Graduation '90, Most of the I iimrMd curliest xi .idn.itnio classes worked to .i/>/x-.i/ stoic .old tni in then photographs. Ceremony has long, rich history On Sunday, June 10. the University will recog nize its 1990 graduat ing class in a commencement ceremony It's been 112 years since the first class graduat ed. and a few things have changed since then Back in the summer ot 1878, a grand total of five stu dents took their place in local history in becoming the first class to graduate from the University The class was made up of four men and one woman and each of them spoke at the ceremony They had taken a vote to determine who would give the valedicto ry speech Ellen Condon, the woman, was chosen The ceremony was held in an opera house in downtown Eugene City, as it was then known, because the entire University consisted of one building that could not hold all wanting to attend According to Keith Rich ard. University archivist, there really was no campus back then It was an orchard with a building in the middle The only trees in the area were the two |ust north of that build ing They are still standing to this day. The following year, gradua bon was held in a newly con structed auditorium on the third floor of that one building on campus. The building was later named Deady Hall in honor of Judge Matthew Deady a benefactor of the University and the first presi dent of the board of regents He gave the commencement address that year In the early years of the University each graduating class donated a gift The first few classes planted trees The one planted by the class of 1879 is the oldest one on i am pus The class of 1891 didn't have mu( h (tick with their ef tort The first tree they plant ed died quickly as did a sec. ond one Because of this the class of 1893 decided to give a gift with a much more ret tain future They took a piece of basalt from what is now known as Skinner s Butte and placed it |ust north of the new building on campus Villard Hall They carved Class ot 1893 in the three feet high cylindrical stone, and it can still be seen on (he lawn In the years since then classes have donated money to help build the EMU and the Knight Library Originally, the gifts were paid tor with the money students were charged in class tees Because the I urn lu llislon . I’aue I Wt GRADUATES... COME CELEBRATE WITH GREAT SAVINGS AT OUR GIANT GARAGE SALE! May 29th-June 2nd 50% OFF List price on -Headphones by AKF, Sennheiser. Signet. Yamaha and Nakamichi S.inus Speaker Staid*. Sale S 10 parr N.ik.imichi TA IA Hi'i eivfi 3S w.ilts ch 1 S309 Nik .nTuchi TA 2 A R»u iMver wills m S‘>09 N.»W jrnichi COP .’A CO P!.ty*M SS09 $299 «a Ktipsch KG4 Loudspeakers Klipsch Neresey II (Black I tmsh) PSB 20 MK II loudspeakers PSB 10 MK II Loudspeaker*. PSB 40 MK II loudspeakers PSB SO MK II loudspeakers Oenon DMA 425 Receiver 55 walls ch ; Denon ORA 625 Receiver 70 walls ch Oenon ORA 825 Receiver 95/walls/ch RAW 201 Loudspeakers HAW DM 1600 loudspeakers S80 oa Si20 ea S160 ea S200 ea $399 $499 $749 , $105 ea , $ 199 ea , $499 ea Yamaha RX 330 Rec«iv*»r 40 walls/ch Yamaha RX S30 Rec uivor SO walls ch Yamaha RX 730 Recover 70 wall-, ch ('.ash Stereo Pft 30 E. 11 th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 342-2463 — I,ike ,i -,hoil w.■ Ik & check out out selection ABOVE OREGON TYPEWRITER & RECORDER M F 9 6 Sat 9-5 TOYOTA FINANC ING LOOK WHAT YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE CAN DO FOR YOU. With youi degree at hand you ve proven you can do something good tor yourself. Now let Toyota do something good tor you. No money down. II you ii- ,) tout year i olleqe ijt.)■ In.Hi .pud student. ot .1 senior who will rjiuduut within 120 do vs you re eligible lot ! l.i . vpe< ini hnunce ptCH|rum I he plan lets you apply up to -uv betoie. or up to a year utter you eut degiee You don t need u proven t r tofv to qualify and you can take u( days to begin youi payments nonth ■dit hi-, to '10 VGC'/kM*FX9Ns6 TOYOTA “/ UA'e what you do for me!' TOYOTA TMCC MOTOR CREDO CORPORATION TOYOTA QUALITY SI RVICT OIL FILTER & CHASSIS LUBE • (J inf . Oil • TOYOT ^ Ul SUINI HI II K $1 787 ONLY JL I L—coupon - TOYOTA QUALII Y SL RVICl j | MINOR TUNE-UP ! Ufi 4*j» ami : ' ■* ’ " ■i-i'i 1 bt-si I I I L.. ONLY $3587 COUPON FOYOTA QUAl I 1 Y SI RVICI AMTIFREEZE SERVICE SPECIAL v$2887 .COUPON. I OYO I \ \ U luKi MAINTENANCE j STUDENT & FACULTY - DISCOUNT ADDITIONAL 10% OFF | ALL MAINTENANCE G REPAIRS ! I M'INI S t> H 90 I I » .».< ludcs Spet ial Coupon Items ® L_—— — —-CO(i —J