i’hoto b> Sr4H Pmtoii The development of suburban shopping malls have led to hard times and a lack of tenants for dow ntown retail t enters such as The Atrium Community New plans, tenants create hope for struggling downtown Atrium By Bob Waite The Atrium, a retail building in Kugene’s downtown was tjuiellv busv with people lounging outside .1 few eus lomers at the ii e i ream store in side and tavern employees making reads for the lunch i rowd Friday morning. Nestled next to the empU building that used to he a Sears store I'fie \trium typifies Kti gene's downtown: half full and seeking a renewed identity and i niiimen lal vitality I wo w eeks ago Kugene vot ers narrowly approved a ballot measure to i hange urban re new.il plans and this may sig nal a change for The Atrium and other downtown business ‘I've worked downtown since l'loll." liette Sandall, Atrium manager said "We all Used to go out and sfiop for dresses on our noon hour and it wasn't pist us (downtown em ployees| It isn t like that now Sandall said The Atrium has main good tenants and has some good prospet live tenants as well Sandall said "mall rats " or loitering youths, have been a problem and she needed to hire sci urit\ guards and ( lose the public restrooms because of vandalism |an lloliman. development anal vs! for the < it \ of Kugene Planning and Development de partment said hope exists for I he Atrium by "maybe re de signing ret,ill spai e and en i ouraging other tenants such as non profit organize! ions [■( (j \\\ an economii con sultan! firm, is ln< aled ill I lie Atrium "Because it s central to our employees we elijov being downtown and it's nu e offii e spat e with affordable rent." Helen Kosenau. I t ( ) s adminis trative manager said Russ Isbell, of led Durant and Associates in Portland, is formulating marketing strati' gies for The Atrium's new ow n er. Connecticut Mutual l.ife In surance Company in Hartford. (ionnei t ii lit ' They (Connecticut Mutual Life) should have a plan in the next '•() davs Then we'll have our man long orders to begin formulating our market strate gv.” Isbell said We don't think it's a dead building." he said. "We think some prior ownership problems may have i ontributed to the problem "We expect 90 percent occu pam v within the next 1H months. Isbell added "The downtown is dying' idea has been around for the last 20 years hut we don't believe it Hut Kverett Smith. I ’niversity geography professor, said the retail outlook for middle si/.ed Ameri( an dow ntowns is not good Between ton' and 1072. re tail sale- save : in Kugene s downtown ris ng somewhat between 1072 ami 1077 He tween 1077 old 1082, sales continued to slow ly ini rease Smith said liven w ith the sales gains be tween 1072 and 1082. Smith said, sales were well below what was expected and the na tional i onsumer price index Smith said retail business is undergoing a decentralizing trend, indicated by the (level opment of shopping malls in the 1070s .mil the current boom in suburban shopping center development Businesses like the new Costco and Shopco on Coburg Road, the new Fred Meyer and Safeway on West 11th Avenue, and the Springfield Mall on Gateway have displaced big re tail centers downtown. "1 guess these buildings (like l he Atrium) just don’t work as they are perceived anymore.” Smith said 20% Sale does not include. coursebook*. Him processing lobecco products, class rings, academic regalia, computers, software, tennis balls, and items alraady priced as sale merchandise as wall as some electronic equipment which is already priced extremely competitively No further discounts, cash register sales only, limited to stock on hand Main store at 13th and Kincaid only \ ART SUPPLIES GIFTS FOR GRADS SPORTSWEAR OFFICE SUPPLIES LUGGAGE COSMETICS ‘1 m BOOKS I MAY I ;W51 Din UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 306 00 SAT 10 006 00 346-4331 Car Care with a Conscience European Automotive bpeciaiists Audi BMW Porsche VW Alfa Romeo Volvo Mercedes Benz ^niapid 1975 W. 7th • Eugene 687-0040 qfcP'tr vJV ;, We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes 2705 Willamette St. 344-3106 Tr B/MBM PMLlM CMirst st RtSTAUKANT ^4^ il&rt *• i Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs C, Try Out Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs *\ Th I I 00 7 00 f Sd I I 00 4 JO Closed Sundays | Hours: Upstairs M 1 h 4 Hi If) 00 f S,s‘j00 10 30 Closed Sundays !27SAk>«, Sl.ee. - 60} Mil HAPPY BIRTHDAY ° to the June babies * &0r. » ANGIE AND LOTUS ° O ° Lotus: Dance the night away on your 21er. Angie: Celebrate madly for your 2 ird and your graduation. W e’U miss you. _ from