Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Emerald fir dltO rill 1
Leave Dead alone
to perfomi for fans
Well, the (baleful Dead are dm* back in Kugeno in
lain |til\ for two shows, and as they say themselves.
"Wherever we go the people all complain
Right after the shows were announced (the Dead's
first visit since 19BH) members of the city government
began to express concerns about having the Dead and
their seemingly limitless number of followers grat ing
the streets of our sweet town
In recruit years the (.rateful Dead have been
blocked from numerous concert balls around the na
lion due to an inc reasingU negative reputation The
usual t omplaints range from badly behaved t out ertgo
ers. to vending that t annul be taxed, to people urinat
mg on lawns, and excessive arrests
While some ol these com erns are valid sin h as the
arrests, that can tost a cits a great deal ol money to
process, others are found at most rock concerts t'nlor
Innately for the Dead, tin v have had more than 20
years to develop then renow nod reputation
Over lilt; past leu years the Dead have made ex
tensive efforts to curb th»*s»- problems Uluru concert
Ik kets .iic sold through tlit* mail, (hr Dead send letteis
with tin; tu kets asking people not to sell ( lollies. jew
i'lr\ rU at tom rits. to behave themselves anti to re
member lh<it it they don't, the Dead may not be asked
bark to the tow n again
On the other hand, there .ire main towns that are
more than happv to open their doors to the Dead and
company In addition to their then devoted audience,
till' Dead are also known for bringing a lot of monr\ to
the towns they pia\ in luigene is no exception
Tile last time they were here, about $5 million was
dropped in I'ugene That w as only lor one show Imag
ing what kind of revenues we will be looking at with
two shows
Local hotels benefit great lx from the concerts
U hen the Dead are in town, hotels from here to the
coast and as tar north as Salem are all booked Lven
now some hotels are filled up for that weekend: some
were booked weeks ago
People who rent hotel rooms pay a guest tax which
goes into local government. The city mav complain
that it incurs extra cost lor Dead concerts (extra police
patrols and c ourt and litigation c usts). but to be realis
tic . a lot of money comes into the town, including ho
tel taxes
Local restaurants, specialty shops and the Saturday
Market all do ven well when tlu* (hateful Dead come
to town And local store owners and employees who
interact with the* fans say they are "nice* people" and
they haven’t had am problems with them
Perhaps the only real problem is that people just
don't like the (hateful Dead and their fans, which is
fine Hut you cannot deny HO,000 or more people* from
.i couple of enjoyable afternoons just because you don’t
like* them or their music.
N.v r:i*' He's
U>- -j’hoiie a^dn.asking
h>v s^^rty advfc‘.c on 14 ir
Unification of* his
< juni
■■ r?
Field burning measure needs support
I! Oregon SI,tie Sen (irattan kerans has
his wa\ . Held limning w ill he no mure
The topic has a sper nil plai t- in kerans’
platform It is a subjer I he kept in the pnh
lii \ eve din ing the 1IIH9 Legislature and has
i ontmned to plug awa\ at ever sim e
field horning is the practice in which
grass seed tanners ton h then fields to i lear
them attei a harvest It is cheap, effective
and iiim k I he tanners lobbying group, the
Oregon Seed (iouncil. has worked overtime
to prevent am sort of anti-field burning bill
from being passed
Although the ()st i stvmied kerans’ el
forts in 111 HO he has organized a signature
campaign to put a measure on the November
ballot whir h would phase out and eventual
1\ ban field burning
II passed, the bill would start a five-year
proi rss B\ 1‘ffil the number of acres burned
would he reduced bv 50 percent In 1995
glass seed farmers would he reipiired to ei
ther stop burning altogether, or find a more
at i eptahle method, sm h as burning with
kerans measure deserves full support.
Right now. 225.000 acres of grass seed are
burned in the W illamette Valley every year
Over 20.000 tuns of pollution are released
annually into the atmosphere Hverybodv re
members the tragi( August 10HK ,ti ( ident in
which seven people died when smoke hum
an out-of-control grass seed lire blew over
Interstate "> Such an accident should not
have happened and should he prevented
from net un ing in the future
Despite what the OS(! and other critics
would have you believe, Reruns is not out to
"get" the grass seed industry. He is trving
to stop a major form of air pollution Field
burning is not the onlv wav to dear fields
The alternatives may not he as financially at
tractive. hut they are better for the env iron
The proposed measure will not ruin the
industry (Irass seed is important to the
state, which is why Reruns' measure has tax
i redits and breaks for farmers who svviti h to
cleaner methods of field-clearing. Also,
grass seed i haft (the part farmers burn) can
be used for livestock feed, as is now done in
lapan and other countries. Hither way the
grass seed industry will survive.
Reruns' ballot measure has fewer than
hall of the 0,400 needed signatures. Find .1
copy of the measure and sign it Then sup
port it in the November election. Otherwise,
tons of pollution will continue to he
dumped into our atmosphere.
\\ 111 iii 111 Moore s i oinmen
larv ((Ml/- May I i <>■ based on
tun unproven premises l ust
th.il '(.oil exists us something
other than a "tutional reality
(like Batman") Se< oml that
the Dei alogue ant) the Bible are
the rev ealeil law ol (aid
Moore erroneously assumes we
will make the " leap ol tail ll
with him Ilis argument makes
many false i laims
Hat h soi iety and i ulture
evolves its own moral and ethi
i al i ode based on its i m uui
stain es and needs Then- are no
moral absolutes! The (’.olden
Rule "Do not do unto others
that which you would not have
them do unto you" is the most
universal "natural" under
standing assuring maximum
soi lal peai e and progress
Some passages ol the Bible
t ontain beauts .mil u isdom
(liven die horrors ignorant zeal
ots inspired b\ tile Bible have
committed. it merits i idii tile
( Ileal 1\ die Bible has bad ar
tistii and si ientifie impai t \b
salom's rooftop i opulation
s\ ilb his fatliei s i oik ubines ill
Samuel lb -II) (I u bile i ei
tainls not an original perlor
mance. was doubtless an earh
production ol wh.it became
Fiddler on the Foot
Si lentists should ask the de
void to arrange a musical audi
lion tin "(aid as suggested
Wherefore mv bowels shall
sound like an harp for Moab
and mine inward parts tor Kir
haresfi " (Isaiah In It)
While prudence recommends
an outdooi performance it is
possible the devout would in
sisl on tin' Hull ('enter Scien
tists w ill recogni/.e possibilities
tor investigation ol hydraulic
laws and chemical phenomena
provided by a "forte" exerted
from an "all powerful, all pres
out. supernatural being" m a
closed building If Oregon's di
vinelv anointed were required
to attend this command perfor
mance in full regalia, one sup
poses the loss of the Unit ('en
ter would he a small price to
( diemists and health proles
sionals could obtain valuable
experimental data studying the
(Idol of Sanctity" (rernotelv.
of i nurse] which would imbue
the devout m attendance The
pros pet t that some "si ientists"
on stall might also he lost
should not be considered
triage One could fondly, but
philosophic ally bid them
<iiiit'll .it ii pre-emu (Tt party
Bert Tryba
I am c oncerned over the new ■
K proposed parking structure
un Alder Street 1 feel the Uni
versity i iimpus already has en
tirely too much automobile trat
lu I am including me When I
drive to campus I park about a
mile aivav hei ause I really can’t
afford to park at a meter and
1 m usually going to bo on cam
pus more than two or three
hours anyway
I'm not complaining: I enjoy
(ho walk to school. I feel too
main people drive around the
campus area when they could
be hiking, walking or using the
bus system. Each student al
ready (lays money to be able to
use LTD and I think it is a great
Environmentally, there are
already way too many cars in
Eugene Let's not scrap the ten
nis courts just so we will have
one more parking structure and
one more excuse to lead a sed
entary life.
Stacie Olson
Health Education
-Letters Policy_
1 ho i-.mvrahi will attempt to print all letters contain
ing comments on topics of interest to the University