Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Spring cleaning
Ron I'rikim I,it ilil\ ni.in.nirr for H.ix \vnnl licit! t lenns mil the steeple / h,i>r pit in
prep> Util ion tm liitl.n c\cninc s I'rclunttiiiie ( Inssit
I’hnlii li\ S!r\ c ( .ii (I
20% Sal* dots not include: courasbooha.
(Urn processing, tobacco product*, class rings,
academic rogaHa, computers, software, Iannis
bans, and llama already priced as sala merchandise
as wall as soma electronic equipment which Is
already priced extremely competitively No further
discounts, cash register sales only, limited to stock
on hand. Main store at 13th and Kincaid only.
UO Bookstore
1310 & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331
BSU to hold elections
Ml ! I !\i;s
KMl Hoard meets tonight at
"i to m the I All' Board Room
Students lor ( reative \nar h
ronism will hold its final moot
ing tonight at 8 to in Agate
Room 1 ( .ill 1-iO 0700 for mint
informal ion
Et als
Women in Transition s l.es
hian Support Group moots to
da\ at l to p m in ( All ’ ( on
turv Room I
Am ient astronauts and ar
i haeologists .no the snbjet Is ot
a lecture to ho given tonight at
7 to at the Museum of Natural
Historv lotto I ltthAve
\iis< i:i i wi'.oi s
Hlac L Student I'nion will
hold elec turns tonight from i> to
7 ill m the I Ml' Hun Lindt’i
Deadline tor suhmittint; Ft
als In f/ieKinerald front desk.
I 'Ml' Suite .100, is noun the da\
before publication Ft als run
the day of the event unless the
event occurs before noon
/’lease submit Ft als the tla\ be
fore they are to run only. Vo
tires ot events with a donation
or admission charge will not be
aitcpted Campus events .mil
those st hedtried nearest the
publication date will be given
priority The Kmerald reserves
the right to edit notices for
grammar ami st\ le
Do it with the information you need, from the
place that can't he beat when it comes to travel.
S.S. Adventure
Traveler’s Supply
G NKH |\*arl Street. Eugene
' fllr G 1 Open Moil-Sat
» s • * • !■ • neighborhood cafe, fea
turmg home baked breads and desserts.
Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees
Good food at a reasonable price
Weekend Dinner Special —
Friday & Saturday
Eggplant Parmigiana, tossed green
salad, garlic bread.$4.95
W bth at Lawrence
7 a m to 9 p m Mon Sat
7 a m to 2 p m Sundays
Breakfast til 2 p m
I otter IVrtixt Graphiis 34i ■!.
No matter who you are.
professional typesetting and camera work
can help you.
>■ t:ir ■. ' i
t (i ... .ition • it)> • •
. . -mi' ' ’ - ■ ^ 5 P! '
•'V o* ?ytv
» v -K-S.-9ns a !>ns>,h«f<j took ww»tft
?y(Si^ I.- ,;apy and camef? wotk
Youf presentations can be more effective
,vm PMT-. ,i'hJ typeset .captions