Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 01, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    f*h«»li» tn K jiiipi i
I lie ROTC, prufirum b.is ynr/i m.iin students .m oppnrtunit\ tu .it/enil the I niirrsiti .mil le.un
valuable leadership •.kills
ROTC work just begins
Program gives students a viable option
By Lisa Christensen
While nlher t adversity stu
drills rile I is ,11 Jiel .it mg Irolll
stressful finals. ROll' student
Meredith l ex will he spending
the next six weeks training and
taking t las a:s
Lux. an interior art liitecture
major from Portland, will par
tu i pate in the Reserve Of lit irs
Training Oorps Advance ( '.imp
this summer The tamp allows
students to ipjdy leadership
skills learned 111 the i lassroom
in a prat tu al situation
( urrently . there are till stu
dents ill the l 'mversity s Kt)K
program ROTO students rejire
sent all i lass levels and ilK lude
a wide variety of majors
t.t Col lames Hinton, head
ot the military si ierit es jiro
gram said ROTt was estab
lished at the Cniversity in
10 l'l I he Kl)T( 1 program has
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remained at live evei sinte. r\
repl for a period during World
War ii when officers wete need
t'd to sent' in the war
K( m ! was established to pro
V tile tin- Ami', with college t'd
Ut'a led oil it ei s During the hist
two seals ol (hi- program, fresh
mfii anti sophomores take mill
tars science classes designed to
teat h base ieadetship and
an idea of where the niililars
tits into sot tels Hinton salt!
Military science classes are
open In anyone regardless ol
vv hethei I hex are in the K() it
j)Ingram Isven if si utlents
i (loose not to t onliiiue ss ith the
program these t.lasses make
tlit-in informed t iti/.ens. Hinton
Military st lent e t hisses are
stmt tilted mill h the same as
other t lasses, but they spend
a lot of time studying leatlei
ship I’he sublet t mattei is
t ompletelv different than otllel
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< litSM'S ' l'l IX Sitif!
You (lu the basil birmal .mil
■.Inn tun* ill the I S \rnis
map reading. laities nnlitars
litstui s I n\ said
I'util their (uniur seal stu
(hints in the program make no t
tor ma I i ti m rn it mo nt to tin ;
1111 ill in said the dropout rate
in the program is lm\ but tin;
R()T( program has loss nmn
burs ol students to start with
Most ot thu studunts who begin
the program slay with it lie
cause they lee! ( unlimited to it
Hut in the third year ot the
program interested students
mas entei the commission pro
gram and begin taking the .id
sauced courses These courses
tend to he more involved ssilh
leadership mil liars applir a
turns and lai lii s
Turn to ROTC, Page 4
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Continued from Page 1
tinth himself and ihe I imersiH
have been at .hieved
Hits vcar lias been a transi
turn year, a transition that was
difficult and time consuming
lie said "We are entering a
new dei ade lor higher edllt a
tion and need to he in the ton•
brand said he is pleased with
the progress that has been
made on the ailirma!nr at tion
trout, and that the l im ersiH
now has better relations with
alumni and pm ate d<mors
Improving relations with the
Oregon l egislature and faculty
salaries are two areas ol eon
i ein that Brand w ill tor us on in
the inline
We are at .1 turning ami 1 nt
11 al point. ' bland said 1 he
fruition of the planning prtx ess
that w ill posit ion the 1 mi eisi
tv ill tilt’ future
Brand said is > million t ontli
t tonally granted to tin- St.tic
Sv.stcni ot Higher lalucatiun to
help pay I.n ii11v salaries is ,i an
important lirst step toward
solving the salary problem
plaguing he t niversitv
I'he S > million will enable
the I'nnersity to keep up yyith
the \ eat I v inflation rate
" W e need to tie able to make
progress, lint this |,u all that ive
need he said
Brand said the only tyay to
really approat h to problem is
throngli a Son million pat kage
i.overing tyyo years that would
bring hit ulty salaries to a level
t omparahle to the mean for sal
■ Hies at loss the nat ion
"It yve get near the mean ue
i;<in excel, ' Bland said
lie said Olhei tpialittes ol the
l am ersity yy ill make up hu the
low ei salaries it the I 'my ersity
gets near the average tai ulty
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