MicrnNfi Hard Disks 20Mh Save Svo $419 50Mh Save S«f> $499 4> >Mb Save $‘40 $S49 • l ull Page 1 )is|vlav » i ard save $V)0 $1190 • Save 2 Vu on Mi soli ware RAM Charge your Mac 2Mb SIMMS insulin.!' $185 The Outbound' Laptop • I or Mi. I' .n st t tuners • V* - kaNe ; • I >> lubtc > I I’t speed litne'it nx GGC's PIP II laser printer $2995 • 22 res;.:! \>r.t> • 500 DPI Its • printing • 1 war warrant* $1399 Mm mtush Seminals f\ ; Njfnr ► m«j Hands-on Training The* uisso conu-niratr ■ cjrduiH veiled •■ex. /c> designed to inat-a* individual productivity ik enjoyment of the VUi 2 ' >ur sessions are held in the turning facility from : >am !2pm & 2 4ptt l’rc registration is requited t ail '■< more details' 10-12 6/5 Small Bus Acclg S35 10 12 6.12 Intro to Mat $2(1 2 1 6 12 Intio lo MS Vtnti! $35 1012 6 13 Intro to PageMaker 1 0 $35 10-12 6 19 Small Bus Acctg $35 1012 6 2ti Intro to Mai $20 1012 6 2’ Adv PageMaker 4.0 $35 10 12 6 28 Intro to MS Ward $35 01 L oqo bloc k 6 ,terns 28.273K in dwk 2,887k ivaiUfrle Dedicated exclusively to Apple & related computer products the computer store. Store hours M-F 10-6, Sat 10-5 • 6l West 8th, Eugene 343-1434 tadiik UlIUI t nurird lrrfoimi» M lee* ( n»ei>i. I»c AeehC«e.irie»n<«cr>»f»tot CeetrluftrT \>RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Share brings together people needing and offering mil's any whet e in Oregon it throughout the country more information call 345-7600 We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes V *rt» Packaging Store. 344-3106 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651