Graduation '9©« Question Contimifd from I’aur *>H The credit card companies do not seem to have realized this Every day I get some thing in the mail offering me. Graduating Senior, a Visa card. MasterCard. Discover Card, or American Express Card with a pre approved credit limit in the thousands of dollars. Just the other day. this guy with a heavy Southern accent rousted me from bed early in the morning with an "incred ible, once-ina-lifetime offer of a Chevy Chase Gold Mas terCard or Visa card, with a pre-approved credit limit of $6,000 to $50,000 Because I am not fully functioning before 10 a.m . the first thing I said was, I thought Chevy Chase was that comedian who used to be on Saturday Night Live'. ' He informed me that Chevy Chase was a bank, and asked if I wouldn't like to have this nice line of credit to help me get started in my new post graduation life Unfortunately for the guy on the telephone, at that mo ment, I realized exactly how the savings-and-loan crisis Drozdiak_ Continued from Page 6H ington Post or even The Ore goman, you don't want to be come so narrowly focused, which can happen,'' he said "If you spend too many years living in a place abroad, you tend to take on the traits or perspective of the local coun try or population you are liv ing in. So you never want to lose sight of the people you are writing for "That's why its good for me to have come back and worked in the newsroom as foreign editor before going back overseas Ironically, Drozdiak's van ous trials and travels over the past two decades, experienc mg dozens of cultures, lan guages and peoples, have not complicated his view of the world. "If anything it has become simpler." he says "Overall, people have the standards or expect to have the same standards of justice and righteousness and self re sped And if you are deprived of them, that causes resent ment. and that inevitably leads to conflict "Having lived in so many different countries and cul tures, I am intrigued by the universality of human atti tudes." he said Having experienced the best of both worlds — wheth er it was basketball and poll tics, or the west and east sides of the Atlantic — Bill Drozdiak's world has become a much smaller place. — Joe Kidd CHECK CASHING at the UO Bookstore got started I yelled into the phone. Don't you people realize I don t even have a )ob9 I make S100 a month working on the school paper, for God's sake Giving me a credit card with a $6,000 credit limit is about as safe as making loans to Third World countries' At that point, I think the poor telemarketer must have realized he woke me up He apologized profusely for both i ertng me and hung up I only wish I could make such a point to all the well meaning grownups I encoun ter who wish to advise me on a course of action in my life Maybe next time I could break out into that Billy Joel song ' I don’t care what you say anymore this is my life Go ahead with your own life. leave me alone1 Stephanie A/<■«< intet Goldworks DON'T ( OMK TO IS TOR HIT T TOPAZ! :• i V, . .i \ V VV • Vlmiitjt ltljMi h|MH Silui iLm IHjiii l|>m I Ml.' \N iIIjm., tl« * U' y. ts H.mnn a y a rant- sail'.’ V(l\rrtisr in thf <)I>I t lassitli'd sta tion. fr." i •im There are three times in your life when you need a Macintosh. Mark'Unx lliui Now S( x >1 ] Wlnlevoure in college a Macintosh computer can help mu organize mur re seal'd: Refine \iep' into tlie real aorl'.: 'iou can design a d\naimte resume keep track o! vour job prospetls in a lata base and communicate sour sterling luckgrouiic. n. customized follow-up letters Once voti ve landed vour first job. a Macintosh help take sou a!! the \\;r. ;•> tlif top Ik'caust' it u ill help -ou a .'!!>• , a: ..ulatf aiiah/r ami present sour m tlu- lx-st possible maniR-r I lot to ivalK appreciate ssiiat a Mac:;.a *s|. can do lor von son need to conic n ; and trs' >no lor sonrvll \iid there ah' nesu'be a Otter time in sour alt :o ■;< >;ii.i! tha:. !<«las Hie power to be \ our best." Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 346-4402 CWi^nr IK \%wr [hr * iOC Hi* . *J irr ^Urfr.: :r jJr?Tur». * Vf*» *’ '• *v,/v . j jr" i'i *