Community Local rescue center giving care to animals Benefit to be held for financially ailing ranch By Jill Newsom / mi '.i 1 Conintutor Springtime i1- in full tnri e .il I In • Willamette Wildlife Resi in .uni Ki' ion ( enter . whii h means il i'. .1 busy ImIi\ season 1 hr ( entel -it \\ a\in Mur I Kamil In southwest laigene if < eives about three animals per da\ m tin' w inter lull up In -'ll ilnils iii I he summer months S.llll III f Xeilltil e 111 Iff till 1.1)11 i si * Slummel Il \ pretty n\ erw helming ,il limes Sill Inn lei s.iiil I here seems In he so null h to (hi at tllll e I'he various rooms through out the building arc tilled w il fl 1111 \ birds, orphuneil opossums owls, a golden eagle a lawn was attai ked In a dog and separaled from its mother and mam others Although 'll) volunteers olfei then lime and efforts at lie i elite! . Shimmel said there Is ,i lot ol ( oming nd going, which is frustr.i*ini', lilir In tin training involved Shu ex plained llial th(> i fiiti-r usually has two i ijH«■ -> iuf»■ 111■■ i ,ii h ()U{irli*i who in iv i- iijj|»ui di vr sn hi i red it |i «r l hrii w i irk Sliimrnul said shu would like In In- atili' In afford 11.11d staff to priii idi* i iintimuH We could invi'sl in training ful those p she said VV'WKA would also like to start a high si liiinl iiili'lnsliip pro gram Kon.indu Long a student in ter n from tin- t niversitv w ho volunteers ten hours pet week at the i enter, explained that mam mammals are sent In h i ensed rehiilulilators for i are so volunleers ran < uucenlr.ite trn animals winch must he kept at till' fat 11 it\ rile injured taw n was I u Ii e I a k e n Ii \ a rehahhei ' wilt) special far ill ties for raising lawns and will he led hv one or two people The feeders w ill w ear the I'hoto l>\ \ irvniii ('•■art h.irnv .< iinitial ruglr who llm into wirrs nhrn hr was .1 flodgling, has Inn! .it thr 1 rntn lor tno-.iml- n h.ill 1 r.irs same lu provida rei (ig nition tur the animal .1 ml when it is ,K ( uslomed In the buttle it u ill he led through .1 lem e su it will not see hum,ms reguhirlv When its injuries .tie healed ■uni it is able to survive on its own. tin' t.iwn will In- released i File Edit Uieui Special H»'ciilhn«* N .ri.v i:*- K ir«J Li* f 1 dtfiel Superior Products, Excellent Service! We a Mill line tit* largest seiectk >n c >! Madnti isli & related piuluds with a willingness tos.itisly ewi\'*»«> • Nc» do kaNc9 It ape • I>c:;!'h s (J't ;vni iiiniiVuM' $2995 CXrs PIP D laser printer • 22 • v ; , • l yai varra • $1399 IJniL’er sity Spot ials Name Size !■ ind Show Student ID & Save! • MicroNet Hard Disks 20Mb ..Save $90....$419 $0Mb Save $80. $499 (O.Mb Save $90. $549 • Full Page Displav + card Save $500. $1190 • Save 25% on All Software . - it. \ >> *-*(»>»: S41. r v a ,t*t: 'y a Dedicated exclusively to Apple* & related computer products the computer store 4 Vf»»» ( mki Store hours M-F10-6, Sat 10-5 • 6l West 8th, Eugene 343-1434 _Vfpfc Vj» 1 un*u< r»di Mirlx* 1 l». mx » i mwnW»r agt i>l 'pft < .xnpnn In. I oqo hint k 2;-j tn dt*t long said mam animals art1 re leased where the\ were origi nally found Shimmel said the Oregon Wildlife Rehabilitation Associ ation provides a network ol about Kill reliahhers statewide, and animals are sent to the lo cations with similar animals when possible said a li cense is required to care toi most indigenous animals Local veterinarians assist the i enter on a regular basis bv ex auditing animals, taking x-rays, and putting animals to sleep when necessaix. Shimmel said the number ol volunteer veter inarians has remained steads while the animal intake has greatly lilt leased, so a lower percentage receive a visit Irom the vet WWKR is funded entirely t>\ donations and fundraisers and continunlh suffers shortages I he c enter usually receives be tween $100 ami $100 eac h month, and rent for the build mg $400 Shimmel said it is diffic ult for her to w rite grants to help reduc e the funding c rune h since " we spend so nun h time putting out immedi ate tires ' She added it would be- helpful it a student volun leer could work on a grant A run walk will be hcdcl June 24 to benefit U'WKK beginning at Alton linker Park, with do nated prizes to be awarded. An mini sponsorships or "adop times" are also available* Spoil sorship funds are used for food, housing, and medic al services, supplies, and equipment ac cording to the center's fall luM'l newsletter Sponsors are issued a i ertificate with their animal's name Orientation meetings me held every Wednesday .it 7 tl) p m to help educ ate the public and potential i al u nI eers WWKR is open from B a in to u id p m daily tor anim.d in take, and a 24-hour hotline is available for emergencies Shimmel also visits local schools to help educate c hil dren about w ildlife. * AUNKRUND * at ro« bahtiesand birthdays ' 0VIDEO ► GAMES AIL GAMES WORE WITH nickels ADMISSION 1 50 5TH STREET PUIIIC MAMET EUGENE • (S3 S4«4 J