Daily Emerald Sports 5,000-meter fittingly shapes up as top event at Pre Monetary awards highlight men’s and women's races By Ashley Conklin I rm-r.rJ Spoil?- Report?' It makes | m• 11• c t scll.se that the top event ill today's I’re fontaine (llussii will he tile i.OOn meters Steve '' I’re ' I’refonta i ne took the runnitiK world hv storm in the earh 1070s hv ex celling in everything from the "i.OOO to the six-toiler before Ins death ill 1*177> Hut the a.00U was I’re s spe cialitv and meet direr tin 1 mu jordan has assembled a a.0(1(1 field for I rulav s meet at 1 lav ward Field that would make even I're proud Doug Padilla Steve I’laseni ia. and Joe Fair on probahlv the three top distance runners in the I' S todav will all compete in the a.0(11 todav. and jortl.in has even added an extra incentive lor tin trio It the w in n e r breaks 1 i 24 tltc the top lime in tin world this year hv Australia's Andrew l.lovd. he will also take home $r>.1)00 "Fill really impressed with the men'-- '. ()()(i Ionian said I think it s Ihi1 liest on Ameri i .1 n soil sime thf lfim Olvm pits.' During lilt* nidoot season, Padilla broke los own two mile record with a tone of H I'ldJ I le followed that np w ith an Amerii an road tecord of 1 t to in tfie ,r>.11(10 and then won the l.attt) in thi* S\U Modesto In vitational Mm a Plasent la. in i omplete con tiast to Padilla, relies on ,i front running style that often hums other competitors out And his results are pist as good He recorded a personal re cord ol 1.1 1 *i ti't in the r>.110(1 last year and was the No t ranked Amerii ,111 at that dis tance Then there is l-'alcon. the for mer Arkansas star who is no beaten outdoors this season lie wain the l.'iOOat the Brine |en net (ilassii last weekend and is the 1 ' S leader at both the I '>()() and mile I bis w ill he his first a ,000 si in e college Turn to PRE, Page 13 Photu fo\ Mark ^ len Trofontaino (lasso ovont organi/or Tom Ionian has assomhlod an outstanding Hold of at hint os tor tonight's trai k and Hold moot at Hayward Hold. _IBM* PS/2* SOLUTION OH I-KINX.S IBM ANNOUNCES MORE CAD FOR LESS CASH! For a limited time, you can enjoy significant t savings on the most complete, most flexible, easiest to learn Computer-Assisted Design (CAD) package we've ever offered. MEMORY PROCESSOR 3 5 DISKETTE FIXED DISK MATH CO-PROCESSOR MICRO CHANNEL ARCHITECTURE COLOR DISPLAY PS/2 MOUSE SOFTWARE' LIST PRICE SPECIAL PRICE ORDER NUMBER MODEL MODEL MODEL 30-286 50Z 55SX 8530 E21 8850 031 8555 061 1MB 80286 (10MHz) 1 4 -1MB 20MB 8028/ NO 8513 YES INCLUDED $5 300 S2.839 1502359 1 MB 80286 110MHz) 1 44MB 30MB 80287 YES 8513 YES INCLUDED $5 750 S3 119 1502360 2 MB 80386SX" (16MHz) 1 44MB 60MB 80387SX“ YES 8513 YES INCLUDED $7 350 $4 069 1502361 MODEL 70 8570 E61 4 MB 80386" (16MHz) 1 44MB 60MB 80387 YES 8513 YES INCLUDED $9 700 $5,389 1502362 WAMI -V. . . : : . 1 • .4 HM Ai ■ \ iKSw*’!.,1, w «<• J.*l Matf>L -* w IBM PS/2 LOAN 1C)R LEARNING AVAILABLE Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center, M - F 9am - 5pm 346-4402 **f i. uktf «• ;• i/ty ■ ' •■ •■fU- !,i» txexlkig and o* jxocevsrfig charges ChtK » with your raMutionregardng thesecharges • •- . \ ■- • * U.twrtw?, c- tM* .. ! t. 'V* fWr* a !UKia ”»■ M»~ j! .*t> hmr *'ttXXit i ■ . .*» . •■.i,y"--..«r»- -,f ••-'**< ru?** •< wit •«,vs M.i 'MrvNU»;»'r;ir«it Mn. ru Chtfftoi is <1 i. •' • SU >••• 4j.mr.itn« 8 '86 8<„ -.-ir-SX 61 <8 ’ .*m1 8*' '8TSX .tft* *• *)»•■•«.« h /;>r i'm TK.s #w«6>i--*. .i»k1 Maff'i _m*« .wv VaI^’vvKs , »hntcal Systems loc IT'S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME JUNE 4-9 MON FRI 7 30AM TO 6 00 P M SAT 10 00A M TO 6 00 P M TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORE SECOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE iMON THURS 9 6 F RIDAY 9 3) INSTANT CASH WE PAY 60% OF THE NEW STU DENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED FOR SUMMER & FALL TERMS DAILY PRIZES ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY . -V‘V CAMERA Tuesday s« >ny booms. • WEDNESDAY • 11 “ THURSDAY si S' ;VAL KM AN I RiDAY WONEE& ( AHCDCHANGEP GRAND S200 UO BOOKSTORE PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE | 20% OFF COUPONS RECEIVE A COUPON FOR 20% OFF MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE WHEN YOU COME TO SELL BACK BOOKS UO Bookstore t3th & Ktncad MF 7 30600 SAT 1000600 3404331 SpAlMXf!