Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Soviets get planned
parenthood advice
By Hon Walker
Emeraid Associate Eoito
In October 1'IHH. .1 delegation
from Kugene s Soviet sister city
of Irkutsk brought home a mini
her of souvenirs from their first
official visit to the 1'nited
Among the souvenirs were a
few newsletters written by Ku
gene Planned Parenthood edu
cation director Mary Widoff
The newsletters, titled
"There's No Place Like Home
For Sex Hducation." were
distributed in the Tinted States
last January Now. thev have
been translated into Russian
a n d will be d i s t r i b 111 e d
throughout the Soviet Union as
Widoff returned Suiuluv from
a visit to the Soviet t Inion.
where she appeared on a na
tional television program .is a
representative of Planned Par
She also spoke to te.it hers
and other groups on a topic
that is now ret eiving more at
tention as sexuality issues in
the country are being brought
into the open
"Kssentiallv, there is no sex
education,'' she said
In the Soviet Tnion. as in the
t inted States. Widntt said sex
ualitv is a taboo top it that most
adults are embarrassed to tbs
t uss "Thev’re a lot more re
served about it than we are."
she said.
However, main in the nation
are realizing that sex education
is needed in a si hool s\stem
that dot's not t'vt’ii oflt'r hash
health i nurses, she said
"Thev've rent bed the point
where they understand that
there are enough problems in
the area of sexuality that they
h <i v e t o e d urate in t it e
schools.'' Widolf said
Unwanted pregnancy is a
problem in Soviet culture
birth control is expensive, dh
fit tilt to obtain, and often ol
poor quality. Widolf said On
the other hand, abortion is free
making it the nation's leading
method of hirlh t ontrol
The average Soviet woman
ret fives eight or nine abortions
in her life, presenting a grave
health risk , she said
Keen it more birth control
methods were available, taboo
and shame still would shroud
the issue, and it would he net
essarv tor attitudes to change
before behav lor does she said
Some Soviets Widolt spoke
to were concerned about hnv
mg sex adulation imported to
their young people there, con
sidering the United States has
one of the highest rates of abor
lion and unintended pregnant \
despite its sex eduction pro
However, the Soviets incur
rectly concluded that sex edu
cation here is consistent and el
feet i ve I rum community to
community, which it is not
she said
' I hev think that we do a lot
ol sex edut ation and that we do
Turn to SOVIETS. Page 9
Phi Beta Kappa
Alpha of Oregon Chapter
University of Oregon
Alpha of (t hapter of l9hi lU tti Kappa
|>mm4ill\ (imtoutn i’n the names of I S9 \tiulent
elected to membership in 1990. 1‘ot mfonnatuni
about l9h i lift a Kappii, util the chapter u\ ret ary
nr l4<vS}96. I he 1989 90 mnnK ii inwnK
(ft* i htiir i ^ I heltna (jr eenfield, I h'ptit tmetil of
I tigiish, I4h- i9S $.
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lifathft Dimn Honmlia
/Mtn \nfonuJ Hiiukhnu
Knf hunm Nai^i'iit Half
firm « Allt’ii Hunti >
1 >ijun Mam Kimj
1990 Stanley H.
Greenfield Phi Hela
Kappa I ssav Pri/e
(. VutKt'ti l . Nli Intodi
1 lonorahle Mention
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Ad ditional
Mem hers-1 led
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Slrirn Mm 'hull Kmiw?
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Kail I ouiM Rose
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\\ll ^ 'ikoMIOlil
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