Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Temp agencies see increase in business
Some workers angered by
low pay and little security
By Stephanie Mencimer
Pic 111 re in vour mind .1 kelly
Girl: A bright. perky vmmg
woman, perhaps .1 college stu
dent or rec ent graduate who is
ready to till in for <1 sick sei re
tarv or vac ationing data pro* es
sor in ii lot >il business
The offic e manager is grate
tul to have someone able to till
in on a moment's notice and
even otters to help the kelly
Girl find .1 permanent job in her
field The arrangement works
out r\el! for everyone involved
Now picture this
In early 1‘lHH. Maurice Kay
applied for a job as a meter
reader .it the Kugene W ater and
Electric Board While Kay yyas
yy.iiting tor an opening the su
pervisor from the KW'KH land
scalping department needed a
temporary worker and called
Kay in bee uuse of his past e\pe
rience with the state park ser
Kav worked in the landscape
department for six months on
the KW KH pay roll, and the puli
< y at KW-'EH is to provide insur
ance and vacation benefits for
any employee who has yvorked
there for six months
lint rather than pay benefits
to Rav EM EH I,lit) him off on
paper overnight and the next
morning put hint on tlm payroll
of a local Manpower Tempo
rar\ Services agent \
Kav worked for another six
months with the IvH 1 If land
st ape t row although let hnit al
1\ he was employed hv Man
power At (he end of six
months KUhlt transferred Kav
hat k onto its own payroll
Out e again alter six months
KUKB's personnel department
laid off Kav and rehired him
through Manpower the next
ti.iv Then .liter another three
months and one week making
a total ol 21 months. KU KH
told Manpower Ray’s services
were no longer required and he
was out ol work lor good
To this tlav Kav has never
set foot in a Manpower offit e
The temporary employment
agent v is not what it used to
Temporary employment is
one of the fastest growing set
tors of the et tinoniv In I ..me
( utility alone tempoi. • agen
ties jumped from emp i mg
Ti5.l people in lftH 1 to emp v
ing 2400 in 1 flH‘1. with 11■
steepest increase between ltIHTi
anil I'ltt'l
I n the month ol Mart It. three
l AH r COUNT* . ! <M 1 - 1
7 A
Iitths ul the lut.i! serv K r sim Ini
growth came from temp agon
i ies At the same time the a\
erage emplovee pa\ has plum
meted from UIH1 high ol
$12,710 .mnuallv to $‘t >H t in
1980, according to statistics
compiled f>\ the State ol (lie
gon Ihnplos meot I livision
Ken Km i o. the regional
economist tor the State ol Ore
Hun Kmplovmunl Division, s.iul
tin' drop in p.i\ m,iv In' iliio to ,i
i hungo m thr It'inpor.irv rin
plovnii'iit husinnss sim i■ thr
I'.irlv tilts Mr saiil ho huliuvus
tho agunoius m,iv liiivo plat oil
inoro lull tiino I'liiplovoos m
tho past than thov do now and
tho inoro,iso in part tiino work
ors has rodm oil tho annual a\
or.igo pav
Mill lilt' t«*nip<u.11\ t'liiplnv
mi'iit iini'Mi v should not hr t oil
lust’d w till uu i-in|>lt>\ uiiuit
,ini’ll! \ whoso piiin.irv fuut lion
is to liud pernmn«*iit |ohs for
proplr look I iik lor work
A lump axtuu s woiks In
si rt'tuiiUK tind Ini ms; proplr
Ihfii i onlr.it linn them out lo
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