CONGRATULATIONS U OF 0 GRADS! St;iv with siHimiw-y hi krvftv Holiday inn Eugene, 225 Coburg Rd. • 342 5181 V GlNSHAl A0AitV> 7 ** \ * THf HI •» PHK I • i 1* ■mjr M«l 4 00 NaUnha KW bar 4 anti K<>b*rt l>uvail ^ Aldan f^ulnn • t-ay* |»uru*»«y > ll/jhfih M« W«r ) 00 AllNtW< IB FMMU MS' UKlfijwg IAIANCE "*> WftO A- «j V-"'r Wrmi fcrf EW»t AnAmotocl CJ>f1 ini nil inkmatioiui iourum Of li AH I HATION**. i Vi • IhU 1 • T(M HAMAS • MiG WVAM •Ttt sj f»T >6 FROM Twf C.RF A TOWS Of 3 MAH;'; ' i ; r,M:A»Tr M fVV r*> * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places $400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL 342 2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERM 2165 West 11th ‘specific rules obtained at do* Time Is Running Out! Plan for Fall Term nOW! Rdvisers available bg appointment or Drop-In B HinG: L) Progress Report □ Grade Slips □ Rdvanced Standing Reports a VOID THE LID ESI University Photo b\ Antin* K.imrn ROM students will spend six weeks training and taking ( lasses as part of the group's advance ( a mil ROTC Continued from Page 3 Alter graduation she hopes In put hei ecluca linn .md KOI! experience In use .is .1 facilities pi.inning nflii er lining .in hilei lure design for the \rnn Hut due In rec ent defense ( uts the compc I il ion Ini act ivis dutv posit inns is stilt You i .in already feel the effect of military (til li.ii ks This veal, fur the lirsl time, tour year scholarship students were pl.n ed nil reserve tints Before that was almost unheard of Fox said Selection Ini .11 live duty positions is based on grades advance camp scores and a leadership evaluation It not selei ted lor active dutv officers max serve in the Armv National Cuard or the 1' S Aimv Reserve to complete Ilnur obligation, de pending on the availahilitv of positions after graduation They are obligated to serve as officers tor eight \ears following graduation, hut there are several options for students to c house from Fox feels the "KUTC is trying to cut back and limit the number of students going through ” She also said si holarships will tree ome more com petitive as the Armv looks for higher quality \i cording to Fox, one drawback ot being in the ROTt is "the precow eived reputation of us on i ampus As a member of the K() I t Fox is obligated to at i ept the Armv’s polii v. even it she does not .11 wa\x agree with its policv Hut the Arnn is continually 1 hanging and up dating its polii lex." 1 ox said I ex adds that there are ,1 lot of liberal people in the K( )T(and that "for the most part people have been positive Minton and I.eMastel agree the Kt) i ( is beneti 1 nil because it allows Arrnv leadership to come trom all parts ot sot iel\ not pixt West Point and \nnapolis It creates a diverse pool of ottii erx from publii and private si bools and as liberal and 1 onservative si bools Hinton said he enjoys working on a liberal 1 ampus because he feels most people tire broad minded enough to appreciate and accept other people's ideas I.e.Master said. "Most people are ambivalent to ward the ROTO He also said he feels the bur den and privilege of being in the Army "It's different being a ROTH on a liberal cam pus " Fox said Political events may motivate stu dents to extreme reactions, and when ROTH stu dents are in uniform they are highly visible She maintains it is a positive experience and stresses the dedication of all those involved in it r The best pizza in the most convenient location in town. STOP 147H Willamette YOIJR HOME! 345-4811 (1 iinitt'tl tlt‘1 i\ rr\ arra| NOW FREE DELIVERY A FRI & SAT! (\\ ith I I’i/za) II > < minim J