Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 01, 1990, Page 12, Image 11

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Oregon liistmue runnel Stefdmnie Wessell finished eighth in the HI.UiHI-meter rate .it the
\( \ \ ( hampiunshifis in Durham. V ( Thursday to earn the Dm As their first \mint
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Wessell takes eighth,
Peterson exits early
By Ashley Conklin
fmetaid Spans ReiKMtc
While il \v,is •mother il.iv of
i|ti.111f \ ing for the Oregon
men 's Inn k le.mi .it the \( A A
OhampionshIps in Durham.
\ t lliurstjav Stephanie
W essel 1 was the lone eornpeti
tor for (lie (fregon \\omen
Wessell linished eighth in
the to.000-meter finals with a
time ol 1-1 1 It') I lie r.n e w as
onlv her ser omi ever at that
d istam e
Wessell was Par dii 1(1 ( oie
tereni e elntmp in the e\ent two
weeks ago III her tils! ever
HI.000 meters She ran a time
ot U .! i -111 at tile Pat 111 meet
and although that lime didn’t
better the \l A A anlnm.it n
standard ot H 1H 0(1 she did
make it to the \'( A.\ meet via
the provisional list
B\ finishing eighth Wessell
grabbed one point as the lop
eight finishers store on a
Oregon's Scull Met let*, the
favorite m the hammer throw,
qualified for Saturdav's finals
with the best throw of the da\
at 215-5 I he next best mark,
was a 2 I ! (I effort by Mike Mo
rales of (lal-Irvine
Also moving on to Satnrda\ N
finals was Oregon's Spence!
Williams in the triple jump
Williams jumped 5111 tor
the seventh-best mark of the
d a V l est US I ghi nog belle of
Mississippi St,ite had the best
jump of the da\ at 52-tt' .■ while
I’ai IT) champ Mike I lari is ut
(California w as next at 52 11' >
I low e\ er I i ii Peterson failed
to qualifv for the tinals of the
I "itltl meters when he finished
lHth out of It) entries
Peteisoil s time was t -It).tit),
more than eight m-i onds off Ins
best The surprising thing
about Peterson's poor pertor
mani e was that he was running
better than he ever had leading
up to the N't A A meet and was
expei ted to perhaps tiuish in
Eric Peterson failed to qualify for the
1,500 meters when he finished 18th. His
time was 3:49.60, more than eight seconds
off his best.
1 (I 8-ti ri -4 l 1! 1 hasis I he
eighth plate finish also earned
Wessell ell American st,itus
Tins tear's \( AA Irai h meet
was the lirst tor Wessell. a jli
iiim Iniin Coos Hav Wessell
had i ompeteil m two \( AA
i russ country meets, but that
was her unit national experi
Among the men it was an
other dav of mixed results for
the I )m hs
tin- 1(111 lid1
A senior. Peterson's onl\ oth
er N( :AA appearance "ns two
years ago when the meet was
held in Kugene I le p 1 <«* ml
eighth in the finals that time
I'he da\ s top time in the
1.500 "as turned in 1" Clem
son's Philip tireyling and \\ est
ern Michigan's Paul Vundegrift
Turn to NCAA, Page 13
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