Graduation '9Q On facing the ‘dreaded question’ Over spring break, my parents had a party to which they invited many of their neighbors, most of whom they had never met before — nor had I But be cause I was home for vaca tion, I had to hang out and talk to these people and ap pear hospitable Unfortunately, every time my parents introduced me to one of these people, they would start out by saying. This is our daughter, who is graduating from the Universe ty of Oregon in June " The inevitable response would be: 'Oh1 How exciting1 What are you going to do after you graduate9" So many people asked me that question that I've resort ed to giving unorthodox an swers to confound these curi ous types, in the hope they will leave me to wallow alone in my own confusion over what direction my life will take after I step out of Autzen Stadium on June 10. They |ust can't take I don't know for an answer I told one man I was plan nmg to move to Alaska to grow poppies in the tundra He looked at me as if I'd had too much to drink, which I had, but still, it wouldn't have mattered what I told these people They wouldn't believe anything I told them unless it was something as sensible like planning to go into real estate acquisition and devel opment My friend Adam seems to have discovered the same thing One day I found him sit ting on the curb in front of the University Bookstore staring off into space while eating a slice of pizza. Out of curiosity I asked him the dreaded ques tion: So Adam, wtiat are you going to do with your life'7 He looked me straight in the eye and said without a blink. "I'm going to Africa to gather frogs " Have you ever noticed how grownups have a never ending supply of advice for you when they discover you are getting out of college and going into the so-called real world7 Back at my parents house, one woman who recently sent her "perfect child" off to Port land's Lewis and Clark Col lege, where the library is open 24 hours a day asked me what I was going to do after graduation I told her I planned to run a chairlift at a ski resort for a while, so I could perfect my slalom tech mque without having to pay for lift tickets Rather than do the polite thing and accept my answer, she reacted violently and in Stephanie Mencimer formed me that my parents did not pay for me to go through four years of college to run a chairlift! While I was using most of my energy to avoid grownups of this sort at my parents par ty, l had a sudden flashback of Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate I kept waiting for some guy in a pin striped suit to pull me aside and whisper in my ear, Plastics, my girl Plastic is the future " But the only thing people felt inclined to tell me was that awfully surprising fact that there is no money in |Our nalism No, really7 I urn to Question. Pam- 17li SELL YOUR: STEREOS DIRTY SOCKS YOUR WORKING CAR AN OLD DESK DOUBLE BED LIFE SIZED ELVIS NON WORKING CARS BICYCLES SKATEBOARDS MILK CRATES BRICKS SHELVING UNOPENED PRESENTS Place you* ad lor four days II 't 'sn I sold call us and we II I ms MUM ARDS HOOKS POTTHO I SOUTHWEST JOURNEY Sim iali/.ins in traditional & contrmporun I’urhlu art Discover the warmth & beauty of the Southwest he hind the little green door .it the end of the drive way l-.xpertem *■ lilt’ Southwest journey ( aime and listen to the relaxing sounds of Indian flute mu mi . lirowse through the hooks on the Southwest and envision yourself in the I’uehlos hy holding years of tradition m your hands •5? Looking forward to sharing the spirit of the Southwest with ton l.o CJaudie 2:HiH \g.ite St. litigene. Or 4H4-IHIII4 Tin s In t: ' O 10s >0 or b\ jppt 7 I fi % 5 I MU I s ( ORX fc SKMJ NM Kl AOS V\ H)I)I\C. V ASKS NIIIK IS I I I ISIWS A 342-3177 AGENCY RENT-A-CAR • Low Daily Rates • Unlimited Free Milage • Free Pickup and Delivery 1601 W 7th, Suite D Eugene $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special! w/750 FREE Miles THE BOOK FAIR Have a Great Summer USED BOOKS PLUS url posters, records. rrunjazmes Si kiH’wledoeuhle, helpful shill. "Browser's ' paradise" comer E 14th A Oak St 343 3033 Sine* 1966 M cutties jb 'is tf-utes ^bi+u+Uf A/oo+v '/V r A/ites C?GMGA4Z&uafoosid' Q’UidLuzted'/ A cc&pti*Uf QladLurfio+i 2>c*jf fteA&Avcdio+isis 737 Mcu+v, Spsu+Uf^ieltJL 74/-35 /3 No better time ... No better place Kor your free copy of the OSU Summer Session Bulletin, write or call: Summer Session Office, Oregon State University, 327 Snell Hall, C orvallis, Oregon 97331-1033, 1*03) 737-2670