Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 01, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    Daily Emerald
~A & E
Stadium to open for
camping at June
Grateful Dead shows
The (hateful Dead concerts
sc heduled .it Aut/.en Stadium will
allow c amping for concert pa
trims. I'he June li t and 24 shows
and the hand's Sai ramento dale
will he the Olds sites on the Itl'ttl
tour that s\ ill allow camping
Camping area w ill open at noon
on Friday. June 22 Campers are
encouraged to arrive by it a m on
June 2:t to ensure a i amping spot
The area will close at It) p in on
Monday. June 2T>.
The charge for camping is $20
per vehicle and will he open only
to campers bedding tii kets to both
concerts only There will he no
in out privileges for campers It
vehicles leave campground, no re
entry will he permitted without
paying the c.imping fee again
Kntry to the camping area will
he through entry number four at
the East entrance to Aut/.en Stadi
um parking lot of) Centennial
Advance tickets are now avail
able for $2ti at Fred Meyer
FAS'I'IXX outlets and Hull (tenter
Box Office For more information
on tic kets or phone orders, i all
224 TIXX
WOW Hall features creative performers
African rhythms
will rock tonight
the Gommumtx (denier tor the Pet
forming Arts (also known .in the WOW
Hall), .At! \\ Kightli Ave . v\ 111 Host a
diverse group of musical performers
o\ er the next two weeks
I it ‘V i nnitu; tonight t'ortlaiul hand Olio
Atldx ami Kukruilu v\;11 perlorm then
brand ot \itu an musii at the WOW
(tin i Add\ .1 native ot (I liana W est At ri
ta has toured the l'ilited States exten
six fix sharing his blend of West Atm an
111 us n
tits band, kukruilu, consists of seven
other members w ho use western and au
thentic hand i rafted instruments to per
form African rhvthnis
I'u kets for the concert which begins
at <1 10 p m .ire $7 in advam e and Sft at
the door Advance tickets are available
at Balladeer Music IAI1 Main Desk
House of Records, Record Garden. Hap
pv trails and at the W ( )\V t fall
On Saturday, X Pirat v and 1 he Bad
Daddies will perform at 0 in p m Ad
vance tn kets for the show are !$7 and art
available at the above lot ations
On Thursday. lime 7, Shumba and
Kphat Mujuru will perform their brantl
of mbira and marimba to combine an
evening of invsti(]Ue and joyful t.elebra
Kphat Mujuru. famous for his master
storx telling style, will sfiare his mbira
playing with the audience tor the first
part of the evening hollowing his per
C ourt«*%\ ptiulo
Rabbit Choir will portonu .it Urn* ll.ill Friday. luno H. adding to list ot di
verso nortormors Hood no to nla\ donor; tho no\t ton nooks.
formam e tin .11 h.mil Shumba will t<«kt*
tu the stage with their marimba sounds
In thrill audieni cs
Advanee th kr*ts lor the show are
available at $r> and tii bets al the door
w ill he sold .it $li
I he Kabhit ('hoir and I lie (amil Mad
men will take to the WOW Mali stage
Friday. June H at 'I III p m
I he Kabhit (Ihoir is a six piei e ei lei
tu rook and roll hand whir li plays all
original high energy nnisii lie prepared
to hear some I \ i u s that will stress poll
Ill <ii mu i.d ,iiul ri ulna’ll .1! themes
The I hind Madmen .ire lin.il artists
who liitvt* expanded tIn• 1 r si>11 lid sim.e
I In'11 l.isl Ul lU 1 l.ill .1 p | list r.i 1 it i1. having
.tililfil drums .mil Itass In their sound
I hr li.tml .i 1 si 1 11.1 s Miinc wild lieu addi
liuns In Iheir sung list nl highly origi
mil gritty .mil street wise mtisii
Ad mission til die show is $s .it the
Turn to WOW. Page 9