CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 210 OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCED SOCCER COACH needed fo' U of O Womans Ciut Sports ■* interested COnta* ' Glut Sports *3733 or Pam Cahu: 346 4i?9 INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY WILLAMETTE INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER Now accepting resumes and interviews for Summer and Fall terms two term commitment Student interns * w 'k on pr._.|e. t team designed to facilitate international bade m lane County Pass/no pass credits available Students with skills m . • " a ,smt marketing and'or organisations ire #>n; ouraged to apply Ac positions an* *• ■* untary Interviews wmi be held on June 1 1990 Sign ups are posted at the Came Planning and Placement Center . .'J Hen drir ks Hail ' i ntai t Ha;ei ai 346 3?36 DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled Spring term you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD .» you're planning to attend the SUMMER SESSION There is still time to do it so stop by 333 Oregon Hail or the Office of Admissions '■■Cl Otudyjtbrckut ON UO PROGRAMS WINDSURFING CHEAP! Learn to windsurf every! 'Thursday beginning May 31st thru 'summer with the UO Outdoor Pro : jgram Transportation to Dorena Lakej available Eor more info Rm 23 Base j intent EMU or call 346 4365 ?i5 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS Help yourself Help your school The UofO Telefund wants you1 Earn $6,hr working flexible day and evening shifts Cali 346 3433 or stop by 2001 E rankiin Bivd today ASUO Student Government >5 now accepting applications fo' ■he Events Coordinator position Ap P'k ations and j«>t> descriptions may ■ be picked up in the ASUO offn e Suite 4 EMU Deadline for applu a ; bons sunset, ns a1"’ enthusiasm to *‘-ik with 10 16 yea1 olds Computer experience helpful One head ounselor position $450 • R&B Other counseling positions $350 . RAB Appn Jhons available al b- tn Continuation Center >ib< if»‘> t Moss St ind 333 Oregon Han F >r more m lor mat ion - all June at 146 3637 June IS deadline 225 APTS.-DUPLEXES Apt for rent 2 t>drm i"s*‘t park.-ig furnished pool fireplace dishwash er.disposal 344 8298 A V AIL A B i E 6 1'. 90 Studio, 13th K Patterson $275 $UX) deposit Cali 686 697 1 between '» 11 30 a m weekdays CAMPUS LARGE furnished ! and J bedroom Summer rates No pets 486 2823 CAMPUS PLAZA 7SO E 18th 2 BEDROOM $445 1 BEDROOM $345 E «i optionally large Parking laundry Unfurnished Absolutely no pets I nst last $300 fee $300 deposit Available July 1 345 7967 CHEAP RENT Large one bdrm G block to campus $479 for entire summer Lon 342 867b " CLOSE TO( AMPUS Eugene Manor 1050 Ferry Studio .5 t bedroom units starting at $325 a', nciuded Manager 484 744 t Bonnet Management 915 Oak suite 200 Realtor 485 6-391 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2 bdrm apt avail June Sept $425Jmo 17th and Patterson Heather 346 8540 NOW LEASING The Collegian, U of O 18th ,5 Aider The best in student living1 19 home cooked meals per week Pr j .ate balhr.x Air conditioning and 1 more1 Can John or Bob 344 *684 L._-— --.—• 2 BEDROOM apartment t ■ sublet 7 26 9-12 $14Q/month 683 194 7 2 BLOCKS FROM UO Fu»" -.tudnm 1 ,5 2 bdrm Lease thru August Summit pool off street parking, ru pets $310 thru $500/mo 484 9922 NEED A PLACE TO STAY FOR THE SUMMER? ; Nice one bedroom apartment to sut> ! let mid June »o mul Septemher j • (dates are somewhat flexible) f root • I 6 back yard house fully furnished > ! Prefer grad student or couple RENT $225/mo (util inch DEPOSIT $300 (refundable) IF INTERESTED CALL MICHAEL AT 345 2817 225 APTS.-DUPLEXES LOOKING HIGH SLOW Pick 1331 High St Cjmr-m living v S/50 C «! manager af 484 f If.- Dm et NOW RENTING ' ' > ... i- '■ ' • Furn i and 2 txlrm umt» near m^v. : Jg C jii after 5pfn H' i j«’i* ' h1 Apis 668 5769 FEATURING The Mtllrace Apnlm*nH STARRING low Sumrmii R«t«i ON LOCATION AT 1805 Garden Awe * Flowered Courtyard* * Laundry Facilities * Friendly Management 2 Bedroom* from $375 Call Gary 345 7275 Jennings A Co 683 227 1 NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMf R AND FALL LG 1 BDHM jp? i'.«> ?•• < • ; s i «*t StipJfJtA vanity jniJ ?ij|h i m,!-, QUADS STUDIOS 1 bedroom 2 bed room available June 8lh 343 4109 ME A. ■ '.'Ml M . . •<*■'?• . i a price’ 735 E t/th .* blk west o' am pus 1 tHlrm furnisbetJ apt 343 21 14 or 144 1583 ROOM FOR RENT 1930 . * .■ »4 M . Court June 13 th Sept 15th Rent 1250 I pay utilities Call 485 1010 anytime STUDIO TURN all utilities pd Sum mei rate $250 Please call to see June 2 and 3 only 343 2540 SUBiE T JUNE It) ‘if PT 1 $240mu» 485 5981 lv m-. j SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor i860 Alder Street • all •> >* fur summer dvauj; <‘ty Stu d'os 1 and 2 bedroom*, Don l be . auQbt i'i the dnuud! f all 144 569*1 Jennings A Co 683 4219 bUMMtH HA I to Cedarwood Quads An affordable alternative t sh »•*•>! '. ampus living All uM'he* pad i .m '1 I a iv.i iatuMy 144 J. » Jennmgs & Co 683 4219 SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor & Univ Manor 1750 Alder 745 E 15th Studio l Bedroom $250 $265 2 Bedrooms $375 $395 Reservations for Summer and f an Call for mto 687 0684 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND FAi 1 t arye man jmirM 2 txlrrn 1 bik to UO l a Iwa •ummer ■ lb--. New irpet D'-.r'A disp'.s ai 'iundttt > laundry, lots of park mg 683 8919 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND FAIL LOW SUMMER RATES . quiet ' 5 bd>” ' ■ " apt 1 bloc* uo 1442 f 18th Mgr N - 19 144 4760 THE NIL YARD APTS t bdrm 'urn un turn $275/3-30 No pets Manager 973 Mil yard 1 142 2303 VERY Nll'-E 1 bdrm apt $475 u. June rent already paid1 Hardwood Mum mini blind** Cal' Julie at 683 5713 Available 6 12 1 BEDROOM apt mar ampus iv i able June 15 Sept 15 886 0736 1 G BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studio onsite laundry 5c i,-, $2 70# June $250'July 8 August 484 7393 1 WEST 4lh APTS Unique 1 bed Ha! a , ■ vafe pan ■ f • plore Eugene bike Pails & park at your back door from $385 Please no pets Manage1 r>86 117 7 Bennett Mgmt Ci 915 Oak Realtor 4856991 2 BDRM Apr upstans 0 r i pet large yard qwet nt>nd Nr bus N pets .smokers June 15 $42*. tep 143 2455 eves 2 BEDROOM $445 1 BEDROOM $325 Enfremwiy large Campus 10 M,i*.ks oa'eway 2 f : - ks Parking, ui, • !•> Unfurnished Absolutely no pets f irst i .■ S1(X • I I Av« able now or Jur e 10 2045 Willamette 485 8290 or 345 7987 ??5 APTS -DUPLEXES « HOMM APT * «»*■ ?30 QUADS Al Of R STRI I T QUADS V.* «• Mummer N«'M V f*tl A •' •». *• ■ ’ »• .*«11 PA/K.rtg AVAtlAbHl C*H !■ ‘ 14*. VU I Campus 'a--, Apfi 73SE 14th $16tfcm mth Jun« 1-j Aufl 31 $*’4 ' HX» •• ’.>• *• 4i TYL { « PARK QUADS , id Ml !MtW ’ S. -- Jenmng* A Co 683 4?19 WIllOWTREE Quads tSAO Lincoln Streat * Puvata Hath* * large Shjied Common A SQUARE f t f T li’ unfu»ni*»h«*. hint ud piu*' $700 !*• {him? Av.ui.ibln July I VV'i*■ »!'• *»tte 4HSH. X' f 14S '-Wl/ •.a: f BV « 'VVNt M ,’S.*! ' .no .St u !>-i i". MV ports 4 txJmt 2': bat'-. St!- ! >»» *dh '.>.•{.! I* ». M.i'K.if if- .- timber ’4r> uv.'t after 4 pm CAMPUS 2 BLOCKS u.iip ' -A'di-iw n ants pnvatfl r• li ••"ftn Id#.II fi.f fho*t«* .gimn#f t tjrtXH jut>?i' liurrimm itmipfi guard'* teed I ail occupant y i8U*i i.ifilnn Avenue $ Si*. ■■ .hi t i.»iy us 72/?> j♦inning** . ( . <163 22/1 HOUSE WANTED $25 Finders fee | ’St location 'Long larm avail i 'S«< H* * eptabfe Hetervni *$600 of lots monthly Call today 144 1622 PRIME CAMPUS HOUSf Closest house lo Mt Court h t>drn. f urn 1 . bath laundry 2200 j M plu , ba .fintuil f.r.'i* t«> -I people Absolutely f>>» pels Cun*?nlly leased to inly Av.iildf.le Sept I Orr yr -a-..- $1V* ' . 1st ami a-.! plus Si200 deposit 181.3 University St >4*. 79H7 PRlMf f AMPUS HOIJM < i ,ses! hr.use ! M ■ ■. ' t» bdur turn f . bath laundry 2200 sq ft plus basement Easily sleeps up to 9 people Absolutely no pets Currently lease*J to si I'onty Available Sept t One yr lease $1?>9Vrno 1st amt last plus $>200 deposit tfl 13 Uni versify St \UMMf R SUB11 ’ June July Aug 1 . br 26th Avr n. M,se quiet furnished wash • • dryer ba Kyrlfd arpebng jn ; I more VKXVfnO * utils 2 people Ofe . in 48b /162 454 9632 rmg i BDRM .'024 EMERALD S-J00/m.j 1 si and last $200 sei. dep S»0C) non '»• fundable fee Grad students pref b8» 1826 550 /h9t r'*?*t year Wooden floors a d dispos (’ nu »• yard rt Call 46S 2806 210 ROOMS N A Big h yard $167 ?50 MOVING SALES'.. APT FURNITURE -.r a ig • :> c .*.1,0 i. Ij»' ’«?t AU N» >W • !• «*.*-• t**->•• S4* 1 •’<*iI 11»‘* $#>0 •! lfJ*C' I'tOftCf $40 utIA!' STUDENT ..‘at •.lull j - if p' n*4‘ .1? [ ’MU’ Sal 1“'! MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your STUFF'!! Oauy Pay U * Jayt at i ■cgul.i1 raft*-, i ni if !ft«* «|*m Uo«*n ryot t 4 i MU Mam Deih or call u* and ■ hatg© it at Mh 4343 VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHAT A BARGAIN ♦ ' easy i hair ?» f! shwlven dining t,*f>(# a .A-.ift*r .til tidT tif? ?60 ROOMMATES WftNTED F f MAI t ROOMMAU wanted Sum mot only Nice house Close to c*m pus *18/ SO/mo 343 9044 f f MAI j Mi m SMMAI f ! .u- ' Close ir . ufilJt.**'. 14.’ft3*>3 F emaie ruommaii' needed to* summer ►<« » iWMAM F DC i • !■» . ,.>-m 4 t ! hounn A yard J t V) 2h -1* . sd .>tf ^ .»!r.y i4.' . Roommate needed l f>t< >< s. from am •' MMA't Ml f t N ! hdnn ’M,|VI With «4f*l >um?Pt*i , : W*'- dy ‘it K 4*1 4ft‘> .’'I Hi >nmm.-tta Wanted ! i share targe 1 bedroom apt J200 ■ i utlldiev'rnonlh (.all now 484 72 14 Ask tor Ron 265 CHILD CARE HAfiVSlT rf Ft WANTffi ?■" m? i •' boy M r i -■ preferred M .••• la, tm u.qh 1 nday !..Hi Jenny t4. t ,'sd EVENTS’vt, d Oregon Eugene Mf XICO ClfY Beyond the Limits ot Modernization Bds«'d .i similar and highly suu in IciI N d • •••.!' I m(j, f Me.' F*4r11 , l ' City *n order to arrive at an ' .’Othiwftury Men r •. • ndy Institute F acuity ' .% ■•• • '. egon . hnla-'S serve as tjculty tor the institute Dan Goldnch a spe* idhSf tn me history .! Latin Amef a- and Jua' Epple a novelist ■ ut- and spe Institute Credits . , the institute 10 graduate redds (pass no pavo are awarded !» i redds in politu ai s- imii e and b credits m Enrollment { i.e •• the .’.’•de '!ntint spa. are reserved * ' ear iy appui ards »• sh i «•■ ; .aye proh ien. , •, no! required F or more infor rnviti ■ or to request application tor ms wide to David Curland. Foreign Ian guaye Resource ( enter 20e field at the Umvessdy ‘ Oreg ■ . University ot Oregon Summer Institute lor the Study of Meiican Literature and History ?70 MEETINGS CYCLING CLUB MEETING CEDAR A B 8:00 p.m. Wed. ?*o ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WSCOUWT SHOWS >. U. 11 t > • t r, 4 > • - . v„. «.• jif 7 V ^ Ht XXII INTlBNAHONAt TOURNEE OF ANIMATION T. Mi-*;1 FOR ALL - MANKIND . j • . i \ i l.offl .fMHOf* olCAH II ISM DR. CALIGARI HAMO IOMl.Mi-,1 DAMTy t MU Lultuiti t oium 4no Food S«rvic« Pr«**nl% BEER GARDENS with BACK ALLEY RIDE [ MU O ' *ng Room 4 * PM r mo (>* r> and F«o/*m vogm I HOT FUDGE SUNDAES SI 25 Every Tuesday 19th A Agate i-M 4 S’M Open daily U ' 1 pm rtf>? Willamette it t t .1 300 COUNSELING PR( )Bl. I’ MS ’ i ■ i !'•«• ' M • I»m ' ,i xn !! «•,}.ale porv Si' Uy 1411 44ftH Saturday Market Open-Air Crafts Event June 2nd! 10am Teny Vaguer fktttm 11k Paulette Ansari. 5w^ n Vc~*^ r&vrr* uxoon Ju o Gainer Sjtjt a to' Hitmen/ 2pm Cehdh ArcwaCeScMusc 3pm Black Roses Ite^a* Ixa Crafts Great! FcoP-Uve Entertainment ■ 3am til 5pm RAIN OR SHINE 8th & Oan Rose Bouquets $3.95 Daisies S2.30/a bunch I e Rhythm f & * Blooms 1 5th Kincaid “Under the Umbrella” Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson HLX WM. fihW ro 'II SCMtWlNfe mj-\ * - vmw ONt f HGM TWS aROWWii C AN Of CA©A, I CAN BJW* 'Oft ALMOST U.N jtCONU'i ' CAW! N, 1 OOH'T t S >r\* Ml !1M! i'U A LrjO WMIL A gw'j umfiK.w l JAkWD | A! iittl ■ I KiAD't • A T MM« IS TtXI W.UUD TWc AOORl^b foet.A.1 IT M< UUS-HTS AW WAMtD ON UtR kUHO