Sports PRE Continued from Page 10 (If the three. Ionian is most impressed w itii I all nil I think he could he as good as Prefontaine." Iordan said "Ur haven't had a runner like Prefonatine since Pre. but I think I ah on t mild realh he that good The women's li.000 meters should also shape up as a good event, and Jordan is ottering another $5,000 bonus tor the winner of the event it she runs faster than Man Shines s 1084 time of 5:.12.7. the fastest on Ament an soil The favorite will he Svetlana Kitova of the Soviet I hiion s\ ho has had a great outdoor season She won the 1.500 at the Unit e limner Classic in 4:05 00. the fastest women's 1,500 in lotto. Also entered are Romania's Paula Ivan, the world record holder in the mile and 1088 1.500 Olvmpir goltl medalist; Annette Peters who rail the tastest American 5.000 this year at the Oregon Twilight Mav 12: (iina Procaccio. the fastest American miler this Yr.ii . .uni former ( )regnn star I .(Mini \\ .irreti, the i ollegiate 1 'i()0 rei m (I holder ’'hilm'.i looks ver\ Hood. Jordan said Kitova .ind f’roi ai i:io (ire the main nuns and Annette and 1 rann \\ arren should also he up there I'hose tour will be at the top and I’an la niiiv also he up there Ivan has had a disappointing outdoor season so far. finishing with subpar in both the |ai k in the Box meet and the Brui e lenner ( iassu The person who might have the best i bailee ot beating Kitova is Peters who has looked ver\ sharp all season but Iordan thinks Peters is still a step behind the So\ let ' For Annette. 1 think she has a real future in the 11).00(1, he said "I think the .1)00 is a lit th' too short for her 1'hree other events won't re reive the attention the > HIM) and T,1)00 will but still otter headline performers The pole vault w ill mati h Kugene's kor\ I'urpenning and former Kansas star Scot I Hull man Turpennillg was the toprauked \meru ,in last sear. 1ml I is tin- link \mrri i ,in to surpass I1* leet tins year Huffman is the man to float Ionian said I In is the on I v Vmrrii an to go l * > this vrai ami knr\ might still hr upset with what happelied to Brian ( adieu down m Fresno where lie was soil of the man on tin' spot The men's mile matches sev eral top i ompetitots including Kas Flynn |ohn Qnatfe ke ova's Wilson Waigwa ami ( an aila s Brendan Mathias and I lave t amphell Flynn has a personal rei oril under J at) in the mile while (Juadr was ranked eighth in the nation last year Waigwa is seeking to het orne the Inst man over -III years old to break four minutes w hilr Mathi.e, and (.amphell are tough I'lie w hreli hail mile should also give the fans a tin ill vs till Springfield's (aaig Blanchette, who set the world record in the event at last \ ear s meet I lie meet starts at t> III p III w ith the .011(1 si heduled tor 8 I . and tin' . (100 at 8 at) NCAA Continued from Page 12 U ll(> III tth I lex k t • l i i II 1 While \ \esse11 had lii run Thursday, javelin throwers 1’iUil.i Uerrv .mil him IK,ill had the il.iv "II .is diil l.i/ U llson in (hr YOtlO meters li i.ils w ere held in eillrei event Ih‘i ,m>e nl .i lai h ol entries In the imlv other women's finals "1 the d.n \ll/"lia State s i lea |iilmsiin won the heptathlon w dh t, l id points wh«tf the It).(11)0 uas uon h\ Janet I lashm ol Kan sas State in it 1't I lie l Iregon men now have II of tilt'll 1 t entries slated to i ompele in semili mils or finals on I i ida\ and Saturd.n On Iridav l.atm llerr\ will i ompete in the finals ol the long |nn111 and tr\ to im prove on last v ear's tilth pint e show mg and pei flaps llleah the si hool lei ol d i >1 dl, tt 1 i he set at last Veal s \< A \ meet Also si heduled to go to il.w are llannv lope/ and Rli k Mestlei III (In* ( 000 nil’ll*! Steepler base I mats .mil Brian \\ right in (In’ si■ m11iIs nl ihf 400 muter hurdle* l.ope/ i* the favorite to u 111 the -.teeplec base w lille Me-alet turned in the tastes! <|t!alif\ on; linn* in Wednes dav heals In the loo hui dies U right won his heal Wednesday and had the third lastesl time m er.dl Oregon will also send Be dm daSilva through the lost Iw e events ol the dei atlilon and Belei !■ onsei a Bat Hal lei Brad Hudson anil lor ram e Mahon w ill lie in the 10 non meter tinals ( In the women s side five ( (logon eonipetilors are lell allei Wessell finished the 10.000 Kosie Williams will run in the .'00 inelei s semifinals to day the finals are Saturday I)isi us throwei Steplianie Smith w ill i onipete in finals today \11 i onipetitors who ad vain eil through I hursday 's i onipel it ion will he in tinals on Saturday r ■\ We Buy Quality • Stereo equipment • Video recorders • PA amps & mixers • Portable color tv's just 2 blocks from campus j Stereo Workshop 1621 E 19th 344 3212 M F9 6. 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