Monday. June 4, 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 165 Oregon Daily Emerald Briefly 'I'llis is the last issue n! the ()r rgan Daily Dmrr.ihl for spring term The paper's public alion will resume in a tv\ ic e-vveekly format with the advent of sum mer term June Ml. flood luck on finals and have a great summer vacation. Eugene animal facilities are dismayed at the number of pets abandoned In uncaring students at the end of the sc bool year More than 1 1 (ion clogs and c eils were turned into Eugene ani mal shelters over last year; most of those c nine during the months of June and July when students leave for summer vac ation See story, Page 5 On Campus Saferide will continue running H p.m. to midnight through Wednesday of finals week. See Kt a Is. Page fi Sports . .1 , M. J |or l-'al( on |oe I .ill.nn turned in tin; fastest ii.OOO-metei time in the world this season I I 20 4!) to cap ture a S i.OOO bonus at I i idav's I’refontaine (classic I all on turned on the after burners to (mil aw.iv, from Steve f’lasi enia in the last 400 meters (!raig Blanchette of Springfield also set another world record in the wheelchair mile at i:fit).00. See story. Page 12 Weather Rain turning to showers, cloudy tonight. Highs in the up per (ids. For tomorrow, mostly cloudy with highs again in the upper (ids. Report clears research park site By Chris Bouneff EmerakJAsstk-.ite Editor I hc second ol four environmental as sessments being done on tlu1 Riverfront ii Park Nile has i leared the tor tner lugene Water \ i'.lectrir Hoard polevard area ot anv severe i ontaminatinu The report, which was released Iri da\ In l uivnrsitv ollicials. did recoin mend that one area with a high com on t rat ion ot oil he ext availed and the soil disposed Soil samples from the pole vard. located on the western portion o the park site showed oil levels at "> >0t parts per million Diane W dev t im er sitv project representative said anv thing over 100 ppm would have re quired remedial at lion 1 \\ I B personnel ">.11r(Ii 11)4 Id lilt1 report lht‘ report prepared In I K Squill Assoi i,lies lot lit Lake Oswego also rei mnmentleil tile I 'nivorsilv invest ig.ltf whether lun u ndergi mi ml pelrolemn storage tanks aie slill lot aletl in the '.i\ .11 te pan el Mmenvei. Squier i onsu Itanls ‘.an I I he pan el s southwestern part used In a I n gene Sand anil (travel servo e shop should he tested Im waste oils anti sol vents at the tune ot site preparation I Ills report IS the sei mid of lout being done In Stjuiei assessing the research park site lot i hetnit .il t nntammntmil I he tirst report i meting the Silva ()[ i hard area was releasetl in April Turn to REPORT, Page 10 TIT I WE SHA1.I i\ \h\iom tii- mi \|\KhK' "il" ,,SU | |M - l,,K | Kill’"'1 II M i '■ I 111 It* |\ i IIIs '7F In Memory of Tiananmen % (iui\ur Yu (lull) un\ Scan I’oston Olum moving to Greece for friend f- rom sMft and wife r Former I’niversitv Presi dent Paul Olurn said In' is preparing to leave the I nit cd States lor .1 permanent home in Greene ''The truth of the matter is that Athens has something that Kugene lioesn t have. Olum said "And 1 don t mean the Ai ropolis (Hose friends have spec ulated tor months about Olum's romantic involve meut with Margaret i’apan dreou. the ex-wife of former Prime Minister Andreas Pa pandreou "Let's just s.iv I'm going to Greene to he with a very good friend that 1 1 are about a lot," he said in an inter | view with The Oregonian lleW Spapel Ills rt'llK liliu l‘ III d iscuss tin' tnpu stems from (Hum's urge to protei I 1‘apandreon s \ w hit h was lured last \ ear w hen the 7 l year-old prime minister lie gun publicly < averting with a 14 year (ilil airline stew artless The atlair t umbined with a well reported liuan i tai si aiulal i ost I’apandre on his job ()lum is .1 7 1 year old w id ower who retired hist June alter eight years .it the helm ol the state's largest univer sity (Hum and Margaret I’a pandreou met in l‘tH7 when she visited Kugene to take part in a peace i onterem e Turn to OLUM, Page 11 t llr photo Former I diversity President Paul Olum's relationship with Margaret Papandreou is apparently prompting Olum's move In Oreece.