Graduation '90 I tliinr Darla Jackson (imphii \ I ihtor Mark V len Covet Don tor Susan Ihelen ■idvcrtisint; Stall Maureen Bernadelli, Mark Itrundage. Shellie llagen. St ott Mi V\o\, Vim Mittelstaedt. Melissa Nelson, Katin Smith, Kristi Strother, Fdward Wenick S/i< i ml thank » to I)r A. nh Richard. I mimin lr ihises for lus tiwoltirn t in providing htsUrruxtl photo Ifiaphs lor thi\ iirnl other supplements this term Inside The big graduation hash siinph cannot he dull. Pat Malach gives suggestions to avoid party doldrums. This war's eommenecment speaker. William Dro/diak. is foreign news editor tor The Washington Post Joe Kidd provides a biographieal sketeh. Memories of the IJO and hugenc are sure to last a lifetime, whether you want them to or not Mike Freeman lists some of these unique eollege moments. experiencing a little graduation anxiety? Stephanie Mencimer knows just how you feel. Graduation is usually synonymous with change, excitement and. best of all, presents. Virginia Pearce and Martin Thiel give the lowdown on potential gifts for grads. I he University's graduation ceremonies haven’t always been such an elaborate occa sion Daralyn Trappe provide information on previous commencement activities, from its humble beginnings to the present. Curious about the various paths some seniors are taking after graduation? Virginia Pearce and Martin Thiel take an informal survey. Renowned commencement speakers from across the country bestow their wisdom upon the rest ot the world. A handful of respected faculty members, students and community leaders will receive recognition at Spring Commencement exercises . 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 16 19 In Case YouVe Been Waiting For a Sale... Hie wait is over We’ve got the ensemble to put you into a pleasing frame of mind. The ensemble sale package includes our exclusive three position Kaleidoscope frame, cotton futon and futon case * So \\ ait no longer. Sale begins April 15 and ends )une 15. RJTON ENSEMBLE Twin $175 Double $220 Queen $265 *St*Ux t l*LM*S ‘ULitiy frv*- fui.uu tnx avail