Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 01, 1990, Image 1

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    Friday. June 1. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 164
Oregon Daily
Leadership classes and .1 gruel
ing advance camp are what the
l adversity s tit) K()T( I students
can look forward to in that pro
But most students appret Lite
the i hallenge and the scholar
ships offered In the Anm
See story. Page :t
New marketing pi.ins and a
new ou ner offer new hope to The
Atrium. Kugene s downtown re
tail center
The Atrium has struggled
against low vacant v rates and a
consumer shift to suburban
See story. Page ti
On Campus
Westmoreland Tenants Coun
cil meets Sunday night at f> HI in
the Westmoreland Community
See Kt als. Page 5
Obo Add\ and Kukrudu start
off a full slate of upcoming con
1 erts b\ performing their brand of
African musii tonight at WOW
Addv, a native of Chana. and
his band will perform with au
thentic hand-crafted instruments.
See story, Page 7
The 5.000 meters, featuring
tin> top three distance runners in
the nation, will fittingly be the
highlight of tonight's Prefontaine
A $5,000 prize is up for grabs
in the race that was Strive
I’refontaine's main event before
his death in 1075.
Doug Padilla. Steve Plasencia
anil Jot; Falcon are the top con
See story, Page 10
Mostly cloudy today with a
chance of rain late. Highs in the
mid-00s For the weekend, partly
sunny after morning showers.
Brand: No solution on partnership
Discusses year in ottice, trip to laiwan
By Peter Cogswell
Emor.ua flefV.'e
I ' n i \ e r s 11 v I’ r e s i d e n I
Mv les Hi.mil s.ud She I 'ut
versih w ill nut h.w e .1 solu
1 iim mni crning dome.stu
partnerships in f.imiK hour,
iny h\ llic end ut the term
Hr.mil. spe.ikiny .it .in 111
form.11 press conlereni e
I'lmrsdav morniny prom
ised e.irlier 111 the term th.it
the I niversitv would h.ive .1
solution before the end of
spi my
Anytime we re.u h .1 so
lut ion other coni erns .ire
r.ilsed ' he s.iid "Ue .lie
working vein hard but v\«
won't have an answer It is
not tor lai k ot ettort
I'hi' I ni\itsjt\ is looking
into tin' legal ramifir alums
ot letting students with do
rnestic partnership agree
mi nts In e in the U estrnore
land project. which is now
inh.ihileil In imiriied stn
dents. Brand said
Bland also dis( lissed sev
eral issues the I nivei sitv
w ill have to lai e in tile In
turn as well as a trip to ( In
na. Inman and Korea from
w hie h he iet enth returned
It was a tiring hut exhila
rat i ng 11 i p Bra ml said
\Yr t (>v«*rrd .1 lot i>! v’nmini
m a little* u hilt*
Brand said In* w as {In* first
rrprrsrntuti\ r of thr l mvrr
sitv t" 11av »‘l to t'.iivv an find
lfi.it hr m.idr sr\ rial tins hr
tw rrn the l ‘nivrrsitv and
I'aiu an tor thr future
I htrr of thr cabinet mt*m
hms i it tin* thr nru v*o\ rrn
inrnt m laiwan art* alumni
of thr I ni v iTsit \ Brand
Hi anti is control u ith how
his 11rst \ r.ir at thr 1 'nivrrsi
tv vvml and believes a mini
hri i)f thr L’thds hr srt foi
Furn to BRAND, Page 3
Ms It's tinuiri
Pin pals
While ninny students .ire try inti I" inggle then < hisses .is linuls week .ipfmi.it lies. Tun ()'l.enr\ IleltI loel
Vi in .mil .\ntluim Hutto semi their problems In lien Willetts (foreground) during .1 I'hurstlm .dteinnon jug
ling session in the 1 uurtvnrd outside ot ( h.ipiu.in I lull
Photo In M.irk Ylen
Union offers support for Asian students
By Jolie Andrade
£ merald Reporter
Despite problems with increasing
membership and visibility, the
Asian Pacific American Student Inion
offers Asian students a plat e to six tali/e
and ( ome tor support
Al’ASr which was previouslv (.ailed
the Asian-American student union in
1 ‘»7-1. changed its name to tc c ommod.ite
the I’ai ifit islands, said tl.irv Hole
Al’A.st ’ member
Hob said the Asian Pacific American
Student ISiion targets Asians born in
the* t'nited States and the S’ac ifit Amen
can islands, including Hawaii islands
and other island territoiies, but that all
students are welcome
"The club is really just tor anyone
who wants to partic ipatc.” he said
Although the club loc us varies front
year to vent. Hob said its main focus is
to help students learn about their i id
turr ,m<l share the positive ,111(1 negative
tilings asset i.ited with he mg Asian
The main emphasis o! the i luh is to
share the experient es as Asian Amen
( ails with fill h other.' he said
llic i lull lets me know a little mole
about lapanese am estrv and other his
torical experient es " 1 loh said Huh is
from (luhland . ( alii
People i an get together share then
i n11ure and talk about their similarities
and diflereni.es. said l.vnette how
Al’ASl assistant direr tor
In addition to contat 1 with otliei stu
dents and then experieiu.es. Al’ASl
provides a library ol books and artii les
on Asian histon and important issues
on silt I) tilings as r.K ism and employ
merit Hob said
"I want to see the club pursue the
ongoing issue of how the Office of
Multicultural Allans has a lot ol si hoi
arships lot other students of color but
not \siun \merit aits, said how . add
ing lli.il the Ii.isIi problem is lii.it Am.in
Ameru .ms .ire not i onsiilered .1 minor
Since |,mu.ns Al’ASt ’ lias been tis
mg to revitalize Ibeir organization
through fundraising anil sponsoring
bolli 111ll111.1l and social esents lloli
l.asl monlb dies sponsored an Asian
student and laciills reception There arc
about ill Asian fai nils at the I 'niversilv.
not 1111 lulling (.M s and stall
Al’ASt' also cosponsored the appear
anre ot poet In-Anting ..arlier this
l lie club is also trsuig to work more
vs illi llie I ugeile commiimls spei dii al
Is the Asian Council, an assoi nation
ssliu b sponsored the Asian (.'elelir.ilion
last term. I lob said
'Were a part iii pal ion based club
rather than a membership club lie