Jewish Students obsen mg Rosh Hashanah nut) register for fall term at an alternatee time. Please stop In the ()ffice of the Registrar for details. //u l <»/ (>t4 i\ ,jfi .iliu uumr .n ?». mstttutum v (tmmtHt. il /<»i t *°tw° Unbleached 100% Recycled Paper kinko's Crcat copies. Great people 860 E 13th Open 24 Hours 344-7894 Sizzling Subjects! They're hot. Western Civ, Calculus, Economics, Speech, 1 luman Relations, Literature, and more-- all at just $25 a credit hour. And the lower division college credits you earn at Clackamas will transfer to any Oregon State System college or university. Most classes run 8 weeks. Sign up today. Summer term starts June 18. Call 657-6958, ext. 254, for a schedule ot classes. CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEG Art to highlight Bach Festival 1 hr rich. iridescent artwork of S.i lem prmtmaker Kli/alieth Hrinton and Kugene ceramicist l.inna Mum lilit/ will lie displayed ,it the |a (iibs (iallerv iti the Holt (color for the Performing Arts amidst the i do lirated Oregon Bai h Festival The exhibit begins Saturday |une H, with ao opening roi opt ion from I, , o |i m to boom the two Northwest • li t Ists "A lot of m\ work is about music and has been inspired by iihisk so it seems just perfoc t to be show log dor mg the Hai h festival." explains Unoloii. a Kugene resident of veals w ho rei eofh moved to Salem Sculptor Musi hilt/ agrees It s really special to have on work ills played during the festival, sharing the essence of the musii I love so mm h Itriotoo compares hot familiar itn ages fish flowers, landscape si , lies, howls, and vases, main hot deieil In dei online void to the re petitive themes in )a// inusn "1 i an pla\ on them, the l Oliver sits graduate says, disi over tog a new ■ mil different qualitv to the subjei t i',ii li timr she cm winters it Hrintnn i rentes a si reenprint t>\ making 'i series of drawings first As her drawings take on life, growing through improvisation, alterations and turnings of color and light, she begins to translate the life into print If 1 begin to print too soon, it nev er ripens properly; it 1 begin too late, the life is gone, the printmaker e\ plains nl her artistic tuning She adds shimmering gold bordering to mam nt her works to explore the decora turn in her art and to evoke the multi pie lavers of a subjei t do-exhibitor' Musihlit/ uses simi lai iridescent tones in hei i lay sculp ture Inspired b\ the textures ol the loli.ige and fungi in the lush Hawaii 1.1 n rain forests. creates sculptural forms resembling glazed lichen, fungus and leaves I sing a rough, groggs clay iShig,uaki i layi that forms tipples. Ii.ii .uni ridges when stretched and dned. the lornier I niviTsity ol lla w.iii student employs the laku lech inijue. a t.llitlese method ol firing, then slow-tooling. a gla/.etl bisipie l ire proi ess results in exi iting metal Ik colors on contrasting black, or ganic i lav ‘Sometimes I feel I ruin the thrown ( lay surfar os In applying the glaze to the bisque form.' she ad mits. "but when I raku the piece it hoi mms transformed from the pat turned fungus like stage to a magical IK lien Musohlilz. recentl\ returned to her artwork .liter a two-vear hiatus to i oinplete a master's degree in ( iiltm al Services at the University Her most recent sculptures share tire lus tei nt an oil slii k " I've always had a fa sc illation with an oil slick, wanting to bring it home and slii k it in mv living room, says Muse hlitz "It's not a pleasant sub stance. hut the colors have always e\ c iled me The Brinton and Musi hlitz exhibit will continue through July 11' The opening reception on June 11• will in i lode the music of loi al i lassical gui tarist Michael Race Regular viewing hours tor ihe )a cob (fallen are H la > p.m weekdays. 11 a in to t p.m Satur days, and during all Mult Center per foi mances. LCC hosts three new plays written by students MUSIC Sunday. June 3 Eugene Jazz Studio Recital will be in the Hult Center Soreng Theatre tonight at 7 30 Tickets are $5 Calendar Thursday. June 7 SHOcase Free Noon Concert will be held at 12 15 p m today in the Hult Center Lobby THEATER PERFORMING ARTS An Evening ot New Plays will be hosted by Lane Community College and will introduce three original plays from Lane playwriting students Performances will be on June 1 and 2 at the college's Blue Door Theatre Tickets aie $4 and may be purchased in advance at the Hult Center ticket office and outlets, Marketplace Books or the Lane Box Office between noon and 4 p m on weekdays First Annual Student Showcase will be presented by the Conservatory ot Classical Dance, a school providing state-of-the-art Paining in the fine art of classical ballet The performance will be at CATE Auditorium (old Condon School) at 1787 Agate St Performance will begin at 2 30pm Admission Is $2 for adults and $2 for seniors and children under 12 VISUAL ARTS Identities is the title of an exhibit by three University fine arts students to be on display from June 2 to 10 in Gallery 141 Artists Aimee Mattila. Don Ross and Karen Baxter will be on display A free public reception will be held on June 2 from 7 to 9 p m in the gallery, located near the courtyard of Lawrence Hall. 1190 Franklin Blvd Ashen Beauty Wood Fired Ceramics an exhibit of contemporary ceramics by 10 nationally known artists, will be on display in the Museum of Art. 1430 Johnson Lane, until June 3. From Fiber to Fabric, an exhibit of handcrafted, handspun items, will be on display from May 15 to June 17 at the Lane County Historical Museum. 740 W 13th Ave. Admission is $1 adults Ffult Center Gallery will feature the work of two Eugene artists, Kerry Wade and Satoko. from May 14 to June 13 in the Hult Center's Jacob Gallery A public reception will be held in the gallery on May 19 from 3 7 pin Jniversity Museum of Art will host he annual exhibition of art work by 13 fine arts degree candidates at he University The exhibit will run rom May 20 to June 17 Jniversity Museum of Art presents in exhibition of 39 Japanese woodblock prints entitled Airs of Edo Japanese Fan Prints from Jlay 23 to Aug 26 lacobs Gallery, located in the Hull Tenter, will feature pastels by Eatoko and Mixed Media retaliations by Kerry Wade .ane County Historical Museum ’40 West 13th Ave will cos; - sur he exhibit From Fiber to Fabric rom May 15 to June 17 (erns Art Center. 1910 E 15th Ave will feature Ghosts of Maude rom May 18 to June 1 7. .ane Community College Art Department Gallery will host the .CC Student Art Show from May 14 o June 1 MISCELLANEOUS Auditions for Children's Musical at .CC on June 2 at noon Auditions or The Ogre and the Five Magic Toms by Cavalier will be held Be irepared to read script, sing and nove For more information, ca I Eherry Lady at 484-0283 or Jerry Seifert at 726-2209 PAPER DUE NEXT WEEK!?! PAPER DUE TOMORROW!?1 NO TIME TO TYPE IT!?! FOOTNOTES is still having their SI per page introductory offer for their TYPING SERVICE. Bring your paper by Room 21 in the EMU—we can usually have it out in 24 hours. Put your time into STUDYING for FINALS - let US do the TYPING!! ■you ftAvt E^adi* Student Discounts Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center 346-4402 M-F 9om-5pm A & E OIhi \ilil i .mil Kukiiiihi use h.intl-1 r.ith'il instruments to < re.ite dislitu I \lrit.m rh i thms the Portland h.uul will i)l.i\ toniiilit ut 9:lilt ut IKJIt ll.ill wow Continued from Page / k Porch B Unis will perform .ii I hr WOW on Saturday. June 'i at uJO p in 1 lie I’acitic Northwest hand will li*aturi- down home ai oustir blurs, also called "blurs w itii a trrl i»K-“ Opening lor the group is Ambrr lidti an acoustic duo that presents traditional, modern and original nuisit in their at ts I ir.kets tor tins t oncert are available .tt $"> in advance and .it the door I'iiuillv m its atli’inpl In bettei serve tin1 publii the t t.I'A Ihi.ii.I ,tnil sliil! will bust ,t I’ublii l orurn mi I'lmrsil.iv |imr l-l I he hi rum u ill begin at 7 HI p m .mil .ill .in- invited tu vnii i‘ Ihi'ii opinions .uni i ommi'iits riir (lommunity Oritiei lor tin- I’rrlorming \rts is located oil thi' ( aimer ot lughlh \ve ime .mi) I.mi.olii Stri'i'l .mil is wheelchair .h i essible At WOW II.ill events audiences ol .ill ages are welt omc Adult refreshment u ill lit- ,n ail abb' to those with ap|iropriali' uleiililii alum l or further iiilormatiou. i all OM7 J7 I0 Treat Yourself To Some Fun we WHS*09 * Games & Gifts * Tricks & jokes * Juggling * Balloons * Puzzles * Costume Supplies ‘‘Fun For Everyone!” Chazpro Family Fun Shop 603 E. 13th 345-0032 Ill 0LR5r: Ill ENr(ZRPRISE5 • Located at Orchard Point Park • Double & Single rider models • Frequent rider program • Group discounts & reservations • Call the Best Jet Ski Hotline tor more information JET SKI RENTALS EXPERIENCE THE RUSH!! 998-4477 "25 Years of Qualify Service" *» GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 202f> Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 VEACOCK* 9 TAVERN 1 745 8522 * 125 SW 2nd Corvallis IfVc tftifiC & v < ’ o u Lloyd Jones Struggle1 June 1 & 2 WEDNESDAY NIGHT BLUES JAM June 6 Cj .A a > It KM>\\ Ml .11 I w l l) Ml.II I i iii ksii u Ml.II I V imp. -V I r . V *495 i k 111 \ n Ml.M I *375 S \ I X S| N MUM Slcak . I i it s \ Salad HUGE PRICE on all Macintosh • Plus R 5E V^ \ • SE/30 mod e 1 s Microcomputer Su pport Lab 202 Computing C enter Monda \ 1 rul.i \ 9 ,im to S p.m. 14n 1402 /_ The power to he your I»esI. %