Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Graduation Edition, SUPPLEMENT, Page 8B, Image 8

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UOf 0
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Slav with s((nunmo you know:
Holiday inn Eugene 225 Coburg Rd. 342-5181
Graduation '9Q~,
Take time out for memories
before you scram from here
j 'X'Tt Ti,h al1 ,his ,alk °*
I\/%/ graduation, moving
T ▼ ahead and figuring
out what to expect from the
1 future, it might be nice to take
} a break for a while and look
: back on the four or so years
I you ve just completed at
J school
I Yes. it's all jolly and jovial
I to see into that sunny horizon
> that is your destiny, but as
I they say. these past years
have been the best ot your life
I haven't they"* Sure they
j Think back to when you
I moved into your dorm room,
which looked as if it were
I1 made for maybe half a person
with one change of clothes to
his or her name Then you met
j your roommate, and depend
I ing on the individual, that was
as major a trauma as you can
t remember experiencing in
[ such a short period of time, or
iit was the beginning of a very
wonderful and unusual rela
j Everyone around you was
j freaking out, but you didn't
. know it then Everyone was
| trying to be the most pleas
’ ant. most accommodating,
j most perfect person in the
I world, while screaming inside
£ for a chance to crawl back
J into the womb. It was OK
[ though, because everyone
| was in the same boat
j But naturally you found
> your little group of friends
j and you dealt with all the stuff
[ thrown into your path
You experienced dorm
"food" — remember cottage
cheese souffle? You experi
enced the wrath of a cranky
resident assistant awakened
I from a deep sleep by your
j first dorm soiree Maybe you
i even experienced your first
j real love affair, the kind of af
I fair unhindered by parents
and dumb high school games
i Yes, you were on your way to
i the real world .. or so you
I thought
Remember those nitty wnt
ing classes at 9 30 in the
morning, a time that was bliss
in comparison to the rigid 8
am schedule of high school?
You thought 9 30 was neat
then, but now it's all you can
do to drag yourself out of bed
for an 11 a m class
You experienced, and you
You survived the dorm
What about your first apart
ment? You had your own pad.
man. Cowabunga. dude!
You had the responsible
ties of shopping for your own
food, paying your own bills
and dealing with your own
cleaning Maybe you called
home for some moral support,
or some financial support, or
cooking tips perhaps, but you
enjoyed all of this newfound
Remember turning 21?
Many do not But if you do.
that was quite a reality check,
huh? But it was neat, and you
liked it! You went to Rennie's
for a free pitcher, maybe to
Guido s to check out the local
sleaze, and later you stumbled
Mike Freeman
home to bed, only to awaken
to a well-deserved hangover
Then, after you had your
own Visa card, and you had
your own place, and you had
experienced social life to the
ultimate — more or less —
maybe it was finally time to
experience academia That's
why you were here, wasn't it?
Actually, after the first cou
pie of years, school really got
to be cool You were in class
es that were actually stimulat
ing your brain
Now you knew you were in
college, and were feeling
ready to take on the world
around you
But what about that world
around you9 Hey, you were in
Eugene, which ain't exactly
the real world.
Going to the bank machine
turned into a game of Dodge
the Transient What a parade
of humanity Zeus and his
trumpet, the dude looking for
grants for psychedelic re
search. the harmonious wom
an who threw in a plea for
change between verses of her
hymn o' the day What joy!
No one can leave the Urn
versity without saying that
they indeed have heard some
of the best jokes in the world
I can even say that I have
bought the greatest jokes in
the world the original Frog
joke book )
Or how about Eagle Park
Slim? What is he doing on a
street corner9
And what about all the reg
ular campus hangouts? Bub
ba's killer fries, the Glenwood
for Sunday brunch, the Excel
sior for a romantic dinner
Yes, these are all aspects
of your world or rather what it
was while you were a happy
Student at the University
So. as you go on your mer
ry way into reality to become
a real person where the ex
cuse. "I'm a student, will no
longer work when asked why
you didn't leave a tip, take a
look over your shoulder and
recall some of the memories
presented here
And hey, even if you don't
have any really special memo
ries to recall of your college
experience, you at least can
say, "I'm a University of Ore
gon graduate Who the hell
are you?”
A like Freeman