letters Hughes This letter is to talk about one of our student leaders who works very hard lor our student movement Different rumors about him have been around i ampus for many years that he is this or he is that But my personal experience working with him at different levels lor about three years has show n me other far es of this person His incredible advocacy tor students' rights is unquestion able .it the national level Prob lems like student tuition, finan cial aid. i hild i are. discrimina tion, salaries of our profession al staff, more money lor our ed m ation. and funds for national education are the issues he ex posed to the House of Repre sentatives and Senate in Wash ington I).(! when we worked together in that i itv This letter is not to defend him Iron) the attacks on i am pus This hitter is to make a tribute to someone whose ef forts have not been deeply seen before Thank you. Tim Hughes, for tile good things you have done not only on our i arnpus but also at the national level Armando Morales Student Messages Why do the people of Tugene i ontinue to i ritici/.e the I fad dies:' I like the Daddies In nil eyes, they .ire one ot the only local hands that addresses a contemporary so< m political ( oiliest The Daddies tori e their audi ence to examine complex is sues The Daddies' lyrus give intelligent insight into a variety of problems faced by modern six ietv Anyone yvho fails to see this is missing the most ini portant point ot this t ontrover sial hand Songs such as "l’p From The (hitter’’ make us look at issues that need to he i on fronted I’ll let you dei ide what this song is about 'i es. it is true that in main wavs lead singer Steve IVrrv is an offensive ( harai ter l et us remind ourselves tins is rot k and roll, a lorm ot expression whit li is famous for breeding intelligent, vet offensive char at ters Would am of \ on i house to bring home the lead singer of a hand whose tirst al hum was rated the second greatest of all lime hv Rolling Stone magazine namely John n\ Kotlen? Hut tain anyone deny the important e of Hot ten’s message’’ Let us he a let more open minded about this mtisii lie lore you criticize ask yourself, what is the artist trv mg to sav Win is he doing this’ What is his message? Shawn F.fran Kugene HATE WATE *KTE ’ i* ','flf CtVtfy mu* *irtV»« r PREOCCUPIED TERRITORIES ▼ Jewish Students ohser\ mu Rush Ilashanah ma\ register lor fall term at an alternative time. Please stop In the (MTiee ol the Registrar tor details. I hi.- / m\ i t \il\ i >1 ( )t< i»'it I' .in Li/u.if i tfffs •rtuniti .if hi in.mu .n In *n imittuthv14 iUtmuth'J In l ullut.il ih\crut\ __ Oregon IKiih _ _ Emerald pn B*.» 11 <•», E u^cnc «>,rj{«wi <»’■*«' The < .mg, i Da ly Fir.-f.iii1 -s published Muntlay through Friday •• • c tip( during a.-.-h ami va> .it -ns t>y the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University >1 Oregon I ugone, Oregon The Finer.iUI is •.-per.tled independently <.-* the University with otc ■ •" the third floor . f the f rh Memorial Union ami is a member of the As*., mated P'oss The Fmeraid ,s private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros m utable by law Editor T flute.IS P' well Managing Editor Aim e Wheeler Editorial Editor Don Peter*, Graphics Editor Mark Yien Encore Editor Kelvin Wee Associate Editors Community Hon Walk Higher Education/Administration ( n Reporters Jolm AmPado Peter Coy Holland, Joe Kidd lay SivtiSind Alisa* fhornton News Editor Sports Editor Supplements Editor Night E ditor i hnstopher T rat y Sui Daria Jar l hnstopher Student Government/Activities 1 utheu.w h.iau-v Ftouneff Features Demst* CltHuf well Asf'ley Conklin Dan I isler Step Lakelish Pat Ma»a. h Stephan;,, Men. nmn Bl.nr Photographers Sieve r a/d Marlin Thiel Advertising Maureen Eler-widem Mark Bom Jaye Shrine Hagen l» of! 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