Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 01, 1990, Page 11, Image 10

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Portland blazes into NBA Finals, 112-109
By Walter Berry
4 s sor . i tt*d P' < *.v s
I’UOKMX Portland ad
vanned to llii1 NBA finals tor
the t irst tline miii e thin won
their only i hampionship in
1 •)77. taking advantage ot a
hamstring injury to Kevin |ohn
son to beat the Phoenix Suns
1 12- ton Thursday night
the Trail Blazers, who had
lost five straight playoff games
on the road, im hiding a 44
point blow out in t tame t at
Phoenix, sc ored the hist six
points of the game in the final
55 seconds to overcome a hid
liant performance In left
llornacek The Suns guard
scored 25 ot Ins i areer-high <i>
points after lohnson was in
jured late in the second period
It was the first u in by a road
team in either ot the MBA’s
conlereiH e finals, and gave the
Trail Blazers a 4 2 victory in
the Western Conference chain
pionship series.
"Kvervone talked about how
we can’t w in on the road, hut
we kept it close until the end.’
Portland coach Kit k Adelman
said. "People should realize we
(.an win the close games.
"We’re not thinking about
The finals, we’re just going to
take some time off We’ve
played every other day and
need the rest."
Johnson, who had ft of his
in points in the first quarter,
pulled his left hamstring with
2 54 remaining in the half, and
went to the locker room for
treatment But the Suns’ point
guard did not pluv again
llornacek gave the Suns a
lUfl ltlti lead with two free
throws with I (HI left, but Phoe
nix did not score again
ferry Porter, who si ored 2,4
points, hit two tree throws to
draw Portland within one with
55 seconds to go.
Alter <ui exchange ot posses
sinus Jerome kersey bi«H ked ,1
in\ up attempt by I fortinc ek
then i ompleted a last break
w ilh .1 lavup ut Ins nu n In put
the Trail Hla/.ers ahead to st,i\
u ith l~ set omls remaining
Turn Chambers then turned
the ball ov ei In (ilvde I Jrexler
who was fouled and made two
tree throws with (> H set.omls
left and finished with - t
\ desper.il ion t point at
tempt b\ llornaeek missed bad
lv lust before the liuz/er
I tan Majerle added .: j points
for the Suns, while Chambers
scored all of Ills !7 hi the set
ond hall Hut he w as > tor 11>
I mill the field and v\ as only I 1
loi ;t7 in the final two games
It's a great feeling to will
Blazers forward Buck Williams
said 'Defensively we stopped
Phoenix when we had to."
Portland, which meets the
winner ol the Chicago Detroit
Pastern Conference final, goes
into the championship series
with a *10 playoff rei ord at
Portland. trailing B i 50 at
halftime and 89-84 after the
third period, tied the si ore at
80-89 on rookie Dra/en
Pet rovin'.s i point goal and
jumper .to seconds into the
fourth quarter
The si ore was tied three
more times until Chambers'
free throw with 7:li0 left pul
Phoenix ahead 'in 05
llornaeek. whose previous
career best was 12 points, lot
i.onsei utive dm iug lav ins for a
1 Dll ‘la lead with T;50 to go
( 'hambers sank a jumper with
5 1 5 left and another w ilh I I !
showing Ills foul shot with
lour minutes showing made it
The Trail Blazers i losed to
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Id- 10(i on I’orlt'r's fourth I
pointer of the gmuc u illi t 1 !>
left .itul Droxlor's two free
throws with t 48 rem.lining
! he suns who built lug
In.ufs in Phoenix to bc.it the
I r.iil lll.i.'crs 1 t lid m i i.irne t
anil I in Id' in (,,une ! strug
gled to ,i n i id h.ilftinie In.id in
(l.imc i
I ’o rt la nil t in 111 ng I i “i with
41> remaining in I hr sei ond
111.ir11■ t after a II,! Suns run.
;<>( three I point goals Irom
'oiler during a 22 ll run that
;nie the Trail Blazers a > ' >t>
end u ith .11 lell
Majerle u ho had IS points
in I lie set ond per rod, made two
ree throws with >n setoutls re
naming and a three point pla\
it) set mills Intel toi a It I i
l'he si ini' was hi'd (mu times
m tin' lirsl quarter before John
sun Mint'll six points in a \2 i
s|iurl In put I’hiii'nix ahead
'i' 1'• v\ ltli .1 S ' remaining
I’nrter who hail 111 points in
tin- first halt lint missed mm li
id the sei mill halt hei anse iit
11 ml trouble ke\ ed an II I run
that pulled the ['rail Hla/ers to
a lilt detu it attel the first
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