Sports I'hulo i>\ I hwl Pm-10 polr vault chump llrian Cullen has hern translerreil from a Fresno. Calif, to Cumene's Sat red Heart Ceneral Hospital where he will untlrixn a leni’th) rehabilitation proi ess Cullen transferred to Eugene By Ashley Conklin (Iri'iimi puli' v ,iit I Irr Brian ( ii 1 leu returned In laigone late Tuesd.n evening ami is now in S,u red I Irait ( ianer.ll I Inspital w hn i n he will n nili*rgo a lanolin ri'lialnlilaliiui prm ass lo Ins laft knaa (aillon spoilt most of the last V\ aak at Saint Avilas Mailnal ( antai in I rasno ( alii altai sannnslv iti|uring Ins lalt knaa at ilia I'm u Ball tint k maat a! I'resno Stala last I'hursdav in an attampt to ipialih lot tIn 's. ( : \ \ maat < u I Ian s mjur\ rnav lia i arani ending \ltai injuring Ins knaa ( ail Ian underwent tom hours ol vascular surgarv lata Ihtirsdav availing ami was tasting altar ward wlula dm tors warn living to datarmina d ha would llaad turthar surgarv ()u l uasda \ ( u I Ian was transferred to I ugene hut dot tors still don’t know il further surgarv will ha uaadad on what has ottii ially haan ilast nhad as a dislm atail lalt kllaa I lia ( Iragotl Spi n ls I nloi ma tion Office which is handling all inturviuw and othai madia reiptesls for I aillen said only lamily members arc a I lowed to v is11 ( 11Itcii now \ftei Iasi Phursdny s Mir geiv. ( aillen is slill nndi'i unite a Ini of pain from the injurs said i lav < V\ illdord assistant sports intonnation duet lor He's sleeping during the and awake at night with a lot of pain. \\ illdord said U illdord saHI more would he known in the next lew duss re Harding am possible tuturc sin gets, hut the rehabilitation pro i ess will indeed he a lengths one Right now I he wound s ini tial portion has to heal he said I he re a re also some nerves and must le tissue that is lorn that ..Is to heal While ( nllell stays in the hospital bed Ins t hisses go on and with final exannnat ions next w eek . ( .ary (irav the nth let n depart men! s aeadeniii eo i>rdmalm has been III touch w dh all ot l ullen s professors All ot them had been ofli i iallv not died last I ridav that he was in the hospital ( any said As ( ullen s status in the hos pital is day to day • .iav said lie really didn't know how i iTt.iin prulessi os would ilr,11 \\ i 111 I adieus status bul said tliiit in i onipletes in I hisses in be m.ide up l.itei were tile likely ( boll e It s up lii e.n li professor be i mse Mime It.ive polu les where llie\ dull 1 give iill onipleles. lull I III in i| sme d there s v er\ many el lliein, lie I ,u h [ > I ule ssur I hell (I ill el enl learning proi edui'es |l really .1 i lass by i lass thing I hie thing w ill help I ill leu .it ailemii .illy is that he is one ut the tup student athletes mi the tiai k team I hlllen is an lliinnis (aillege student at the t 'mversity and is pursuing a double inajoi in ei iiniiinii s and u s \ 11 h i n i g h i u | ii r i e s atenl something i iiai lies athletes or tails like tu see it's enough ut a i oni limnul it V that (bay lias dealt with tlie situation many lime, before It -, not something we like In see and it's an utihirluunte situation lint it does happen lie .aid I lia! s just the nature ut ulliU'ta s CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 10b PERSONALS \TU Love,K A FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM’ 105 PERSONALS Ternfic Gamma Phi Oancaii ,.FIRST PLACE VARIETY SHOW" CAN YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE? H'j PERSONALS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PSYCHOLOGY MAJORS Fall T#rm P** Sling tu-., PERSONALS A i Happy ! n#l you A'iil m.1% s-OOftei You'll bo Cf&4b*«l» jarm *0*01 P $ C U on 6 ?8 P: ANNf O PARfNTMf .oO PLANNING SNTfcN PERSONALS K * v \ i li this JMjM i IT’S READY THf SUMMERTIME SCHEDULE OE CLASSES ios PERSON&l S iT CHRIS 8 & TODD H ♦NINTENDO* 100'S OF HINTS SECRET PASSWORDS SCORf BUSTING TIPS 1-900-HOTHINTS \H )NDAYs 1 HK< H Luncheon Specials Phad Thai $3.95 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT I fisr.ur- \t'\t in t m (> IUjdAsffjfi' H7‘> I ith 5-4 i.’li 52 PAPER DUE NEXT WEEKl?! PAPER DUE TOMORROW 1?! NO TIME TO TYPE IT!?! FOOTNOTES is still having their SI per page introductory offer for their TYPING SERVICE. Bring your paper by Room 21 in the EMU—we can usually have it out in 24 hours. Put your time into STUDYING for FINALS — let US do the TYPING 11 Your Student Discount: Use it or lose it. Microcomputer Support Lub 202 Computing Center 346 4402 Monday - Friday 9a m to 5p.m