Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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    Daily Emerald
Skipper fails to qualify for finals at NCAAs
Other Ducks do advance
By Ashley Conklin
[ In' hopes the Oregon men's
lr.n k le.im h,i<l ill vs inning .1 n.i
lional rhiimpionship might
have mine mil the window
Wednesday when \ 11 Skipper
failed In ipialils Ini the Iinal 1 it
the javelin
The 1 Ini ks li.ni 1 .(Hinted on
Skipper at least si til mg III the
javel III III I III la \ s finals, hut
Sk ippei hail a lies! 1 il on 1 \
2 2 1 III U i'll iii'mIat the
\( \A ( hainpioiishijis at Dm
ham N t
( aiming into the meet Sk ip
per had a best ut 2 In 1 wliii h
was also the sislli liesl throw in
the N't \ \ this season Skipper
hail heerr innsistentls ovei Ill
fei'l this season anil llilew
2 11 'I at the I’ai il 11 10 I onler
eric e meet two weeks ago to fill
ish set ninf
Sk ipper 11 n 1 s heil 11th in
Wednesd.iv's ipialilyrng Inals
with mill the top 12 ailv.im mg
to I ridas s linals
()lher than Sk ippei, the ( ire
gun anil men and women got
through the first ila\ of trials
relatis elv iinsi allied
l.eailiug the was lor the men
were Kit k Mesllei and Danns
l.ope/. in the 1.(100 metei slee
pier base
Mestlei won the sei mill heal
(it the steeplechase in It -Itj 77
while 1.ope/ wits fourth m the
same hc.lt 111 II -)M 111 1(1 easily
qual ifv f«>i I relay s steeple
( liiisc final
rile tup sc\l'll times 111 till
set mid lie.il would have lieen
good enough to win I lie first
In tin first lie.il ot the stee
pli'i Iirsc l ye Viin S< hoiai i i.m
t! VI lll hut hilled lo qualify hu
the finals
The heat and humidity of the
l ast ( oast is expci ted to give
the (list.mi e runners priihlems
throughout the meet hut on
Wednesday conditions were
i ool with a little y\ iml said
a meet spokesman It was not
hot oi humid
Temperatures were projected
to lie in the high lids in low 70s
oil Wednesday hut .lie expert
ed lo llse throughout the rest of
the meet
Long jumper Latin Merry
seeking a third straight top six
placing won Ins flight of the
long jump, leaping '"> 1 Iter
r\ s mark y\as the sixth hest
lump ol the day
l.levvllyn Starks ol Louisiana
State had the top mark at
70 I'
Another Oregon athlete who
Turn to NCAA Page 16
I ilt- photo
Onion's Danny l.npr/ had tha fuurth-fastost timr in Ihr hauls of Wednesday's d.OOO-nwtrr
strrplri hast- .it Ihr \l I t mart in Durham. \.C. hi rasily quulili lur Friday v finals. Irammatr
Kn A Mrsllrr had Ihr da i s laslrsl timr in Ihr m rnl.
stere°s > ^er'- «
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