CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 225 APTS.-DUPLEXES 6.'.. V ■ I .. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2 bdrm apt avail June Sept $42S/mo 17th and Patterson Heather 346 8540 FEATURING The Millruce Apartments STARRING low Summer Rates ON LOCATION AT 1805 Garden Ave * Flowered Courtyards * Laundry Facilities • Friendly Management 2 Bedrooms from S375 Call Gary 345 7275 Jennings & Co 683 2271 LOOKING HIGH & LOW $250 Cali manager at 484 1 165 Bennet MgmtCo 916 0a* 200__ NEED A PLACE TO STAY FOR THE SUMMER? | let m.d June to mid September idates are somewhat flexible) Front ,5 back yard house fully furnished i Prefer grad student or couple RENT S225/mo (util mcl) DEPOSIT $300 (refundable) IF INTERESTED. CALL MfCHAtl AT 345 2817 NOW LEASING The Collegian U of O 18th X Alder The best m student living - 19 home cooked meals per week > . 11.• path Air conditioning i : m„ir Call J ihn or Bob 844 3684 SUMMER RATES Cedarwood Quads An affordable alternative t.> shared ' ampus living All utilities pa- : < a now for summer availability 344 > Jennings & Co 683 4219 NOW RENTING for summer and Furn 1 and 2 bdrm units near muv bldg Call after 5pm Ridgewood Apis 688 5769 NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL LG 1 BDRM ap! < 1 nse to ampus > i lean quin! complex Lg wain m el separate vanity and bath laundry .overed parking Larry 4H4 4 103 QUADS STUDIOS. 1 bedroom 2 bed room available June Bth 343 4109 QUIE T ;> BDRM K An house near . • pus* Private patio covered parking laundry no pets Lease $439*489 1437 High 344 7434 342 8658 Ave»; able June 10th covered REAL SUMMER pfce- 735 E 17th . blk west < an pus 1 bdrm furnished apt 343-2114 • 14-158 ROOM FOR RENT 1930 Onyx i 14 2 ?>*• ► ’■ • ' M.. Court June 13th Sep! 15th Red $250 l pay utilities Cai! 485 1010 anytime STUDtO FURN all utilities pd Sum mer rate $250 Please call to see June 2 and 3 only 343 2540 SUBLET JUNE. 10 SEPT 1 Studio. 1 block to campus $240 rno 485 5981 lv msg SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor I860 Aldei Slroel in noA ‘or summer availability Stu dios 1 and 2 bedrooms Don t be i aught m the annual Fall crunch1 344 5695 Jennings 8 Co 683 4219 SUMMER RENTAL txlrm 14th h Aider June *6 Sept 16 $300 Jason 485 1087 or Dave 343 0438 TAKING RESERVATIONS for sum MER AND FALL Large lean quiet ? txlrm 1 blk to UO Low low Summer rates New carpet Dishwasher Ji*pos ai sundeck laundry, lots of packing 683 8919 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND FALL LOW SUMMER RATES lg quiet 1 & 2 bdrm turn apt 1 block uO 1442 E I8lh Mgr N- 19 34 4 4 760 225 APTS.-DUPLEXES SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor & Umv Manor irsoAidei .'4r> f ism Studio t Bedroom $250 $265 2 Bedrooms $375 $395 if U ’< 1 ' BLOCKS EROM CAMPUS S?70-June S/SO-July 5 Au, 1 WEST 4th APTS 2 BORM F URN APT : BEDROOM $445 i BEOROOM $325 WORM APT n! SaveSH' 230 QUADS AIDER STREET QUADS lion Sl49-;mont h Ft,?served covered parking ava-tabie Call today W’ *'949 • ■ i T a Apts 7 .3$ E 14th S’- i-m June IS Aug .11 $200 deport TYLER PARK QUADS quads with private baths An utilities paid On site laundry, olt street park Jennings & Co 683 4219 WILLOWTREE Quads 1560 Lincoln Street * Private Baths * Large Shaied Common Areas * Quiet Location * Private and Comfortable • S233 239 Call 343 5087 Jennings & Co 683 2271 235 HOUSES BIG HOUSE 2,800 SQUARE. FEET Safeway 3 blocks Parking Absolutely posit Available July ! 2057 Wiliam etfe 485 8290 or 345 7987 iw* ■.jmwnn HOUSE WANTED S25 Finders fee j ‘Unique style *3-* bedrooms I 'SE Location ’Long term avail •Sec 8 acceptable Refeieu *$600 or less monthly i Call today 344 3622 MOUSE f OH rSl SUMMt ft 3 bdrmtb 1 bath 2 car garage | June lb Sept 15 $600 mo and util Call eves 342 1672 SALE By OWNER .'*>00 borne . ' *• earn ars/RV p<»<*’ *itf. Mepia • Vafv»*' able timber 746 9tt69 alter 4pm ?35 HOUSES CAMPUS 2 BLOCKS M S' 14 5 *9 VMi »< ■ $2' ?40 ROOMS f XI I L SiOR CAf f [VtNTS Mt XICO CITY Beyond the limits of Modernization Institute Facuity ' a institute D«fi Goidfith a tflr fi* •.! 'y ■’ l at • A Institute Credits not required For more m Da#ul\ u'tam 1 F rmgr ; ■ o. -s - Special F ee S ' •.u time- fee S * ‘ M University of Oregon Summer Institute for the Study of M«*ican literature and History 250 MOVING SALES ; AND DUA; Ur * ' V t ’ At speeke* rtm, rcmave 3SOX At MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your... STUFF!!! Advertise any item/ttems tor sale the Daily Emerald Pa* 4 days alj 'regular rates and if the -tern does nut; i■>*»'i m 4 days .i1 u» and a-- a ider It for 4 more Single party ads '■■■■, pleas** Place ads at Daily Emerald Room 100 EMU UO Bookstore & The EMU Mam Desk or call us and charge it at 346 4 343 N i Refunds N VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 250 MOVING SALES WHAT A BARGAIN IS ♦ 260 ROOMMATES WANTED f EMAli ROOMMATE wanted Sum m**f only Ni-; m home > ,t> »o ->m pus Slfl/S. mo 34 J 9044 280 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT DO, > 1 •. > S'T SHOWS .M V' W» l ' r-. r:--T— Hf XXII 1NTIRNAHONAl iTOURNEE OF ANIMATION « take a twp to tmC moo FOR ALL , MANKINDj hi iiiiiiiiiii k STAHW fPlPAY U H >01 RT DUVAl L • FAVfc DUNAWTAV NAT ASM A TOC HARDSON in * 1 111 HANDMAID'S k U0 «*> TOM NANAS Ml G MYAN JOE VS. THE VOLCANO^ rarcaignai rra m3 ' " N KF mi-r.olCAIEfUSM lKl DR. CALIGARI now William Tomyhl Mji a""1 University Theatre Second Season presents BAD GIRLS an original play by Lorilyn Jirges May 23, 24, 25, 26 May 31, June 1,2 Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 $3.50 General Public S2.50 Students 295 MASSAGE & BODY WORK THERAPEUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE • J{ ANINf VAN VACTOR l M T Phonw 48S 6927 AFFORDABLE 300 COUNSELING PM 'til t M . -.i ’f- - CROSSWORD ByEugeru Sheffer MMHf 1 ' ■ 1 t IIWI" .? " T.1 ACROSS 1 i'f ; pi.. whales 8 Arena 12 ,!f 14 Hnr 1e" 15 Hu-.-. • i* mounMm range 16 i l<" led >!i. mis 1 7 Smallest il .1 litter 18 t .Hill -nl 20 Make . taco 22 11'.' I.>r.i 26 Actor Navarro 29 Wralli 10 l "-il ,i" .11 . ilv. i, Hay islands 32 H the 33 l1 • ■ - 14 ■ . '.in 35 Dessert 36 ot sulking 1)7 40 .ri! 4 1 ' >A <' F VI 1 •t *» i’ ' 111 4 7 I .'ll- • 49 Hutu-It >! K.liv,.i . 90 N.iutii .il term 51 Mu Hill 52 1' .-rr.- ■ qifHneml 53 fiiMliy lilrn 54 Horn 55 ifuitihon DOWN 1 Sh-w ncmci :i i i'f •? *, I knit * 4 f ’. 1> ifM JHHjp I rujliir 7 I yptf >f 8 ward 9 in. i. customed 10 i if ift * sirK led tf «M'M j( (If I 11 1 hi C>| iconic 19 N• Hand 21 I ' »!h'! Solution time 22 nnns Tuesday's Answer CHYPTOQIIIP ?3 .V ,--k ■ ; ilrvi *!♦*•• ?*1 ' v! *'' of l)r> l ' l.Mdei 26 tfii)h■!11 . , n i . 28 > .’led *V, ! !>•( 32 Ja,v inslru menial,'.! 33 Al i lutufe 35 1 r Alley 36 II.. ’ . m datable 38!,!., ■ i urve\ 39 A.' m3 42 ! i , f taly 43 1 lei I ’ , pseudonym 44 48 Mi 46 I ’-u island 48 I! M.i:, [iene(! Nic)ia V li l» X l< (. I A I I) I II \ () O (, I A I V (» A VI Tuesday’s Crvpfoquip: I <)( il( Al MAN MAKINIi \ lll.M ON HOI KS HAS II) ( AS I 11II I Ills I S |( INI Iodav s I rvptoquip < In*- A equals N TTu- (ryptoquip is a simple .substitution cipher in wlueh each letter used stands for anotlier If you think that X equals (), it will equal () throughout the puzzle Single li't ters, short words, and words using an a|>ostrophe can give you clues to locating vowels Solution is accomplished by trial and error v l>y t* .mij f ' y«1s )' Daily Dm era I cl Classil ieds VISA Call f 346-43451 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson CjNv t UMON A TlMt IULW >*S 1 a: mold ir tuts STOUT DolSNl HWt ANt SMOOT UPS IN IT, DOtS V' ~*r '• Hot RtAU-1 Mil it, It) NAtAN.'.M » AN< VKOi ANSI < ' AH' AK •SA'.V')' AN1 d.NO I’MtfV