Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Graduation Edition, SUPPLEMENT, Page 12B, Image 12

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    Graduation '9©«
“What are your plans after graduation?”
Milan Set-man, umoi. fi
nuni (' manaycmt'ni "l"m
going home In Medtord, and
then I II travel through I u
rope lot a while Anil I'm
entering law sehool in the
tall ot |W| "
I nan I mi. u nint an hiici
tint I just eot .t job ofict
trom till' MiKi'ii/ii' S.uto \i
chitecture turn in I’ortlaiul.
but I don't know it I'll take
it I think I 'll bane out in 1 u
uene tor a w lule
I'ill Jennings, senior. ps\
cholog\: I'm jioinj; lo New
York Cit\ (o get im Ph I)
m animal rescan. h
Megan Tunney, senior, in
ternational studies "I'm go
mg to Sun Valiev this sum
met to work on the banquet
stall No real long term
Malt Burlingame, senior,
hiolofi): ' I'm going to Nav\
Aviation Candidate School in
1991: I'm gonna ll>. I will
pursue alternate career op
tions in the interim year."
| - are books taking over your n>om?
- moving?
- last terms books?
- graduating?
- sell your books now!
- we buy books year-round - one block from campus
- don't wait for the long lines.
- sell your books now!
current textbooks
- fiction
- nonfiction
- cliff notes
- languages
• religion
- poetry
- art
- and more.
- history
- women's studies
- anthropology
- education
- psychology
- sociology
political science
- business
- statistics
- mathematics
- computer science
- sciences
leisure studies
- communication
two convenient locations
one block from campus:
7b8 Hast 13th Avenue
across from the post office:
525 Willamette Street
Buying 1 lours
monday-tridav 9-5:00
Saturdays 9-2:00
monday-tridav 9-1:00, 2-5:00
Store I lours
monday-saturday 9-5:30
lillUllltlV 11 l 111 r*V.lil > ' J..U/
triday 9-9:00
Saturday 9-5:30
University of Oregon
Continuation Center
* All rliuMM** on
10 hours of instruction
Students Welcome!
Community Microcomputer Program
Introduction to the Macintosh
One thnv-week section. Thursdays, Mav 41, June 7 and June 14, 6:00
9 20 p m Fee is $44
Hard Disk Management (Macintosh)
(W four wis-k section Wednesdays, May 40 June 20, 6 40-9 (X) p m
Fee is $44
MS-DOS: Level I (IBM)
One two week section Mondays, June 11 and IS, 6 40-9 (X) p m Fee
is $45
Introduction to the IBM-PC
One weekend section Saturday and Sunday, June In and 17, 8.30
am-2 00 pm Fee is $53.
Microsoft Word 4.0: Level I (Macintosh)
One three week section Mondays, June 4, 11 and 18, 6.00-9:20 p m
Fee is $54.
WordPerfect 5.0: Level I (IBM)
One two-week section Tuesdays and Thursdays, May 29-June 7, 6 40
900 p m Fee is $44 plus $18 for matenals
WordPerfect 5.0: Level III (IBM)
One weekend section Saturday and Sunday, June 9 and 10, 8.40 a m.
2 tX) p m Fee is $44 plus $22 tor matenals
Microsoft Excel: Level I (Macintosh)
One four-week section Thursdays, May 31-June 21, "4 30 a m -12 :00
Noon Fee is $53.
Lotus 1-2-3: Level 1 (IBM)
One weekend section Viturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3, 8 30 a rn -
2 00 p m Fee is $53
Borland Paradox 3.0 (IBM)
One throeweek section Thursdays, May 11, June 7 and June 14, 9:00
a m -12.20 p m Fee is $53
dBase 111 Plus: Level l (IBM)
One four week section Wednesdays, May 30-June 20, 9:30 a tn -12:00
Noon Fee is $53
PageMaker 3.0: Level I (Macintosh)
One four-wevk section Tuesdays, May 29-June 19, h 30-9.1X1 p m Fee
is $53
Quark Xpress (Macintosh)
One weekend section Saturday and Sunday, June 9 and 10, 8:30 a m -
23X1 p m Fee* is $53
AutoCAD vlO: Level I (IBM)
C>ne three day section Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 22, 23 and
24, H .30 a m -3 00 p m Fee is $175 plus $10 for materia.s
To register or obtain more information, call
Sponsored by the University of Oregon Continuation Center
1553 Moss Street, Eugene OR 97403