SOVIETS Continued from Page 7 it well. whi< h is nut the case she said In the t'nited States 'it's inadequate It doesn't start soon enough, and it’s not comprehensive enough \\ idof) s newsletters aim to make the topic of sexuality more comfortable foi adults to disc 11ss w ith their children The home is an appropriate plaie to hegm improving such tomnmnit at ion. she said In the Soviet 1 nion. the home max be the only pla< e to leceix e sex education "Parents are willing to deal with it. hut thex are looking for some help \Y idol I said. Widoff's program provides basic information on children's sexual development, along with strategies tor appropriately answering common questions Focusing on how to commit nit ate rather than on what to i ouununn ate allows flexibility for et tective sex education tor parents ot varying bar h grounds. i ultures and religions The newsletters haw been translated and about .">( 1,0(10 were original lx ex peeled to be print ed by this time However, a paper shortage has postponed public at ion until August, she said When thex are printed thex will lie sold to raise money for the Soviet t children's Fund a non-profit, non-governmental organization that was established two years ago. BOMB Continued from Page 1 In tin' protect (Hum and \uvit k -.lid the him w as r hKi’»• punishment \uvuk said tins film had equal merit I i an I think that a single tiling that I saw in this lillil was ai i urate \uvii k said Hnth agreed there was no dissent or crisis nt run sc unis at 1 ns Mailtos among the si lentist S/illurd, a projet t leader in l hit ago, i irmilated a peti tion hut it was quelled Nn\ ii k said ( Hum said all anti arms petition he circulated at the t.tfd Aiimvei s.u v in I .ns Alamos was also quelled During the war 'll is true we were taught tip in a strange situatinn. almost a si lu/npluenn situation (Hum said llie problem we have todav however is apalin in response to pluses I’rul Dennis (lilbert s (|iiestioli ahniil what we mav learn hum their evpen erne lllele IS .1 kind III ,1 w.ll ps\c tins 1 s and the monte I! turn nt the event keeps voi: gntng \nvn k .aid When (he hnuih was dropped on lliroshima we all |at I .os Mamnsj knew about it ( Hum said l-.\ ervbndv was ecstatic, evervbodv who had worked so hard Hut later, he sard, people began In wonder W hat hate w e done 1 l ire drop on Nagasaki was I he most urn oust mliable thing (Ins rountr\ has ever linin’ Hiroshima was a! r• 11f\ m a shambles Ilium ini adding lap,in would ha\ e surrendered at that point ' \\ i • knew in advani e what a blast of that si/e won hi do to a i.ity Novit k aid "UV never can sav we didn't know \iniii in f itttmtliii IXa lallman asked Ollim whv he opposed the relent \ui.leat lire /.one i barter amend menl i havt devoted a very large portion ol HIV life speak ini’ against tin' homh he said 1 ohjei ted hei ause I thought the \iu leal I lee /one petition was a dlsastel \ had proposition on a good side doesu t help oin (arise Anothei pel sou Iroitt the attdieuie (aim e Marshall asked. \re ire developing new and more terrible things at I os Alamos ' Aes. Olum said The MX missile tomes from l.os Mamie. It's a terribly important thing to i ontnuie fighting (arms deyelopment) in the philosophy ot mutually assured destrtn lion we vainly harhor the notion that prat e will break out (Hum said Aon finally begin to realize that you've In en killed In that effort 1 here is no Midi thing as a lugger 1 I Ilf I that will defend you The real tutu horn the pllhlii seems to lie A es. let's vote hi! a lugger i lull \nv It k said the putlli.(Is to ahsoi h two messages t here is no defense against these weapons and anyone i an make them I Ins message has not gotten .muss t )lum ns ommeudet! the tilm /Vie llu\ Urn l'rinit\ and the I’HS series (t/ipen/iei/irei as at t urate depii tutus ol the prnjei I Are You Interested in ■ SPU ING YOUR CAR? 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